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I picked The Legion up with the Dream Crime storyline and rapidly amassed all of the current run, plus Legion Lost and Legion Worlds (at a bit of an expense, but hey, the books are great). I'm now slowly working my way backward into the previous series (and I'll end up picking up Legionnaires too). I hope the TPBs folks are mentioning are really going to happen. That will make it easier for me to get my LSH fix.
On the current story, I honestly wish Superboy had not appeared at all. Granted, I wasn't reading back when it was "Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes", but I thought Legion was going fine without introducing Superboy. I am happy to see a Darkseid story, but I didn't need Superboy. But then, I don't have much of a sense for the roots of LSH. I just want neat space comic stories.
I've always been a LSH fan as far back as I can remember. Some of the changes they've made with the re-booted version I don't totally agree with but most are an interesting take on familiar characters and stories.
I like the look of the this new "great darkness saga" but I will be glad when we can just have a story that only lasts one or two issues. JLA and JSA are the same way. Great books but too many long drawn out stories.
Now that I think about it everything I'm reading right now seems to be in the middle of some type of issues spanning storyline. Although the JSA holiday issue was a nice break.
The long and drawn out stories are an unfortunate side effect of the corporate big wigs wanting everything to be packaged in TP's.
Another victim is the long running subplot. Claremont used to introduce single panl scenes, or apparently throw away characters, only have to them show up two or three years later. Then you'd go oh yeah, I remember that. It was cool. It would be very difficult to pass a longrunning substoryline like Terra's betrayal of the Teen Titans in today's editorial atmosphere.
Yeah, the did the Judas Contract as a TPB, but it missed all of the build up.
I know Mon-El had been leader waaaaay back in Legion #203. I only know this because it was the first issue I picked up back in the 70s.
I missed out on a lot of Legion back in the 90s because I was in the service and overseas. I've lost track of all the reboots since the Crisis and just try to keep track of what has happened since the Blight and Legion Lost.
I can't even remember what they did with Andromeda and Thunder at the moment...
I'm also a bit unclear on the current Karate Kid.
Is the current Fatal Five locked up? I can never keep track of what they've done with the Emerald Empress over the years...
Karate Kid is Val Armorr as he always was. His death in the early eighties run never happened due to Zero Hour. ZH restarted the LSH universe from scratch at eight o'clock day one.
Originally posted by Briel Karate Kid is Val Armorr as he always was. His death in the early eighties run never happened due to Zero Hour. ZH restarted the LSH universe from scratch at eight o'clock day one.
Ah, thank you. I had missed a lot of the Zero Hour storyline. I was in the service stationed overseas, so about 20 years of collecting comics was interrupted...
Originally posted by Mr. Pilkington The Fatal Five have had a fair amount of face time in the current series. And yes, I want a big fig of Validus too.
Keeping track of any Legion continuity has been difficult for me since the reboot. I think I am pretty clear since the Blight and Legion Lost stories though.
The WS6 Batch (or whatever they were called) threw me for a loop, then there was the timeline where they actually destroyed the Earth (I can't remember how they fixed that one!).
I kept collecting because I still loved the characters, I just gave up on trying to understand much of anything..