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I don't know that they've explored Bruce's training in the New 52. I don't remember anything about it. Maybe they have some insight from the upcoming Batman Year One storyline. Wouldn't surprise me either way though.
The only specific scenes of Batman training early in his career so far (of what I've read) is in Batman and Robin when he has a flashback to when he's training with Henri Ducard.
I don't remember reading anything about any other training he has had, and I read all the Gotham titles.
However, Batman Zero Year is the next big Batman Arc, so maybe we'll get some explanation from there.
I think it's just a mix up from the movie. I've been reading all the bat titles since the new 52 and there has been no mention of this. Also Batman has not dealt with Ra's in the new 52. He has only dealt with Talia but, that was carry over from the Batman Inc stuff before the change. Most of the mythos have been relatively unchanged.
Like someone mentioned about the upcoming Zero year that might shed more light. It's not like this would be the first time Wizkids did their own thing. Sinestro Corps Batman's bio is completely fabricated. The person that wrote the flavor text for the power probably only knows Batman from the movies.