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When Prof. X recruited her she was effectively a weather goddess to an African tribe. Her first appearance shows her acting in that capacity I believe. She frequently boasts of her deity when in battle.
Great figure. I need this last one to complete my set. Do any of u cool dudes here have one u can part with? By magic I made an "Amphibian" appear into my collection. (hint hint).
Great figure. I need this last one to complete my set. Do any of u cool dudes here have one u can part with? By magic I made an "Amphibian" appear into my collection. (hint hint).
I'll take that offer lol! :p
"First, tell yourself what you would become;
and then do what you have to do."
She has a commanding opening click with shades of the classic, IC-erc Vet Magneto (albeit with vital Running Shot added), but the nicest part of this dial design is how she lets out a tremendous RCE blast on click 4 and then switches to Combat Reflexes and Force Blast to respond to immediate threats who are probably adjacent to her. Her 9 or 10 range gives her a strong edge in modern where most figures max out at 8. With all those keywords, you're likely to be running theme and commanding an outdoor map for her to play on.
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Despite the two excellent Storms we just got in UXM, I still need to add this piece to my roster. The combination of imposing sculpt, huge range, and perfect keyword selection still have not been matched by any subsequent iteration.
great sculpt except it broke too easily. i think she would be better if her Weather Witch power increased her attack by 1 instead of range, as her attack values are pretty mediocre throughout.