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I'd take the E She-Hulk over her LE version anyday of the week. Why?
1. You talk about slapping the 10-point Nanobot feat on her to get solve the "2nd human clix", putting her cost up to 117. If you also slap the 8-point Movethrough for her lone Charge-click, that raises her cost to 125. That's a lot of points right there to fix this otherwise bad piece.
None of these feats are necessary to play Jennifer Walters. They're optional. In my opinion, she's fine as is. However, I feel that I would be remiss in my reviews if I didn't present some options for folks, and heaven knows there are plenty of feats one could put on E She-Hulk to balloon her already huge point cost even more out of whack.
Quote : Originally Posted by thanosrules
2. She has flurry clix (which I admit is nice) but you have to pretty much get lucky in having your opponent hit you on that clix on the front end. More likely than not, they'd blow right past it. On the bottom flurry end...who the heck's she gonna hit w/ AV of 8 & 7? Maybe IC Skrulls or something but then why bother going after them. For her point value, that'd be like a rook going after a pawn.
If Jennifer has been giving as good as she's been getting, I don't see a problem with her late dial attack values - which by and large are consistent with a lot of other figures' late dial attack values. It's also not unlikely that she'll get to use her Flurry and/or Quake.
Quote : Originally Posted by thanosrules
3. I think the E version has a lot more mobility than her LE counterpart.
Yep, she sure does. But Jennifer brings something extra to the table with her wildcard status if nothing else. Mystic Walters? Batman Walters? JSA Walters? The great options go on and on. You can't do that with E She-Hulk.
Quote : Originally Posted by thanosrules
4. Who the heck is she going to defend w/ a DV of 14? Maybe SHIELD agents or Skrulls. But at the same time, why bother when they already have those as starting DVs.
If she's wildcarding the alt FF TA, she's Defending with a 19. Same if she's copying JSA. On the other hand, she and a wounded buddy may want to hightail it back to medic, where her natural 14 Defend will make her pal VERY easy to heal.
Quote : Originally Posted by thanosrules
But here's the kicker...
5. The major problem that I have w/ this piece is that being "human" occurs on her 2nd click. This means you can't really throw her into the fray & push her. Let's say you do though, this sets her up to be smashed by someone. Even being hit for a modest 3-damage puts her in a "uh oh, I need to get the heck outta here & run back to my medic."
Beyond being a collector piece, I don't see She-Hulk being that good of a piece.
Her second click? She's safe from range if she copies Batman. She's pretty safe from most figures if she's copying Alt FF TA and is at a 19 D. She could be Mystic to give herself some insurance. She could be JSA and have a 19 D from Jakeem Thunder. I could do this all day. You're right on about her being a collector's piece though - for both her character and her playability.
In the final analysis, I have to disagree with your disagreement. Jennifer Walters is a great piece whose usefulness is bounded only by your imagination. She's one of the few "must-haves" from the set, and I know that mine will be seeing a veritable mountain of playtime. In fact, in a larger sense, the Supernova Rookie, the Clobberin' Time Vet and this swanky Jennifer Walters, Esq. LE are the only She-Hulks that any collection really needs. But be kind to your fellow players, and if you must play the CT Vet, please pop that horrid sculpt off and replace it with one of the prettier ones from Supernova. That's just good manners.
I haven't seen anyone mention Haymaker. I can imagine charging in with an object one turn, then pushing to slam someone with the Haymaker the next. That'll push her right past that second click and onto her third, at which time she's ready to charge to her next target.
That's the first thing that popped to my mind, anyway. She looks like a lot of fun to play.
The advice of Neil Peart:
I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose FREEWILL!
We will pay the price, but we will not count the cost
I haven't seen anyone mention Uppercut. I can imagine charging in with an object one turn, then pushing to slam someone with the Uppercut the next. That'll push her right past that second click and onto her third, at which time she's ready to charge to her next target.
That's the first thing that popped to my mind, anyway. She looks like a lot of fun to play.
As for all the banter about inviting She-Hulk home,
Be very careful what you wish for, guys.
Seemed to work out pretty good for Juggernaut.
Don't you think Giants should ignore normal Figs for movement? Atom making a Giant stop in it's tracks from 2 squares away? Silly! Giants should be able to carry grounded Figs. Their clothes and gear would weigh more! Common sense for mechanics!!
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