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Use of secondary torpedo launchers with dominion photon torpedos
I just wonder how would you rule on the combination of these cards. Specifically the use of the extra attack after firing a range one as I can do that with the dominion photon's. the reason I wonder is weather it would be legal for to fire Energy dissipaters and the my photons for free though the Energy dissipater text then the secondary photon though their text. to get 8 attack dice against your unshielded and uncloaked ship.
No, that wouldn't work. Secondary photons work one of two ways:
You can fire them pretty much like standard torpedoes.
You fire your normal torpedoes, then fire the Secondary Torps as a "free" second attack.
But it specifies that you have to fire a "torpedo" in order to use option 2, so an Energy Dissipator wouldn't trigger it.
You could use another ship's Dissipator, then fire off two sets of torps with this from another ship, though. You could use it with Dominion photons, too, it doesn't care what faction the torpedo is, simply that it's a torpedo.
You can only use secondary torpedo launcher at ranges 2-3. So, they will work with the Dominion torpedoes but only if firing from outside range 1. If you use the dominion torpedoes within range 1, you cant use secondary torpedo launcher.
With that said, you're wanting to use it with the energy dissipator. that won't work either b/c of the range restrictions on secondary torpedo launcher.
Good combo, it just won't work. Might check out Klingon Projected stasis field.
EDIT: I stand corrected. You can use secondary torpedo launcher by itself. I stated otherwise before.
Last edited by Jokerinexile; 01/30/2014 at 16:46..
The problem I am having is energy dissipater allows you to fire torpedoes after it hits. I assume that is why dominion torpedoes can fire at range 1. I was wondering if I can then fire secondary torpedoes after that or not as secondary torpedoes has a range of 2-3. I know this means that I can not fire them normally at range 1 but can I fire them though the secondary ability at range 1?
No. You can't use secondary torpedo launcher at range 1. So, you will have to fire torpedoes at range 2-3 to be able to activate torpedo launcher as a second attack. You can also only use 1 secondary torpedo launcher per attack.
I just wonder how would you rule on the combination of these cards. Specifically the use of the extra attack after firing a range one as I can do that with the dominion photon's. the reason I wonder is weather it would be legal for to fire Energy dissipaters and the my photons for free though the Energy dissipater text then the secondary photon though their text. to get 8 attack dice against your unshielded and uncloaked ship.
I am happy with the answer. I just want to say I did mention energy dissipaters let you fire for free in my OP. Though I can see how you could of missed it and will try to be more concise in the future.