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I would recommend getting 2 starters right off the bat. the extras are great, double galaxies, double mahtnahnamahs, double dddreidexes, double the dice are all great. after that pick your faction and go for it, just get singles of the ones you wanna hijack upgrades for, or mix and match your fleet. Valdores, nengvars, koraga, koronak, excelsior. If you go higher than 100 points ever, you need multiples of the heavies.
the next most useful ones imho are the defiant, kronos one, kraxon, and praetus.
I wouldn't get more than one of the other romulan ships, tos enterprise, groth, gor portas (unless you really like energy dissipators), or 5th wing attack ships.
All just personal opinion though. if you want a ton of constitutions or science vessels go crazy.
We recently had a 200 point event, I ran my entire Dominion fleet and then some. After we got there, the judge wanted to play and we only had 4, so he gave our side another 200 points, to play with (we each took 100 points).
Final ship count for my side was 9, 2 karnaks, 3 Jem fighters, 2 koranaks, and two Breens. Needless to say the 200 points that was sitting across from my 300 did better than expected, but it was WAY to many ships and upgrades to deal with. We voted never to do something like that again.
That being said, I think at MOST you will only ever want to get 1 of each ship, just for the upgrade cards they provide. If you don't like mixing factions, then no worries, just buy your own faction, look at the cards you might use, and if needed buy more of that ship for those cards.
I ALMOST picked up another ToS Ent again, just for a third cheat death for Kirk.. I felt dirty even thinking about it, but then again I am dirty so it works out!!
It's soooo fun to have Kirk Cheat Death three times.
I think i love you.
As to the original poster
I have purchased 2 jem hadar attack ships because they feel good in multiples (as Hero_guy said) and the Koranak because it's upgrades are great, and it probably won't get another version any time soon (didn't show up on screen much)
I imagine we will get repeats of sculpts (like we have with some of the LE's) with different named ships, so i am avoiding purchasing multiples of ships that has many named versions shown on screen.
The universe is governed by a tendency toward disorder, we refer to the quantification of that tendency as Entropy Boston Heroclix
I have purchased 2 jem hadar attack ships because they feel good in multiples (as Hero_guy said) and the Koranak because it's upgrades are great, and it probably won't get another version any time soon (didn't show up on screen much)
I imagine we will get repeats of sculpts (like we have with some of the LE's) with different named ships, so i am avoiding purchasing multiples of ships that has many named versions shown on screen.
I'ma be honest, from here on out I'll likely grab two of each Dominion ship period. Reprints with different names will be no different. One day all of these guys will be on display to allow me to showcase my love for the Dominion
If they give me Gold Acrylic Bases for my Cardassians I'll be even happier.
It's soooo fun to have Kirk Cheat Death three times.
I picture someone seeming to blow up the Enterprise, but as the explosion and debris clears, they hear Kirk singing the Trololo song over the hail channel a few minutes before the Enterprise comes back into view. It's an amusing picture.