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my, my...the art is terrible. Am I the only one to think so. I mean you can see the sketch marks in the faces like it is unfinished! The artist even messed up batman's face...and he wears a mask. heh
oh well at least the story was good...oh takes superman 2 minutes to search 1 ACRE of land?!?! Did i read that correct??? 1 acre isnt that big. Whoever wrote that needs to get a clue or explain in the next issue that the last acre was 200,000 miles away and superman stopped for lunch.
But at least the story revolves around a monkey! oh well...
The art was very bad, in my opinion. The cadaverous rings around everyone's eyes! Eat something, people! Get a little fat up there!
I didn't care about how long it took Superman to search that acre, though now that you point it out, that's another strike. I cared that the foreman wouldn't wait to blast when Superman asked him to. SUPERMAN! I could see if it was the Flash, or Wonder Woman, really, just about anybody else (well, Batman might intimidate him into waiting), but this is Superman. If he says "Please hold off until I can search the area," honestly, what average guy will say, "No"? That's just stupid. I'm sorry. The book is horrible, and after this storyline (curse you, Previews, and your pre-ordering ways!) I'm gone. The JLA vs. Vampires is next, and this kind of garbage I don't need.
Have a Great Day,
Gary E. Poisson
My end goal and greatest hope: Mat 25:23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will set thee over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Originally posted by Briel John Byrne is THE comic god. You blaspheme horribly. He will even be inked by the mighty Ordway.
Repent or I will curse you to a world of nothing but Liefeld comics. LOL!
Shirley U. Jhest!
Eons ago, during the 80s, Byrne was indeed a great one. But in the ensuing years, he has become Fallen. Have you not read his Spider-Man and Hulk 'Chapter One' stories and relauches? They must be sealed in lead-lined drums and buried at Yucca Flats to preserve our current fragile ecosystem.
As to the latest JLA, yeah, it's not that good, but I'm willing to stick with it for a while longer.
I'm a JLA fan to the fullest, I'll try and stick it out best I can at least for another year, but I agree the art was horrendous and the story was a little politically driven, "save the monkeys." To me recently alot of issues have been politically driven.
WANTS: JLA members any at all, especially Martian Manhunter, LE Atom, and Mailbox Plasticman, got an extra send me a PM I'll send an offer back.
Spider-Man Year One was awesome! I will admit Byrne's last Hulk did nothing for me. I was hoping for a taste of what he started before he jumped ship to do Superman. That was a cool six issues.
The entire Generations trilogy was a whole lot of fun. My man Byrne is still an awesome penciller, he just needs a strong inker.
Anyone who missed Next Men lost out on a great series as well. John can write hard core and modern, he just chooses to celebrate the old days.
X-Men: The Hidden Years was the best X-Book when it was out. I can't believe that was replaced with that Xstatix malarkey.
Besides. It's only for six issues. I'm sure you all will live. LOL!
The current storyline is written by a DC comics legend!!! The art sucks BAD! I cannot believe how Doom Patrol went so long with this art. I guess the writing might have been decent. At any rate the next story arc looks great! Claremont, Byrne, and the BIG O himself!?!? SUHWEET! As long as Claremont does most of the writing I can put up with Byrnes art for a few six issues at least it's better than the current art uggh!
if you read this then you lost 10 seconds you'll never get back.
When someone talked about the eyes, I had a feeling which artist you meant. I don't collect JLA normally.
I am a hard core Doom Patrol fan, and I stopped at issue nine. It wasn't easy for me to do that as I always support the Patrol. The writing and art just got stupider and worse. I never thought I would be glad to see DP cancelled, but that creative crew was ruining the DP's rep. Hopefully they can come back in a couple of years. Maybe Morrison will have some new stories for them. Wouldn't that be cool?