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2) Ego attacks Max with energy explosion. 11 vs 15. Needs a 4, hits with a 6. 3 damage to Max, 1 to FoI. Max masterminds that so 4 damage to Flash for the KO.
She-Hulk gets 3 bonus IXP and she will use 10 IXP to upgrade to her cheapest carded version at 75 points.
Valeria gets 5 bonus IXP and she will use 18 IXP to upgrade to her 139 point version.
Crystal gets 9.5 bonus IXP and she will use 13 IXP to upgrade to her 75 point version.
So that's 17.5 IXP used, rounded up to 18, leaving 82 bonus points.
I have 78 TXP. Divide that by 2 to get 39. Add the 82 bonus points to get 121 as my new recruitment point total.
Spidey will spend 10 IXP to upgrade to his 60 points.
I'll spend 100 recruitment points to recruit the Human Torch.
New Team Totals
Valeria Von Doom 139 pts; 0 IXP, 0 IAP
Spider-Man 60 pts; 0 IXP, 3 IAP
She-Hulk 75 pts; 0 IXP, 0 IAP
Crystal 75 pts; 0 IXP, 0 IAP
Human Torch 100 pts; 0 IXP, 0 IAP
Recruitment Points - 21
Team Point Total - 449
Maximum Squad - 300 points
Last edited by Jackofhearts2005; 09/12/2015 at 16:45..
The Valerias surrounded Maximus. With sheer will, he forced one of them to implode, taking the memory of her sixth birthday with it. The rest of the Valerias pounced on Maximus. Some held him still while the others slammed their gauntlets into him.
They pounded on his body and the pounding echoed in his mind. Maximus closed his eyes shut but the pounding continued, like a snare drum being played inside his skull.
The pounding stopped and Maximus opened his eyes. A metal sheathed boot pressed into his throat.
"How?" He gasped. "How did you...remove?"
"My older brother will be one of the most powerful telepaths on the planet. I've been building barriers against psychic intrusion since before I could walk."
Her boot pushed down harder, threatening to cut off his air supply.
As Crystal, Spider-Man and She-Hulk approached the palace, a shadow fell over them. They looked up to see the horizon rising on all sides. The metallic blackness at the edge of the city met above them and sealed off Attilan from the rest of the world. Red lights on the walls of the dome turned on, allowing the trio to see once more.
"Well...that wasn't too ominous." Spider-Man said. A rumbling sound came from below. The ground beneath them began to shake. "Okay. Getting a little bit scared, now."
Crystal doubled over. "I can feel him," she groaned. Before either of her human allies could ask if she was okay or who she was talking about, she stood back up and ran into the palace.
Spider-Man and She-Hulk looked at each other, shrugged and followed Crystal inside.
"Think, history walker," Maximus managed to choke out. "Nobody wants to be king for the...headgear." With a wave of telekinetic force, he threw Valeria upwards and away from him.
She used her armor's thrusters to right herself. "I don't care!" She gestured and a dent appeared in the floor next to Maximus's chest. She gestured again but again, Maximus deflected her invisible field with his telekinesis, this time creating a hole in the wall.
The mad inhuman lurched to his feet, making use of the wall to support himself. "All the pain, all the danger, will never reach us...ON THE MOON!" He cackled madly.
"What are you talking ab-" Valeria paused and then buried her face in her gauntlet. "You're not even joking, are you?"
Maximus grinned. "I had to get rid of Black Bolt and Medusa. I had to be king. It was the only way to save everyone."
Sweat trickled down Valeria's face. She thrust her hand out. The skin around the Inhuman's neck tightened. Maximus took hold of the force field, failing to pry it away from his throat. "Last chance, Max. Tell me what I want to know."
The words formed in her mind's eye.
This monster given to monster's...legion. Serpents... Saturns... Mother is with enemy old. Family he discarded. Family, she'll... fulfil. Father resides in evil's fortress. God complex...detains him.
"Speak sense," Valeria commanded, tightening the field and pulling him off his feet.
Speak! Nonsense!
A circular wound the size of a fist appeared in Maximus's left shoulder. Blood snuck out the sides of the hole, refusing to exit from the middle where an invisible spike blocked the way. He cried out in pain as a matching hole appeared in his right shoulder.
"I'm through playing games with you, Maximus!"
"Excuse me, Lord Vader." Valeria turned to see Spider-Man clinging to the wall behind her. "Can you go over the part of the plan where we torture Maxy to death? I must have slept through that bit."
Valeria glanced back to Maximus. His hair was soaked in sweat. So was hers.
Your uncle is the power source, history walker. He's in the mists.
Valeria's force fields disappeared, dropping the injured madman to the floor. "Come on," she told Spider-Man.
Spider-Man cocked his head to the side, looked at Maximus and then webbed him to the wall. He made sure to use enough web fluid on Max's shoulders to keep the mad Inhuman from bleeding out. "Hey, good job, Spidey. You caught Maximus...which was the entire point of this trip. Now off to do something else I guess."
Deep in Maximus's laboratory, past a hundred experiments and inventions that no sane mind could hope to comprehend, past the mirror, past the door and past the bomb, Crystal and She-Hulk reached the Human Torch. He stood in the center of a transparent cylinder the size of an elevator. The cylinder rested on top of an eight foot tall bluish metal base with a door on the side. Several tubes, wires and vents connected the Torch's holding chamber to the palace walls.
Johnny put his hands against the side of the enclosure. There was a hissing noise and a green gas began to flood the chamber. The Torch's body caught fire as he was forced to breathe the gas in. He screamed in pain, his body burning brighter until both women had to block the light with their hands and turn away. She-Hulk raised a fist to smash the chamber. She thought about saying something clever but it was so damn hot, she couldn't think of anything.
"Stop them!" At least a dozen Inhumans had entered the lab and more were coming through the door. "Stop the traitor and the human!"
"You wanna tell me what that was all about?" Spider-Man asked Valeria when he caught up to her.
Val frowned underneath her mask. "Have you ever tried blocking a telepathic attack, Peter?"
"Uh...not successfully."
"Well here's a free lesson, then. You want to get a guy out of your head? Make him focus on something else."
"Like how you're about to strangle him?"
Not the way Valeria would have put it but that's was pretty much the point she was trying to make. "It's not like I was really going to kill him," she pointed out.
"Whatever you say, Doomsie. Hey, hold up a second." The light shaking of the ground that they had been mostly ignoring intensified a hundredfold, whipping Spider-Man off his webline and into the wall. Valeria crashed ungracefully into the floor as it rose up at her.
"And we have liftoff," she groaned. "Double time, Spidey. We need to find the others and get out of here before Attilan leaves Earth's atmosphere."
"Ex-squeeze me?" Spider-Man asked as he got up and fired a webline to chase after Valeria.
"Maximus has turned Attilan into a giant space ship," Valeria yelled, glancing off a wall but managing to stay airborne. "He's going to fly the whole thing to the moon."
"Well that just figures" Spider-Man said.
"Nothing." He sighed. "It's just that you guys get all the fun villains. I keep hanging out with the FF and I'm not gonna want to go back to stopping bank robbers."
By the time Spider-Man and Valeria reached the others, the room was packed with Inhumans. Most of them were just trying to stand up but the few that were succeeding had stalled She-Hulk and Crystal progress towards freeing the Human Torch.
"Where's Lockjaw?" Valeria demanded.
"Haven't seen him," She-Hulk yelled back over the sounds of battle. She picked up a particularly large inhuman and shoved him into several others, knocking them all to the ground.
Johnny began to flare up again.
"Crystal!" Valeria shouted. "Make us an exit. Down!"
Pulled by an invisible force, the chamber shattered. Johnny fell forward, his body hidden behind a ball of white hot flame. The flames shot upwards, circled the room and then dove into the floor, burning a three by three meter hole in it. Johnny collapsed into Crystal as she used her powers to siphon the heat off him and discharge it in one direction after the other.
Valeria landed next to them. "Can you keep him from melting my armor?" she asked.
Crystal nodded. "I think so."
"Good enough." She took Crystal's hand with one gauntlet and her uncle's arm with the other and flew for the makeshift exit. As an afterthought, she yelled behind her. "Walters! Get the base. Get the crystals!"
"You've already got Crystal!"
"The terrigan mists, you fool!" And with that, Valeria flew through the floor, leaving She-Hulk and Spider-Man behind.
"See?" Spidey asked, snagging an inhuman with a webline and throwing him into the others. "Total supervillain. We're going to feel really stupid when she blows up Manhattan or turns us into dinosaur people."
She-Hulk tore the metal base that the Torch's chamber had been resting on out of the ground. "I hope this is what she was talking about cause I don't see any crystals and I don't know what the heck terrigan mists are."
Spider-Man swung by overhead before somersaulting into a swan dive through the hole. She-Hulk rolled her eyes and hopped down the hole after him, unaware that the ground was not one but several thousand meters below.