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Can someone add a link to eMouse's Heroclix Atlas on the main menu of this website. I don't know what the plans are for this atlas is, but can we at least have a link to this
You could list it as "Maps" or "Atlas", I don't care, but it better than having nothing there for maps. The maps are important for force construction.
It's a simple a solution for now. Perhaps later on, you can list maps under "Units" right beside "ATA" or something like that, but for now I am tired of looking through forum pages to get to the "Heroclix Atlas" everytime I go to HCrealms.
Last edited by UndyingRedComet; 09/10/2018 at 22:40..
They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far." Robert Downey/Tony Stark