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Originally posted by hourman I'm dissapointed with Ghost Rider. I understand that this is the Ultimate GR, but it would have been nice to have a version of him with the FF team.
How long was he a member of the Fantastic Four? Like, a day or two?
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"You people will by God act like a team, or at least like people who know each other, or I'll incinerate the bunch of you here and now." -Nextwave: I Kick Your Face
I'm still hard-line for no HSS unless the character moves incredibly fast. Yeah, alot of characters move and attack in the comics, but is that a power? Plus, the Flash or Jesse Quick just wouldn't be as special; in fact, they wouldn't be too good at all if Wizkids started handing out alot more hypersonic speed.
I agree. Plus - don't forget about option 2 of HSS. The multiple attack option. I guess Ghost Rider can whip that chain around pretty fast - but I doubt he could hit the Rhino 6 straight times in a row...
And they did include his Penance Stare: 4 Damage with a 4 range.
The chain wouldn't equal a range of 4 - it would be a 2. Just ask Absorbing Man and CT Elektra about those type of weapons...
But they could have given him Running Shot instead of Charge, I guess. Then he could drive up and either blast someone of whip them with the chain.
Visible Dials and Pushing Damage need to be optional. This is the way.
If you're referring to the red on his speed, that's actually Flurry.. I think that n' EE are to represent his flailing tentacles.. striking clusters of nearby enemies, or focusing his attacks n' double-striking those who get too close....
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