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Not a fan of both the new frames and, especially not, the new symbols. Look cheap and tacky to me, and those symbols are damn confusing. All the characters have flight and range on them? That's going to be confusing too. Card mechanics are quite nice though. And all those hulk cards are rare, so good luck building a hulk theme deck. Oh and the arts not great either. But, oh well.
Jeez... I can't believe I just sat here and read EVERY SINGLE post in this thread. That was tiresome. So many repeated statements...
Anyways, I'm cautiously optimistic about the changes, and intend to repeat other peoples statements too.
I like more art. I like Teams being represented by symbols. I like the activate symbol (I liked it when I saw it WoW, too). Atk and Def split seems sensible, but at the same time unnecessary. Flight/Range is in the right place, definitely, but shouldn't be "lights". Vis/Con is a little strange - sun and moon don't seem like obvious choices to me, although I have no idea what is.
The hints at rules changes don’t bother me too much. I'm sure UDE realise that if they change things too drastically they'll lose their current player base and they also know that that would kill the game completely. Hopefully whatever they implement will actually be really logical (like concealed no longer being a keyword), and thusly good for the game.
At the end of the day, everything needs to evolve to survive, and I would like to think that Vs will once again be on the ascendancy.
"Not a fan of both the new frames and, especially not, the new symbols. Look cheap and tacky to me, and those symbols are damn confusing. All the characters have flight and range on them? That's going to be confusing too. Card mechanics are quite nice though. And all those hulk cards are rare, so good luck building a hulk theme deck. Oh and the arts not great either. But, oh well." - The Shadow King
I second this... it's too bad. I loved what they did with the frame design for the Insanity cards, and I would rather them have continued exploring variations on their existing frame, rather than throw it out the window. They could have added the "team symbol" as a repeated pattern to the background for character cards, things like that... ah well. And it does actually bother me that they are so blatantly mimicking their WOW design...
The reason that Marvel seems to get everything first would be most likely due to the fact that it was the first property procured for the VS System, then DC followed a little bit later. The Marvel set therefore came out first and started the alternating set format we are so familiar with (since the two company's do not want to have their properties in the same package/game). It only makes sense that Marvel would get the new template first. If not then there would be more Marvel than DC none Base sets (which is what the Legends sets are being billed as).
As far as the Worlds Finest based Alter Egos. I am not sure, but maybe they are saving the first wave of DC Egos for DC legends (I know my wife will be happy if they come out with a Wonder Woman once)
The reason that Marvel seems to get everything first would be most likely due to the fact that it was the first property procured for the VS System, then DC followed a little bit later. The Marvel set therefore came out first and started the alternating set format...
I like the new look of VS. I hate how there trying to make it look like WOW. Maybe there going to try and cross both games into one.( I don't think they will but that would double the size of both games)This is great news tho and I'm glad they did such a good job on them.
I like the new look of VS. I hate how there trying to make it look like WOW. Maybe there going to try and cross both games into one.( I don't think they will but that would double the size of both games)This is great news tho and I'm glad they did such a good job on them.
Sweet, I'm taking Common Enemy to the next WoW regional. I can smell the Onyxia Hide Backpack from here.