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I do agree with you that Outwit was too powerful. I just think you took it too far and over-killed it. My suggestion for making it a bit more balanced is to at least upgrade the minimum range to 6. For simplicity's sake, I'd be happy if that was the minimum range for all the powers. Four just seems so puny to me.
Moving shortly
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Cap rolls for Leadership: It's a 5. Will increase his damage to 4.
Captain America attacks Doc Ock. AV of 12 vs DV of 16. Needs a 4 to hit. Rolls a critical miss!!! Man that sucks. Cap takes two clicks, one for the push and one for the Crit Miss. I can't stand those things, and doing them on a push stinks even worse. And when you need such a low roll to hit....Grrrrr!!
Warbird flies to C21 and smacks Doc Ock with the HO. AV of 10 vs. DV of 16. Needs a 6. Rolls a 6 (3+3). That's 4 clicks to Doc Ock and he gets knocked back to C16.
Thing will smack Crusher Creel for being a pinhead. AV of 9 vs. DV of 14. Needs a 5. Rolls a 4. Carp!!
Franklin moves to DD22.
Alicia Masters moves to BB27.
Franklin Richards DD22 @ "Hi mommee!! Lookit the mud monster!"
Alicia Masters BB27 @ "Franklin get back here! Oh, hi Johnny."
Human Torch BB26 "Hey there 'licia"
Black Panther FF18 "Hmm...can't think of anything I can do right now..."
Invisible Woman DD21 (1) "Franklin, what are you doing here?"
Thing CC20 (2) @ "Huh? How'd I miss that ugly mug?"
Captain America D21 @@ (2) "Darn...I think twisted my ankle. How silly of me."
Punisher F29 (reloading)
Warbird C21 @ "Don't worry, I got your back Cap."
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
I figured Cap would push and I liked what happened there, but nice move with Warbird.
Originally Posted by tidge
5% of my dissatisfaction is that I want to play a competative "comic-book battle" game, not a min/max strategy guys do realize that these are little plastic figures of comic book characters?
Spider Friends
Man-Thing rolls for break-away (Roll: 4) succeeds moves to CC-19 and attacks Absorbing man using Exploit Weakness. (Roll: 2+3) Hits Absorbing man for for 2 clicks.
Firestar Attacks YellowJacket with the +2 Attack Value form of RCE. (Roll: 2+1) Missed badly. Appearently still distracted by her smoking hair.
Iceman moves to F-21 and creates the barrier shown on the map.
Brazil, If I attack with Vanisher on either figure you mentioned it puts him out in the open anyways to be bombarded. With the way that die roll generator rolls, thinking that high is bad I guess, He's not going to hit.
You wanted people to play and try to "break the rules" and that is how I'm thinking. I'm seeing situations of just playing with 10+ range figures with Running shot. How is a ground pounder going to deal with an 18 range when they can hardly break 10? Worst off if those figures have incapacitate they get a +2 to attack and get the incapacitation. Bricks can't compete with that.
IMHO the rules you made have taken the whole tactical movement from the game.
Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.
Also there's the issue with how you're playing Firestar and how WakandaMan is playing Human Torch, you're not using them to their potential. You should be moving half and shooting so that no figure could close the gap to attack them. That's how the competitive player would play, and you're trying to fix competitive play. Casual has never needed to be fix.
Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.
I'd say that my rules put the tactical movement on a different level. On the right side of this map there isn't much terrain to work with so tactics are less complex. Over on the left side of the map, there seems to be quite a bit of tactical play going on. There's also still the rock paper scissors effect...ranged attackers aren't much good against stealthed foes like Black Panther there, Hand Ninjas are pretty powerful under this system. In fact of all the teams we've playtested Hand Ninja Teams have been the only team so far to win an abnormally high number of games.
If you enjoyed the game, I'd be happy to do another one and would encourage you to play a ranged combat team. Actually play the most broken team you can put together if you like, and I'll play you with a Theme team. I've been doing a lot of such testing, and asside from the Hand Ninja team, we haven't found any other "Broken teams" and the hand ninjas was only winning around 65% as broken as it was it still had some shortcomings agaisnt the wrong teams. Energy Explosion and Invulnerability caused it problems.
One other factor that may be contributing to the ranged combat looking potent in this game is that we're playing on a bigger than normal map. That makes cutting off the map tactics much harder, and gives ranged attackers room to work.
Your rules put movement and attacks on the same level as Mage Knight Dungeons. You move and attack figures around you. Only difference is that figures don't get to counter attack right away. Have you seen that system, you may like to incorperate some of the things in that into your rules.
Yeah, maybe my team is in the wronge area of the map to be playing this type of team.
Also your map is so big it'd be hard to play anywhere but online. The normal maps are even big enough where it's hard to find table space for them to be set up with out combining tables.
I'm all for house rules Brazil, but these just are not for me. If you want me to continue playing and try to break the rules I'll be happy to do so. I've got to say though, I'm not the best at seeing the exploitable loopholes in rules.
Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.
<<You should be moving half and shooting so that no figure could close the gap to attack them.>>
If Firestar attacks she much be within a range of 8 of the target. If Human Torch attacks he must be within a range of 10 of his target.
Against even a target like Titania who has no inherit ranged attack, Titania can move 4 squares and throw a light object 6 squares in running shot fashion. This means that either Human Torch or Firestar get counter attacked once they make their initial attacks. And without a damage reducing power, 2 clicks against either of these two does reduce their effectiveness considerably.
As for could have moved to BB-23 and attacked either Firestar or Human Torch (there are probably even cleverer places you could have moved if you choose one of the two targets). I realize that you need an "8" to hit Firestar, or an "8" to his Human Torch if you move adjacent to him, either way it's not great odds, but if you don't even try then the odds are even less. From BB-23 Vanisher would still be in hindering terrain and just as difficult to hit as where he is now.
As for the positioning of Human Torch and FireStar. I haven't been moving Firestar because if I have a target when I hold still, I can use RCE. If I move I don't get that. And either way, if when we attack you we must be at range 8 or 10 respectively. Vanisher has a movement of 12 and a range of 4 so we're going to be in range of you when we attack.
Shockman, I appreciate you sticking out the game. And I'd more than welcome continueing to play with you, this game or others if you're having fun. I'd especially appreciate if you were trying to expose exploitable loopholes. If I don't see the problems I can't fix them.
I did try to invite most of the regular Brazil Bashers to participate. Oddly enough they were all pretty courdial, but declined for various time constraint reasons.
I suppose I do come accross as arogant at times. I'm thinking it would be difficult to sound otherwise if you strongly believe in what you're arguing for, and have arguements that you feel are legitamate for the things you're supporting. When I feel I'm right, I do a suppose just tend to blurt out "I'm right" rather than the politically correct terminology "In my opinion I prefer my position because..." That's too wordy, and as badly as I spell, I'm just that much more likely to look stupid. But seriously, I'm sarcastic, but don't mean to sound arogant and appologize to you if I do. I just feel strongly that I'm correct. I do try to listen to players with input and feedback (both good and bad), and would like to think that I don't dismiss such items without giving them proper consideration. Wakandaman has brought up a few points in this thread that have caused me to make some changes for the next version. I'd like to think I'm open minded and listen to the conserns of fellow clixers. (But maybe that's arogant of me to think I do that... )
If you move and attack a figure, you're going to reduce their speed value, you can stay out of range.
Also doesn't it beat the purpose of a "Brick" to have to keep using range options to attack? Don't know the last comic I saw where a super strong guy threw something other than Wolverine.
Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.
Oh, and, I haven't seen Mage Knight Dungeons, but you're not the first person who's said these rules resemble those. I suppose I should take your advise and parooze those rules some time. It couldn't hurt. Thanks.