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Ron White is gonna take a shot at Wildfire. Av7 (+1 from Seth Green) vs dv15(+1 for hindering). Need a 8 here 3+5 for 8. Nice 1 clix to wildfire after toughness.
Seth Green is gonna try and hit Wildfire too. I'll push Pink to use the sheild team ability(else it would do nothing) Av7 (+1 from Ron) vs dv15 (+1 for hinering) need another 8 here, get 6+2 for 8.. phew, that would have sucked to miss. 1 more clix to Wildfire and 1 clix to pink for the push.
Okay I just got a ruling from normalview about copying a TA from a MC'ed person. It is possible since copying a TA isn't a free action and also a person doesn't have to do an action to copy a TA. So if I don't change it, they can keep the PD ability forever. Which is what I'll do. So when I MC'ed Ron, my whole team can copy the PD ability, which I'll have them do if that's alright with you. Just let me know.
Yes. Wildcards can change their TA with any action, not just their own. So, if you are MC-ing a PD character, at the beginning of that PD character's free action you can declared that you are copying that friendly character's TA.
And as long as you do not change your WC's TA to something else, you can keep that PD TA even after control reverts back to the opposing player.
Me either until I had a whole team of wildcards that can't do anything with their team abilities. It just occurred to me when I was going to MC with Saturn Girl...
Turn 5A
(free) Saturn Girl will perplex up Wildfire's AV to 9.
1. Wildfire will attempt to EE Seth Green AV is 10 (+1 from Live Wire) vs DV 17. Roll is 3, 6. Hit on pretty much all of them. Seth, Ron, Blue and Pink take a click. And Blue Man's KO'ed.
2. Live Wire will RCE Seth. AV 8 (+1 from Wildfire) vs DV 16. Roll is 2, 5. Darn missed it by one.
Jack Black is gonna take a shot at Cosmic Boy. I'll use Mellow Yellow's sheild ability to up the damage to 2. Av7 vs dv15(+1 for hindering). Need a 9 (could have used that extra action to move up some av help)..., Roll is 6+6 for 12. Nice, that puts it at 3 clix total on Cosmic Boy. And he gets knocked back to Q-18.
Have Seth try and make one last good shot. Use Pink's sheild team ability to up the damage and I'll aim at Wildfire. Av6(+1 from Ron) vs dv 14(+1 for hindering). Need an 8 here, roll is 6+2 for 8. 1 clix after toughness to Wildfire.
oppss... took life off of Livewire and not Wildfire.
Kelly's Leadership roll is 5
Have Seth try and make one last good shot. Use Pink's sheild team ability to up the damage and I'll aim at Wildfire. Av6(+1 from Ron) vs dv 14(+1 for hindering). Need an 8 here, roll is 6+2 for 8. 1 clix after toughness to Wildfire.
(free) Saturn Girl will perplex up Wildfire's Attack to 8
1. Wildfire will yet again EE on Seth. AV 9 (+1 from Live wire) vs DV 13. Roll is 4, 3. That hits everybody. Wow, EE's never worked this well for me before. Then again, you ARE bunching up all your guys for me. Ron and Pink take a click. Seth's KO'ed.
2. Live Wire will RCE Pink. AV 7 vs DV 12. Roll is 6, 2. Hit. Pink takes 2 and is KO'ed also.
LE Montgomery Kelly (4/4) J-6@
V Science Police KOed!
V Science Police (Ron White; 2/5) I-14
R Science Police (Red Buttons; 1/4) K-8
R Science Police KOed!
R Science Police (Violet Bullregard; 3/4) L-8
R Sentinel Trooper (Mellow Yellow; 4/4) I-13@
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!
Monty will turn off Willpower and push to move to I-6 and he'll take a clix of the effort. Now that outwit is showing I'll outwit Wildfire's Toughness.
Ok. Ron is gonna take a shot at Wildire. I'll push Mellow Yellow to use the Sheild Team ability and up the damage. Ron now makes the attack. Av6 vs dv12(+1 for hindering) need a 7 here, roll is 3+4 for 7. Nice 2 clix to Wildfire and the KO. 1 to Mellow for the push.
LE Montgomery Kelly (3/4) I-6@@
V Science Police KOed!
V Science Police (Ron White; 2/5) I-14@
R Science Police (Red Buttons; 1/4) K-8
R Science Police KOed!
R Science Police (Violet Bullregard; 3/4) L-8
R Sentinel Trooper (Mellow Yellow; 3/4) I-13@@
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!
LE Montgomery Kelly (3/4) I-6@@
V Science Police KOed!
V Science Police KOed!
R Science Police (Red Buttons; 1/4) K-8
R Science Police KOed!
R Science Police KOed!
R Sentinel Trooper (Mellow Yellow; 3/4) I-13@@
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!
R Sentinel Trooper KOed!