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The poison that you played, Slim, contained Earther. I don't see why Earther/Maverick couldn't try to out-drain Shi space.
Really, there are a myriad of options as to what would beat Shi space, but as Slim said, the trick is to find the balance that is capable of handling most to all the deck types out there.
I think that it's been said that Shi/Gongen space can put the hurting on Shi space, as well as punish a lot of other deck types out there. For Nova's sake, here's hoping Earthers get some love in Nowhere to Hide. :)
Strange as it may be, I am trying to develop a rather nasty Earther/Gongen deck that tries to do what they both do well. I post that when I get that complete.
As far as no where to hide I don't know if all the pieces will be there or not to beat a Shi space deck. However, after the release of No Where to Hide I bet the tough deck to beat won't be the Shi space deck anymore. Hopefully we will get several viable alternatives. I think the Traginium thing could really throw the game on it's ear. With all the cards spoiled so far I'm disappointed that we have seen only 1 location. I think there in could be the key to No Where to Hide. Maybe another Realms only exclusive could be a location, maybe a nifty independent site or sector. Hint, Hint........
I think my ground schooled your Tavang deck in the last game we played, did it not? ;)
Not that your deck isn't good, mind you... I just know that the statement above isn't unilaterally true.
I think u guys are wrong about ground being completely weak. One of the best dekcs out there right now is Mav/Quay. It has good space and very solid ground. Basically you have enough ground to beat down on the ground and then use recovery and infiltrators to stop drains in space. In my experience with my deck I can drain for a good 5 at least on the ground when Tavang is out. However, with my recovery's out there they cannot drain in space for much. Then to protect ur recoveries you use 4x Trumped. Works well, not an auto win by all means but a good Quay/Mav deck is one of space's hardest matchups.
i think a gongen/quay would do pretty good against shi space. quay has alnak, and gongen has all those retrieving. alnak could cancel tavangs effect in a sense, and with all the retrieving you'll be getting..... also, gongen/mav would probably do well also. basically the gongen + drain enhancers. you would want to retrieve as much as you can, while adding to your drains using cards such as alnak, two way, and cartel legate.
ForceSaberz, Recovery didn't really give me too many problems. I faced decks that played with it twice, and managed to put a hurtin' on both of them. Better have that 3 eneregy saved, and hope that I don't have more Trumpeds and Junshis than you have.
well for the earther gongen idea, wait till you at least own 3-4 disruptions as that really kill the good ol shi space, but yes you do have to worry alot about trunmped, oh well.
As for a deck that scares me a bit is quay shi space heavy, as you get life ships , tavang or whatever his name is, talken!!!!!!!!!!!, and one of my favorite cards cpatiured :), but thgey can handle almost any space beats and has all thbose nbasty shgi support cards and quarrels, so there is my opinion, hey