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Originally posted by Nanhold I believe you can even kill hedgehogs with cow's milk.
Wow, I did not know that. Kind of reminds of Stewie in Family Guy for some reason. He said something about Lois feeding him bilious curds from her teat. :ermm:
I am completly lactose intolerant, i have been since birth, i never drank milk as a child only formula. Now i get horrible stomach aches and horrindsly bad smelling gas if i consume to many milk products
o and about lactose pills, ever look at the cost its like $50 for a SMALL bottle
Originally posted by Razorfang
and i wouldnt call finland a country where nobody consumes milk/dairy products. and still this country has a high ratio of lactose-allergic/not-able-to-digest people.
Nobody? You don't know how much we consume milk products, expesially drink milk. And lactose intoleransy comes from way that they handle milk so if they would not do anything to milk it there would not be lactose intoleransy att all.
@Joppu - That's absolutely false. As was stated earlier, humans did not evolve drinking the milk of other mammals. Only human milk. Drinking milk from others is a relatively recent cultural change. Our physical state is not evolving rapidly enough to keep up with the cultural environment, thus lactose intolerance is becomming more common. Bottom line: it has everything to do with lactase (that's what the pills are made of), and very little to do with how the milk is handled. We're simply not built to take in large quantites of lactose after youth.
On a related note (I too am lactose intolerant), I switched from normal 2% milk to Lactaid "Lactose free" milk and discovered something. They lie. It isn't lactose free, they simply ultra-pasteurize it and add lactase enzyme to the milk. I was still getting sick from consuming it. So I switched to Silk and all is good.
@TheInquisition - Not only are they expensive, they don't work very well. You still have to take the lactose into your body, so you'll still feel the effects most of the time. They'll be lessened, but they'll still be there.
@timmyt1000 - Good intentions, bad grammar. Since the majority of us are sick of Cheese, it doesn't make much sense to make a club about it. Would you make a "Breathes Oxygen" club? :)
thats exactly what i was saying --> "i would NOT call finland a country where nobody consumes..."
why do you watch family-guy?? they sent it in germany after simpsons, and i immediately was thinking of "bad copycat" when i watched the first few minutes. after watching a whole episode i thought there werent much worse animated-series in tv. its so bad, childish humor. simpsons and futurama are so much better :/
Well i have to agree with one thing that Timmy said getting back to the subject at hand, If you play what you like be it faction pure or not, it does not matter have fun and try to improve yourself there are ways to beat any army. The question is knowing how... And thats half the battle...
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BEHOLD THE POWER OF CHEEEESE!!!! i eat them up and well... they come out of the other place where the sun don't shine.... sometimes quicklier than expected.....
I'm seriously thinking of dropping the cable and just staring at the realms when I might have otherwise been watching Comedy Central....
First of all: To Razorfang: Family Guy is savage. I think by and large the humour is less childish than in the Simpsons, not that either are going to take awards for cerebral humour. And besides, any show that runs over William Shatner has to have a special place in my heart.
Second: to ProtoformX: Yes, you can kill a Hedgehog with cow's milk. What you do is take a 50 gallon drum, fill it with cow's milk, tie a rock to the hedgehog, and drop the two in. Please note that this works with most other milks as well; goat milk, sheep milk, cat milk, mouse milk, coconut milk....
And finally, to the founder of the feast, timmyt1000, a public service announcement:
Evur sinse i tuk thu Evelyn C Woodhead sped reddin korse, my reddin has imprived wonerflee...and komprenshun to!! so tak thu Evelyn C Woodhead sped reddin korse tuday! And tell em yuh hurd it on roller derby!!
Please, it's our language...try to avoid wiping your arse with it.