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well as the titial say's i can't dygest mike products as well as cheese so i'm going to
start a lactos intollerant club to join all you have to do is this
1. do not wine about stuff here's a bright idea let's come up with a good counter stradegy that dosn't involve more of the same stuff
2. let's remember that this is a game and it's sapose to be fun if it isn't don't play
some people remind me of crack heads
they are hooked on a drug and can't stop
so they obses and obses better army's if some one is beating you all the time it's not from what pieces they have it's the fact that your not getting how they're beating you most answers to a given problem just some times it's hard to find that answer so try asking that person who is beating you
4. play what you want don't worry about what wins i've often said to people around here that playing faction pure is like fighting with one arm behind your back but hey i like a challenge
I've never been a big fan of cheese, but boy do I love my milk. None of that hippy skim milk, mind you, but good whole milk. I can drink a gallon of that stuff each day. I'm serious, I can and occasionally do without noticing until I go to the fridge for another glass and it's all gone...and I still have more cookies. If only the nearest supermarket was less that a 20 minute drive away...
Take Lactase pills, buy lactose free milk or stay away from "Cheese". I play what is fun and what I think will win occassionally. I think some peoples lactose intolerance is Swiss Port Cheese - full of holes and whine.
good point i also play what is fun and i just couldn't pass up doing thread like this because there is so much wining going on it's just to easy to mess withpeople
Oh no! Once again someone who doesn't know how to write his own language properly found it necessary to start a thread. The title of this thread and the opening message both are linguistic disasters. When will it stop?
Originally posted by Razorfang @timmy:
move to scandinavia, its a relatively common disease over here.
It is not a disease, it is a lack of lactase. We are born with a lot of lactase, because milk is our only food when we are born, but it declines rapidily afterwards. Only in societies where dairy products are used heavily do people have enough lactase to absorb dairy properly.
Originally posted by Nynax It is not a disease, it is a lack of lactase. We are born with a lot of lactase, because milk is our only food when we are born, but it declines rapidily afterwards. Only in societies where dairy products are used heavily do people have enough lactase to absorb dairy properly.
At least that is my understanding.
yeah, sure. a lack of lactase, thats right. but it is a disease (at least in my german understanding of the word).
Originally posted by Razorfang yeah, sure. a lack of lactase, thats right. but it is a disease (at least in my german understanding of the word).
Seeing as a massive decline in lactase is NATURAL and SUPPOSED to happen, it does not fit the common definition of "disease." Nothing is causing it, and it is not detrimental to the person since people are not supposed to consuming a lot of dairy after breast feeding. It is supposed to happen, and does so to the majority of the world's population.
On the other hand, in societies where dairy is rampant, "disease" can be used in the sense that is "abnormal" for that society.
I think it is amusing that devoloping the way you are supposed to is considered a disease, and a change in the body due to consuption of dairy in unintended ammounts is normal. But that may just be me.
its not you. its that the german language uses disease in a slightly different meaning.
and i wouldnt call finland a country where nobody consumes milk/dairy products. and still this country has a high ratio of lactose-allergic/not-able-to-digest people.
In India it's normal for the majority of the population to be lactose-intolerant. Naturally mammals only drink milk directly from the mother, but several human cultures altered things, apparently the domestication of cows has something to do with it. The continual availability of milk made many people become lactose-tolerant, which thousands of years ago wasn't common. Evolution can be a cultural thing.
@ ProtoformX: yes. It's true that people feed cats cow's milk, but that's not healthy for cats since they can't digest lactose when they're grown up. That's why cats get diarrhea when you give them cow's milk. You should never feed any animal cow's milk, if you want to give them milk there's a special kind of lactoseless milk for cats sold in pet shops. I believe you can even kill hedgehogs with cow's milk.