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Originally posted by Shim2k4 Uhhhh that isnt too many. 20 Mechs. 4000+ players....
Don't they mean 20 different types of units? I don't think they specified the number of each type of these units to be scattered throughout the boosters.
So... when my precious DF ForestryMech MOD gets retired, I'll have no new ICE mech to be my champion? Curses, I'll get you WizKids, if it's the last thing I doooo... *runs off*
Blasphemey I say. They are completely ignore the long illustrious history of the everyman ICE mech marching into battle gainst the oppressive regime of fusion powered battle mechs.
:p Sorry I couldn't help it. Anyways, it is good to hear that WK is turning away from ICEs and giving players more battlemechs to choose from. Yes, I do like some ICEs (Forestry MODs, Raiders, and Agro MODs), but the majority are not exactly my cup of tea. now if WK can just release a new :^: DF non-unique mech. We haven't had one since the Spider and ForestryMech MOD in Darkage. They've mostly been part of our elite all female regiment. And lets just say that I don't look too good in drag :cheeky:
Originally posted by fred-of-fred Don't they mean 20 different types of units? I don't think they specified the number of each type of these units to be scattered throughout the boosters.
I'd wager you are correct. It sounds similar to the "foil" (they were actually glow in the dark and unpainted) miniatures that were in Mage Knight's Minions set. They were identical to the usual figures with the exception of their being well... glow in the dark and unpainted.
Has anyone thought that this means no more Forestry or Agro Mechs, not the end of all ICE Mechs. We will likely see more versions of Raiders and such, but no more non-combat designed Mechs.
I think that when they say "no more industrials" they mean "no more industrials." Raiders count. MODs count. I think they mean any mech powered by an ICE engine, which means there will either be more Pheonix Hawk/Mjolnir sized Battlemechs in upcoming sets, or that there will simply be fewer big mechs.
And I don't think they are only making literally 20 pieces, but that there will be 20 different types of gray-base pieces.
Still not interested in plunking down the cold hard cash for the usual case+ that I used to get for each set. This really is the set that makes or breaks the game.
WK is only behind 2 sets. We did not want any industrial mechs way back in LI, let along CA and now FP. Does this mean that WK will finally balance the game 6-9 months from now?
The problem with ICE mechs is that they do NOT work as ICE mechs! I mean, if I remember correctly, ICE mechs do NOT buil up heat. They should have made them without heat dial...
This way, they are only bad mechs that nobody wants to use...
#1. Like Rottgutt said - they are just rarer versions of the standard figs.
#2. WizKids is ending or majorly cutting back on their Approved Play program, and so the LE figs are now just available in boosters. This sounds way out there, but things have been going in this direction for a while now. . . Adding 20 figs to the total list of 124 comes close to the usual 150 per set (including all LEs), and would leave room for a couple months of LEs before the next set.
No set retirement (yet) I might buy a few booster then actually.
Still not really excited- between the release of Ultimate Warzone (1 more day yippeee!!!) and the general offensiveness of set retirement as a concept it will take a lot to get me really excited again (the rumored seafoxes COULD have done it, if it wasn't for retirement still eating at me)