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What about Soulshredders? 40 points for ghostform, vamp, and "Hi, I just hit you for 6 damage, please leave the board," weapon master. 2 of them and a couple shades make quick work of anything...
With all due respect, a 25pt feral whelp can take on a soulshredder. A 9 attack is nice, but nothing to trully fear and I've got as much chance to hit for 1 as I do for 6 with WM. A 16 def isn't going to last long when you're up close and personal. Also 2 of these and a couple of shades will eat up 120pts.
For just another 12 pts, you get an 11 attack which means you can hit almost anything on the board, 4 damage meaning you are garanteed to do some damage 100% of the time and not 50% as with WM and an 18 def which means a 9att will need to roll 9 to hit you.
The *soulshredder isn't worth it's points. I'd take 2 shades over the soulshredder anyday, but that still doesn't solve the mid range beatstick problem.
Well, I'll bet that not one of these things have a movement over 10 maybe even 8. Which is just fine, so I can charge and surge them to death from 12" away with Trix or Vex or Val or shoot the snot out of them with Oracle Dahiea. :D
Originally posted by Hero_guy This upsets me greatly. This caliber of unit is exactly what the Solonavi are lacking. Some mid-ranged costed beatsticks. We have high end beatsticks and we have really annoying harrassers. Just nothing in this range.
I'm happy about these. Their like mini Chromas, but since I don't have one of those (I've relly got to get one) I can have these! Much easier to get. I'm guessing their as rare as a magna champion, and I have 5 of those. Yay!!!:D
Thinking of Jolly Ranchers- I have an idea for wizkids! After Omens, I think Solonavi should be fruit-scented! Now that's what I would call a broken piece!
"I will smite thee, vile solona.. wait, is that cherry I smell? I will need to investigate.. indeed, you are very fragrant, my ghostly freind. Mmmm, cherry. Why do you have that kni-AAGH!"
Brilliant. More ways for the solos to control the minds of the weak. :p
Originally posted by guelettis Thinking of Jolly Ranchers- I have an idea for wizkids! After Omens, I think Solonavi should be fruit-scented! Now that's what I would call a broken piece!
"I will smite thee, vile solona.. wait, is that cherry I smell? I will need to investigate.. indeed, you are very fragrant, my ghostly freind. Mmmm, cherry. Why do you have that kni-AAGH!"
Brilliant. More ways for the solos to control the minds of the weak. :p
ROTFL Now that's good stuff.
@Catastrophe: I call the Amazons harassers. Again good at that capacity, but they have venom, charge, pathfinder, and they cost under 50pts for the *** version. They have a starting 10 attack, which they probably lose right away or keep for 1 more click on the *** versions. They will most likely end up doing 2 dmg, 3 for the ***version. Harassers. What I am talking about is a 50-60pt mini-trix. Something with a 11 att. Something with at least 3 dmg AND crushing blow, or 4 without. Something with at least 17 def to start. I play Solonavi almost exclusively and I know the frustration time after time. Not saying that Solos can't win with a pure army. We can undoubtedly. I just wish we didn't need to use the 150pt+ uniques in every army. If we want to have a 50% chance of hitting an 18def we need to spend at least 150pts. If the Dracs need to do it, they can spend 40pts (and do 4 damage). Yes, Trix is a much better cc fighter, but for the price of Trix you can get 3 of these Battle mentors. Trix can hit one, but then he'll get 8 clicks of damage for his troubles.
All I'm trying to point out is that the Solonavi have a lack of mid-ranged beatsticks. It's something we Solo players have to deal with.
Each faction has their strengths and weaknesses, I think if wizkids were to make each faction be balanced, then it would be pointless to have factions.
I understand you want your faction to get something like this, and I'm sure many of the other ones want it too, but each faction appears to follow some guidelines, which they occasionally stray from...just wait and eventually Wizkids will stray from the guidelines for your faction.
Hmm...lost my train of thought...darn TV and its efforts to distract me...
Anyways, not meaning to sound like a jerk or flame you or be mean or rude or anything bad, but if you don't like that your faction doesn't get something, choose another. I almost thought of giving up on the Dark Crusaders for the Orc Khans, but good old Valkrie Tazia told me to stay.
after their big debut in Rebellions, they have been working out, eating SUBWAY sandwiches and losing all the flab...they they read the SOUTH BEACH DIET and went crazy...i kinda miss the FATTIES literally being FATTIES (Shyft Matriarch excluded)...
Originally posted by Hero_guy ROTFL Now that's good stuff.
@Catastrophe: I call the Amazons harassers. Again good at that capacity, but they have venom, charge, pathfinder, and they cost under 50pts for the *** version. They have a starting 10 attack, which they probably lose right away or keep for 1 more click on the *** versions. They will most likely end up doing 2 dmg, 3 for the ***version. Harassers. What I am talking about is a 50-60pt mini-trix. Something with a 11 att. Something with at least 3 dmg AND crushing blow, or 4 without. Something with at least 17 def to start. I play Solonavi almost exclusively and I know the frustration time after time. Not saying that Solos can't win with a pure army. We can undoubtedly. I just wish we didn't need to use the 150pt+ uniques in every army. If we want to have a 50% chance of hitting an 18def we need to spend at least 150pts. If the Dracs need to do it, they can spend 40pts (and do 4 damage). Yes, Trix is a much better cc fighter, but for the price of Trix you can get 3 of these Battle mentors. Trix can hit one, but then he'll get 8 clicks of damage for his troubles.
All I'm trying to point out is that the Solonavi have a lack of mid-ranged beatsticks. It's something we Solo players have to deal with.
in that case, yes, there is indeed a gaping hole in the Solonavi forces exactly as you describe...
Originally posted by jag-freak Each faction has their strengths and weaknesses, I think if wizkids were to make each faction be balanced, then it would be pointless to have factions.
I totally disagree with this post. I can think of another miniature game (that I play), which has all of its factions balanced well with each other and they all play differently. It is a blast.
I'm not the poster child for going to another game system, but I do want to point out that Mage Knight could have balanced factions and still be a blast.
P.S. @Hero_guy: it is very fluffy for us not to be faction pure. In fact, there should probably never be a pure faction Solonavi fighting force. We are all about using others for our own gain. Throw in those dracs! Or, if you must be faction pure, just use the possessed one. It, at least, looks cool without their new pastel approach. Just my two cents.
Originally posted by pickman I totally disagree with this post. I can think of another miniature game (that I play), which has all of its factions balanced well with each other and they all play differently. It is a blast.
I'm not the poster child for going to another game system, but I do want to point out that Mage Knight could have balanced factions and still be a blast.
P.S. @Hero_guy: it is very fluffy for us not to be faction pure. In fact, there should probably never be a pure faction Solonavi fighting force. We are all about using others for our own gain. Throw in those dracs! Or, if you must be faction pure, just use the possessed one. It, at least, looks cool without their new pastel approach. Just my two cents.
Actually I don't mind that all the factions aren't balanced, but I just the one I choose to be balanced. :p
As far as fluff-compliant armies, I still feel funny playing other factions in my army. Just the neat-freak in me I guess...maybe borderline manic compulsive...*scratches head* In any case, I get by with my Lady Wydranna and 2 shades for a total of 3 magic healers (and only paying for it once). I do love my shades...perhaps I should experiment with Mechanoid and Tech control to bring the shades out of harasser status into true fighting form.
In any case, the mentor is a great peice in any of its incarnations. The champion version is excellent also.