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I would also like to recommend, although it would be for certain factions only, the shield of the dwarven king and/or the book of life.
The shield is nifty with its plus to both attack and defense, granting healing, and preventing the wielder from being targeted with attacks that use the vampirism, order of vladd, or life drain abilities. Thing is, it is only usable by BPR.
The book of life is slightly expensive, but it grants a spellbook along with the magic healing ability.
The presence of a healer depends largely on your playing style. Personally, i like healers that can dish it out to the opposing figures as well as be a very effective healer. Think about the cavalry combination of Prince Warden on an EF Horned Stag wielding the Shield of the Dwarven King. You have a smite-r on a ram mount which can heal. Isn't that nice? Putting Warden on the AE Horned Stag also provides a Mounted Charge/Charge combo that is simply nasty as well.
I love the weak Blood Shaman. It has Hex and Healing and Flight.With hex and the Fact Dragons are Quick and Easily hurt this baby will always be doing something. Best when used with Speedy figures this figure must be dealt with by RANGED Figures. That is why he is valuable.
ummm...wound killer on keirn starsdawn makes him VERY potent as a healer and still a good shooter.
Otherwise, the *** Forgemage, the * Blood Cultist, the leech troll (any strength.)
Ummm....other alternatives:
pearl, cmon, 82 (or less) points, 18 :defense: with defend and 10 attack with healing.(goes down obviously with level)
lady ciara with wand of the pixie (gives her another use and a +1 :wand: )
otherwise, use oracle dahiea and some cheap healer (the * blood cultist) and steal it for some serious healage action.
I like a weak tempest priest. As a familiar I can use as harrasser in early game, heal in mid-game, and seize tokens in late game. The Blood Shaman with Solonavi Shades is also very cool.
Well, normally I use Lady Wydranna, but that's not the best choice. However, since I play mainly pure Solo armies, I don't have much choice to start.
I would never use the Dragon Plate just to gain healing, for it's price you could put a figure in and not need to get a weilder and then pay for the relic. Just not cost effective. If you get some cheap fig to weild it, thats at least 70pts(iirc). If you put it on your beatstick then you have to choose between attacking or healing, and healing with a beatstick is a waste of points.
The best overall healer are the Leech Trolls. They double as attackers, have pretty decent attack values, and the most important in a BoL/SFR environment, they have regen. Other healers can only help others. The trolls can help themselves. That is why if you don't care about faction purity (or play pure EF) you should take the trolls. Remember the support figures either need a body gaurd or need to be able to gaurd themselves (preferable so you can save points).
Oh, and just a bit of MK trivia: the ***Leech Troll isn't the first 2.0 healer to have charge. There was one in the base set.
My favorite healer for 300 point games is the *** Dwarven Foge Mage since he gains that nifty 10 atk and 4 dmg, which makes him a healer that can fight back.
Originally posted by Hero_guy Oh, and just a bit of MK trivia: the ***Leech Troll isn't the first 2.0 healer to have charge. There was one in the base set.
The *(I think) War Priestess. has Charge and Healing. I'd say that my favorite healer in an army that doesn't already have determined center piece is the ***Dragon Priest riding an EF Sky Dragon. The army I like uses 2, so they can heal eachother, and dish out the pain together (6 clicks at range for the two of them, 12 (using MC/C) in melee).
Originally posted by SolonaviRule The *(I think) War Priestess. has Charge and Healing. I'd say that my favorite healer in an army that doesn't already have determined center piece is the ***Dragon Priest riding an EF Sky Dragon. The army I like uses 2, so they can heal eachother, and dish out the pain together (6 clicks at range for the two of them, 12 (using MC/C) in melee).
Yes, that's what they were called. I had a brain fart and blanked. And I was too lazy to go into the units section at the time to look them up.
Also, back on the best healer thing, I still believe the most important question is how long can the figure keep healing against any type of army. Bol, and SFN will cut any healer down in 2 rounds (not necessarily kill, but they will lose healing), though SFN may take another round or 2 more. Death Throes is near unstoppable (not as an army type) if they really wanted to wound/kill your healers. Which is why a healer with regen becomes important.