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i am wrong about that.
HoG came out in Nov
LoSH came out Dec.2
MTU came out Feb.10
-MHG released mid-SEPT and became tournament legal in OCT.
-DLS released mid-DEC and became legal in JAN.
-MTU releases in about a week or so and becomes legal in MAR.
that's about 2-3 months between sets. that sounds about right to me.
Here is the release date for the following sets in the United States.
Marval Team Up set should come out on 2/21/07.
Legion of Superheroes came out on 12/13/06
Heralds of Galactus came out on 9/6/06.
Hope this helps you.
Is that the Release dates or the Sneek P. I jsut wrote the Tournment dates. Well besides that mess up on Dates i think the set show come out like on the month thing i wrote. I think it is very soild, Then what we have now because all these set have came out every 2 months that is too fast. Too many set will be out when Modern age comes around. I know that HoG and LoSH was far a part but LoSH and MTU was really close. I have not every seen much from LoSH yet. I have yet to by a box or test.
Your not missing much in terms of money/power cards if you havent gotten a LOSH box yet. you should have 3 months to get acquainted with the set before the next pre-release and another month after that before the set becomes legal.
this site has a downloadable cardlist and OCTGN seems to update pretty frequently so you can playtest without getting the box yet.
Is that the Release dates or the Sneek P. I jsut wrote the Tournment dates. Well besides that mess up on Dates i think the set show come out like on the month thing i wrote. I think it is very soild, Then what we have now because all these set have came out every 2 months that is too fast. Too many set will be out when Modern age comes around. I know that HoG and LoSH was far a part but LoSH and MTU was really close. I have not every seen much from LoSH yet. I have yet to by a box or test.
Oh, ok, lets just say for example if you're by some far-fetched chance that you are right and the sneak peek is 2/21. THE SNEAK ALREADY HAPPENED AND 2/21 HASN'T ROLLED AROUND YET.
Seriously, people need to calm down on attacking this kid. He made a mistake, it's not the end of the world. In regards to them release sets too close together, though, I think everything has been pretty even with the exception of LOSH to MTU and, personally, I could not be happier.
Don't get me wrong, VS really is my favorite CCG I've ever played (yes, better than magic, and I've t8'ed multiple PTQs, so I'm not throwing random hate), but LOSH was GODAWFUL. I'm sure I'm beating a dead horse here, but anything to help us all forget about the 2.5 month void that was LOSH is welcome by me.
Anyone else want to start a petition to draft MTU in Sydney instead of LOSH? I know it won't happen, but there's actually some logic to it with the next PC not being until August. MTU will be very, very stale by then and we'll probably only get 1 MTU draft and 2 DWF drafts, if there's any MTU at all.
Come on UDE, what if we got 100% of the participants in Sydney to agree to MTU? I don't even think 100% is that far fetched ;)
Personally I think the sets come out to quick. This is because I am more of a casual player. I like to get the feel of a set and try each team in it. This is hard to do with the sets being released as they are now.
I may get to play once a week sometimes every two weeks. When you figure this up I may get to play with the new set 8-10 times before the next set comes out.
This is the sneek dates of the for the last 3 sets.
MHG-Aug 25-26
DLS-Dec 2-3
(14 weeks between ) This is acceptable plenty of time to play with the cards in the set.
MTU-Feb 10-11
(10 weeks) Here is the problem. We had 4 less weeks to play with the set. I haven't figured in older sets to see if this happens more but I would definatly like to see at least 12 weeks between sets.
i thought that HoG cam out early Nov
I live in the US. I just cant remeber the dates
heralds sneak was aug. 26-7. (or whatever the last weekend of that month was).
sets tend to go 2 in the winter, 1 near the end of spring, one near the end of summer.
UDE realized people buy cards in the nov-dec months more than other months. (there's this big holiday-thing that has something to do with it...)
do you know how long crisis sealed events lasted?
in the following analogy, UDE (and more cards) consists of the sun. We are Eskimoes traveling from one pole to the other (family reunion).
Sunlight poor. (fewest new cards from UDE in the year, spring/summer)
Sunlight good. (most new cards, winter)
Sunlight poor. (no different from back at home, spring/summer)
it also depends on your definition of a season. Winter, to me, is nov - mar. in that 5 month range, 2 sets come out. that is a month of previews, 2 weeks of waiting for product, 2 weeks of waiting for tournament legitability, a month of rumor/speculation, and 2 weeks of sneaks.
that is 3 of the 5 months we have in winter where something vs-based is going on.
Of course it's gonna seem like things are going fast. But its not. It's only an illusion.
Sure, LOSH isn't tearing up the metagame single-handedly any time soon, but at least give it the common courtesy of calling it "The Mobilize Set" like some people do for X-Men ("The Enemy Set").