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Poor Negative Woman. I choose her necause I've never really given her a chance, and she still didn't get a chance.
Lionheart tries to breakaway. Gets a 1. That's no good.
All right, I suppose I have to do something to address Danger. Let's try Beta Ray Bill. I know I've already got one Thor wannabe, but he suits my purposes.
Kilowog TKs Bill to N13
Bill targets Danger. AV11 on DV17 +1. Gets 7. Rerolls for her PC. Gets 12. Well, okay. She'll take 3 after Invulnerable and KB to K3.
Nocturne on Cheshire, AV9 on DV17 +2. And she gets the 10. Wierd. But I'll take it. 3 to Cheshire.
Now that she's Poisonous, getting away would be good. Shining Knight to breakaway. Gets 6. He grabs Nocture and flies to J4/K5, Nocturne in K4. Shining Knight takes a shot at Danger. AV7 -5 on DV15. Gets 6. Well, okay that was admittedly unlikely to work.
Lilandra will take a shot at Johnny, for the heck of it, AV9 on DV16 +2. Gets 6.
Lionheart (Alpha Flight) @@ H8 (5!)
V Nocturne @ K4
U Kilowog (TK Reach) @ M23
U Majestrix Lilandra (Call to Arms) @ G10
Vigilante (Revenge) F9/F10
Thunderstrike (Point Blank) H9 (6!)
Shining Knight (Doubletime) @@ J4/K5 (4!)
U Beta Ray Bill @ N13
HO G19, J17, P17
LO L14, M14, R16
Figures used: Lionheart, Negative Woman, Nocturne, Kilowog, Liliandra, Vigilante, Thunderstrike, Shining Knight, Beta Ray Bill - 776
Feats used: Alpha Flight, Toxic Burst, TK Reach, Call to Arms, Revenge, Point Blank, Doubletime
"Greetings, Thunderstrike," Beta Ray Bill called to his ally.
"Beta Ray Bill!" Thunderstrike called back. "It's good to see you, I can tell you that. Think you can do something about the robot on the roof up there?"
"Aye, that I can," Beta Ray Bill said.
"I am more than just some robot," Danger said defiantly. "I am the most advanced computer intelligence in the world."
"Whatever you are, I've never met a computer yet that took well to an overload of electricity." Bill pounded his hammer on the ground, and a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky frying Danger where she stood and knocking her off the roof.
"Whoa," Nocturne said. "We've got some powerful friends."
"They can't save you now," Cheshire said, striking out at Nocturne, who ducked and struck back, managing a lucky blow against Cheshire.
"Come Lady Nocturne, we must be sure yon metal maid doth not rise again," Shining Knight said.
"But..." Nocturne protested, wanting to finish off Cheshire. But Cheshire was through fooling around. She had donned needle sharp claws, dripping with a nasty looking substance. "Well, okay," Talia jumped on the back of his horse and they flew down to deal with Danger.
PP/Tricks up their attack to 10. 1st attack is on Bill. Needs 6, rolls 8 ( 2 4s). Bill gets 2 and kb to O15. 2nd attack on Thunderstrike. Needs 6, rolls 4. Danger can reroll: 7. That's a second one down.
Johnny will rs to J6 to attack Knight. Needs 5, rolls 5. That's 3 out. Johnny ends at J1.
Danger can't absorb the object at K2. Check the wording of the feat: "when this character is the only character adjacent to an object not being carried by a character, give the character a free action and remove the object from the game. Heal the character of 2 damage."
You've got about 3 other characters adjacent to the object at K2. I'll give you the chance to change stuff.
Johnny Quick takes a pot shot at the Shining Knight by tossing a snowball at him at hyperspeed knocking him down. The fall takes him out.
"Knight!" yells Nocturne.
Johnny Quick runs away, "Somuchforyourknightinshiningarmor,honey."
"It ain't a banner day for jolly old England, huh?" Titania says to Lionheart.
"Oh I don't know," Lionheart replies, "I believe it's going better than you thought, after all you are unable to hit me again. I call that a short term victory."
The Pied Piper's flute shatters Lionheart's concentration. "Emphasis on short term," he replies, "Get her Titania."
"With pleasure," she says and with one punch Lionheart is felled.
"That's no fair, you two," the Trickster says to the Pied Piper and Titania, "You can't have ALL the fun." The whips out a cat-of-nine-tails that takes the breath out of Thunderstrike.
"It'll take a lot more than that to ..." Thunderstrike starts. Trickster walks on the air, surprising Thunderstrike with a ranged weapon from above him. The close range hits the Avenger hard enough for a ko.
The Trickster runs up to the Pied Piper and high fives him. "Alright!" Doing a little dance he sings, "We're magic, we're magic."
"Now, now boys," Cheshire says, "Let's not get carried away."
"Forget that? We just splattered three of them. I say it's time for Happy Hour," the Trickster says.
To start, Nocturne will push on Danger, AV9 on DV15. Gets 8. Rerolls for Danger's PC. Gets 10. Super Senses is 4. That's 3 to Danger. 1 to Nocturne.
All right, now for replacements. I'll try the new Kid Flash. I guess I need another TKer. Cosmic Boy should do nicely. With Contingency Plan. One more - Jakeem Thunder who'll be Protected.
Cos TKs Kid Flash to L13
Jakeem Thunder to J13
Kid Flash to J5 on Danger. AV9 on DV14. Gets a 2. Jakeem! Rerolls 7. 2 more to Danger for the KO, and I can breathe a lot easier now. Kid Flash ends K5
Vigilante on Pied Piper, Lilandra pushing to boost his damage to 3. AV9 on DV17. Gets 6. Lilandra takes a click.
V Nocturne @@ K4 (1!)
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
U Majestrix Lilandra (Call to Arms) @@ G10 (1!)
Vigilante (Revenge) @ F9/F10
U Beta Ray Bill N13 (2!)
Kid Flash (CR) @ K5
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) @ L23
U Jakeem Thunder (Protected) @ J13
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
Figures used: Lionheart, Negative Woman, Nocturne, Kilowog, Liliandra, Vigilante, Thunderstrike, Shining Knight, Beta Ray Bill - 1017
Feats used: Alpha Flight, Toxic Burst, TK Reach, Call to Arms, Revenge, Point Blank, Doubletime, Contingency Plan, Protected
"No you don't!" Nocturne said, tearing at anything she could reach on Danger to keep her from repairing herself. Jolts of electricity shot through her, but she ignored them.
"Foolish girl, you can't disassemble me with your bare hands," Danger taunted her.
"Maybe she can't, but I can!" Kid Flash said, "Or I could if I had some tools,"
"Hey, hey, hey! Someone need tools?" Jakeem Thunder's Thunderbolt said, flying up and magically providing some.
"Cool!" Kid Flash said, and before Danger could move to stop him, she was in pieces on the ground.
"There's one more down," Cosmic Boy said.
"Yup, but don't worry," Kilowog said, "from what we've seen so far, there'll be more where she came from."
"Kid Flash," Psimon alerts him telepathically, "You have just entered dangerous territory. Your assistance in the defeat of Danger has made you a primary target. Prepare to die!".
"Can't kill what you can't catch," the boy says deflecting Captain America's shield, tossed at him courtesy of the Super-Adaptoid.
"Bet you can't handle some surprise crazy knife-wielding chump," Typhoid Mary says as she attempts to pounce him, razor blade in hand.
He maneuvers cleverly so that Mary actually jabs herself.
"Bet I can," he jokingly replies.
"You are gonna pay for that, idiot," Mary sneers ignoring the self-inflicted wound to her thigh, "With your life."
"You get 0 points on originality from me, miss," Kid Flash replies, "You can do better than that."
After seeing what Danger could do, I knew I couldn't let you get the same use out of her as I did. Even if I did have to devote all three of my new figures towards taking her down. I almost went with someone else besides Jakeem, but decided last minute to take the PC just in case - that's how badly I wanted to be sure. Glad I did.
Most of my guys will need to clear. About the only thing for me to do this turn is have Beta Ray BIll take a shot at Trickster and the Piper. AV10 on DV17. Gets 12. Oooh. 4 to the boys. Nowhere to go for KB.
V Nocturne K4 (1!)
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
U Majestrix Lilandra (Call to Arms) G10 (1!)
Vigilante (Revenge) F9/F10
U Beta Ray Bill @ O15 (2!)
Kid Flash (CR) K5
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +2) L23
U Jakeem Thunder (Protected) J13
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
Figures used: Lionheart, Negative Woman, Nocturne, Kilowog, Liliandra, Vigilante, Thunderstrike, Shining Knight, Beta Ray Bill - 1017
Feats used: Alpha Flight, Toxic Burst, TK Reach, Call to Arms, Revenge, Point Blank, Doubletime, Contingency Plan, Protected
"I tell you Piper, we make a great team," Trickster said.
"I guess. Generally prefer to work alone, but I'll admit, I'd rather work with you than those other goons from the Rogue's Gallery," Pied Piper admitted.
"Oh, don't be so understated. You're having a blast and you know it!"
"If it's a blast you want," Beta Ray Bill told them, "I can arrange that." He called down a lightning bolt at the Rogues.
"I thought we blew you up," Trickster said, his costume smoking.
I don't know if you got the post for the Crisis Part 2 game. Sent it a few days ago.
OK first of all Nocturne takes a poison click from Cheshire.
Trickster again perplexes KFlashs' dv down to 17. Johnny to J5 to attack Flash. Needs 8, rolls 10. 3 to Kid Flash, Johnny goes back to J1.
Mary (who's supposed to be at J6, the only way she could attack Kid Flash last turn).
PP/Trick on Flash. Needs 8, rolls 5. 2nd roll is 9. Hmmmmm...unclear if it's a -2 for the second of the duo figure and if the perplexing down still applies.
If Flash doesn't take the damage from the 2nd attack I'll push Mary. Needs 10, rolls 9. Good rolls there...
The duo figure's second attack is at -1 damage, so Trickster would hit, but only for 1. However, Jakeem had LOF and could force a reroll. Still gets a 9. Still hits for 1. Guess I should have pushed Kid Flash. I was relying too much on his high DV to protect him.
Jakeem to double Incap Titania and Pied Piper/Trickster. AV9 on DV15 and DV16. Gets a 5. He'll reroll. Gets 10. A token and a click to both.
Vigilante on Pipester. AV9 on DV15. Gets 9. 2 more to them will KO them.
Nocturne on Cheshire. AV9 on DV14 +2. Gets 12. Lots of good rolls here. 4 to Cheshire is more than enough to KO her too.
Since you said if Tricksters attack missed you'd push Mary, and it hit, I'm going on the assumption that you didn't. Kid Flash is on his last click and will attack Mary. AV7 on DV15. Gets 8 (4+4). 1 to Mary with KB to I7.
Lilandra to breakaway from Titania. Gets 2.
V Nocturne @ K4 (2!)
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
U Majestrix Lilandra (Call to Arms) @ G10 (1!)
Vigilante (Revenge) @ F9/F10
U Beta Ray Bill O15 (2!)
Kid Flash (CR) @ K5 (4!)
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +2) L23
U Jakeem Thunder (Protected) @ J13
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6