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And BLS brought the duelist to the mountaintop and proclaimed, “All that you see, Shonen Jump, Regionals, Nationals, Worlds! All that I ask of you is that you serve me by using me in every duel, every deck, and every victory from now until you die or I am banned.” -Pharaoh Atem 12:27
Its not just BLS that bothers me, its the fact that most duelist also say that some cards are STAPLE in every deck (TIV, SINISTER, BREAKER, ETC)
Originality has pretty much gone the way of the DoDo. Myself an running 3 deck (2 are in my SIG) and none of them use the "STAPLES" unless the fit the theme of my deck. I've been running a Gravekeeper's Deck since they came out.....modifying with news card when the card fit in. I've actually been told by a Chaos deck player that he wont play me because of Necrovalley. I found that pretty sad.
Having ran a Chaos back when I played the OCG and had BLS/CS-EoB- I know how powerful and how overused it can get. Orginally, I, like other duelists I know, started a Warrior deck and that is when news of Chaos Soldier-Envoy of Creation-(BLS-EotB-) reached my ears. I obtained that card and put it in my Warrior deck and watched in glee as my opponents could do nothing to stop me with my onslaught of CS. Eventually, I found the game to be boring since I would only face similiar decks to mine at the few OCG tournies I went to, there was no challenge, it just came down to who could get CS out first for the win.
Soon after I realized that, I switched over to the English TCG, where BLS-EotB- hadn't come out yet. For awhile, it was good, I didn't run my Warrior deck in English and IoC wasn't out yet. I had fun with my new beatdown deck and it did pretty well. At last I thought I had found a place where I could finally find some new orginality in the game instead of of CED and CS/BLS running around in everyone decks. Then came IOC...
At first, it was fine, I ran into maybe one or two Chaos decks, not many compaired to what I had faced in the past. Soon after though, I run into three, then four, then, five, finally to point where my local tourny consisted only of Chaos/Yata lock decks, save for the few people who ran Gravekeeper(I was included in the Gravekeeper runners at this time) and my friend's Burn deck. After losing agianst Chaos so much, it promted me to leave the game for nearly a year, hopeing Chaos would die off by the time I came back.
Boy was I wrong! EVERYONE was running Chaos, including my friend who had run his burn deck for so long. I have only been to two tournies since I reentered the game this past May(one being SJC NJ)and I can honestly say that besides my Dragon deck(which has now evolved into a Horus deck) and the one Beastdown decked I played agianst, I have seen nothing but Chaos being played.
While I can understand why people run BLS and play Chaos, I do firmly believe that it should be banned and effectivly hurt Chaos decks in a big way. Of course, I realize that a new would reign once Chaos is gone, but having played many different deck types, I know each one has a weakness that can be easy to exploit no matter what deck you run. Chaos is the only exception to this that I have seen, it's only weakness is your opponent not beign able to draw BLS or get him out to the feild.
Anyway, I'm done now...
"And the duelist said to the Lord, "Destroy the wicked BLS and return the game." And the Lord said, "But wait a minute, you use BLS in yoru deck!" And the duelist said, "Well, I want originality, but not in my deck!"
-The book of Chaos, 5:12-5:15
That's all I'm going to say about the hate of BLS.
oh, and one more quote AJ:
"And the Lord did tell the duelists of the realms not to try spoofing again, for that was the work of the angel Mr. Chaos."
The Book of Parody, 3:14159....
Ha ha you said yoru. Anyway, it is very sad that all of these people say that they have BLS in their deck and the usually don't use him. In my opinion if you don't usually use a card in you deck you take it out for a card that you will use. In my deck I have an even ratio of light to dark monsters (5:5) but I refuse to run BLS because of the simple fact that he is not needed at all. The deck can win because I am not trying to kill off my other monster too fast in order to be able to summon BLS. Anyway I have ranted to long now, I must go. Great Article by the way.
The real problem is that I konami releases cards like lihning vortex or cybernetic magician that can destroy envoy. And you scream and jump up in down asyou tauntingly destroy our opponents envoys with the new cards. guess what will happen? no matter how bad the new cards will own envoy the copycat envoy players will copy your stuff to.
cyber end dragon
the creator
lightning vortex
monster reincarnation.
your pure intentions to justly gaining a victory over this golden crutch all invetibly fall to the dark power of the envoy players.
Also not everyone plays envoy correctly. They play them at the wrong time.
It's the dusty old newbish over extending view of bls is he same as axe of despair. yes I suumoned berserk gorilla and he can deal with your archfiend soldier just fine but If I pop this axe of despair on it then I can inflict more damage. arrghh
What I ame saying is that when they play it just because they want to inflict more chaos damage they are missing out on what the card was designed to do:
The summoning conditions are easy 1 light and 1 dark monster in your graveyard is all you need: special summon. fortunately for most of us what makes bls actually weak is that unless the bls player is netdecking a successfull deck the balance of light and dark monsters can be very difficult to master and soul releaeing 5 of any one color (usually light works best since they can't resist the darkness of their cards) can leave them with no hope. I like dark blade the dragon knight. continual soul release is very good.
he attacks twice with 3000 base attack and this is what almost everyone who runs bls does. but then why even have the other fact unless my theory is true and most people are just overextending?
in exchange for not useing is second attack effect he can remove a monster from play. Incomeing transmission for bls cookie player konami all the way up to kazuki takahashi himself probably envisioned black luster envoy as great game breakers meant to turn the tide of battle poeticly when all hope is lost. sacred tributeless guardians that escaped the boundaries of their rituals (well magician of black chaos and black luster soldier were originally ritual monsters) to with boulder effects to be used b the bravest souls.
That backfired and black luster soldier was not instrumental to the soul of the duelists never ending determination. but to the cowardice, and the cheapest of all kills awaiting in the heart of these cards.
To me chaos is a dsruptor that can backfire and disrupt the flow of your deck building when you want to try a amazing elemental monster.
man gustaph is horribly underrated and chaos sorcerer slightly less so.
Blah, Blah, Blah we here it everyday but yet almost everybody uses it or everybody does use it. Now come on people if CED wasn't banned wouldn't you be running Chaos? I know I would. True I have him in my deck but I don't use him to win 89% of the time when I do when he isn't even on the field or had not been on the field. But true he is a crutch people do need him to win. I DO NOT approve of him, but yet I want him in my deck because if I need a last resort I just have him. How I play with him in my deck? I play by not worring about him, I just draw one card at a time and play. When I do draw him then I know what I have to do. Summon him and try to win.
True every deck has a "win condition" Exodia, Chaos, Warrior, Beatdown, Burn, Water, all of them. But yet we pick on BLS as being a win condition? Black Luster Soldier aka "Golden Crutch" Isn't a threat as it used to be every single set we find a new way to take him out. Or we find old cards to do it. Bottomless Trap Hole, D. D. Assilant, people are starting to make decks revolving around killing him. If you build a deck to destroy one card then any other deck will destroy you. Just build your deck with your "win condition" and you will beat anything possible.
Before you ask me "if my deck can win without BLS why main deck it?" I will tell you. If I need him when I am in a hole. Then I will use anything to win! ANYTHING! So which means I will use him, he is a last resort for me or a first. It doesn't go in order from first, middle, last it comes either first or last. He comes early or late. Now now now, don't think that I don't run other decks because I do. But look at my deck "Outta Control" it does more than just control it controls control decks it's self. So therefore you can call it a BLS killer.
People hesitate to play him because they are scared they will loose him because of a trap. Well that is a price in running him. Play him as soon as possible. Don't be afraid becuase if you do that you will loose!
To end this
"Golden Crutch" A friend of mine (Willie Fellows) said this
"A crutch is that I don't have to use it, or is it that I want to use it" (seriously a real crutch) but it is in the same sense of a BLS. You don't have to use it unless you want to permanently damage your leg. I plan on giving him up after the NC SCJ tournament on June 25th and go Silent with some swordsmen of mine! Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning isn't bad to use. It all depends on how you use it. Some people use it just to win, but people like me use it to destroy those "BLS Only Decks". I use mine the good way, I love this article and great job on it Morpheus. But come on lets move onto a different subject in our articles because the past ones have revolved around BLS. Enough has been said about him he will either be banned soon or everybody will just forget about him. This is crazy with my opinion!
i've been thinking(i know thats a bad thing) but sounds to like most of you want BLS banned so that your decks will be play. most of you seem to blame all your losses on this one card isn't that wrong? if they ban the soldier we are allowing ourselves to say "thats ok because he was too hard to beat" is that not why we play to overcome the odds and prove that in the end we are better. I do not hate the soldier nor to I use him even though warriors are my favorite tribe in Yugioh i simple see him as that Bastard son of IOC who we turn into william the Conqueror. he is here to stay people no matter how much we Bemoan him we have two choices either we hide in these forums cryout againist him and wait for new banned list or we stand up and fight make those who use him regret it and there is only one way to do that and that is though dueling.
sign d.d. knight
p.s. in the end the duelist gets the glory not the deck
For me my winning condition is the "limiter removals" because i run a machine deck.
And way way way all the people hate a BLS, i dont hate it (i dont have one). BLS is a card that can be very easy destroyed. There are a lot of cards in all the TCG of yugioh that can destroy or remove him.
My favorite combo to destroy him is: KA-2 des siccors + 2 limiter removals. Battle damage = 1000 + effect of Ka2 4000 damage = 5000 damage and BLs is destroyed.
I really hope that a trend starts when BLS- Envoy is put into a more original format of decks. I know there different combos that can be utilized with this monster and combos that can be superb against him. But when you think chaos you think Black Luster Soldier Envoy of The Beginning, Breaker The Magical Warrior, Different Diminsion Warrior Lady. I think BLS is great when he is used in an original deck. By the look of things I wouldn't be suprised if Chaos Emperor Dragon Envoy of the End is brought back into the Advance Format with the mass release of promos in The Lost Millenium Special Edition.
I like the article because it helps to realize how predictable those people who play BLS in there are... I should know because I have a deck could been Chaos but I chose to stick w/ beatdown. I saw a reply on that kind of made me :angry: because he suggested putting The Soldier... Well great article and I see where you are going...
Hmmm I used to be a BLS User. I know how it feels to win with him and how it feels to lose to him. Surely enough there are millions of threads about the brokeness of BLS and every thread helped one individual. In my area (which used to be BLS rampant) now dismisses the use of BLS. NO DECK RUNS THIS ANYMORE. HOORRRAAAYYYY!!!!
Plus with the success of the new Japanese Meta, change is progressing
I hear everyone say "Oh BLS is overated" and "I have him in my deck but I try not to use him". Well to all of those who say or have said something along those lines, I have one thing to say. You're all full of it. If you really disliked BLS, or even hate the damn card as much as I do, then you wouldn't
*waves hand in air* I don't have BLS!!! A fact I'm proud of, actually.I only know a few people with him but when they manage to get him out they usually whup ###!Which is rather annoying...but when he's incorporated into a deck that's just as evil without him, then it doesn't really matter whether your opponant pulls him or not...if they do, it's bonus killing time! But if not, then the rest of their cookie deck is likely to slaughter you anyway.
Personally...I blame the cookies!! Down with cookies! Especially that blasted Delinquant Duo...
Been sayin it all along... that's why this game really needs at least 2 distinct formats, one where all cards on the B&R list are simply Banned outright, and another where theyre all Restricted.
Until such a time comes, stupidly broken, overpowered, undercosted, generic cards will continue to dominate the game. Plus, Konami seriously needs a dedicated R&D staff like Wizards.
But, that's your guys' problem. I won't play this game, and will discourage people from playing it, until Konami takes serious steps to improve the quality of gameplay. Not trying to be a troll, just stating cause. Anyone who knows me knows I used to like this game quite a bit.
Been saying it for awhile now. BLS needs to be banned. There's just too much decks with him in it. I mean, the Shonen Jump in New Jersey had Chaos decks from 1-8th place. I mean, come on people. Cookies anyone?