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I didn't say that, you did. I'm just saying it will be extremly difficult to live past turn 5 in Silver Age.
If you are playing a stall deck, it will have to be very very good or get an absolute nuts draw to deal with the massive amounts of aggro you will face.
I don't know if anyone noticed, but UDE PRINTED THE ANSWER TO THIS in MTU: What Are Friends For? - also known as a Modern Age legal Nasty Surprise.
Uh... Nasty Surprise does exist in Modern and is actually way better than "What are friends for?" since this one targets the opposing character and cloak prevents it from being used (in Quickfate at least).
Coupla things - first off, everyone out there needs to clean off their sarcasm detectors. I think something's got 'em gummed up.
Second - Draconis, I was not suggesting a "swing-and-a-miss", but rather an underdrop. Still, point taken. I was trying to point out that the slightest bit of bad luck, even if your deck is built to handle a massive triple swing, and you probably loose against a decent draw.
I hate losing to bad draws. And Moon Knight/Parrington exacerbates bad draws.
It's going to be Bounty Hunt. UDE jumps on anything that allows you to draw cards.
ESU Science Lab is still around ;)
Ego Gem is more likely because, unlike Bounty Hunt, you don't have to rely on your opponent's characters to get the card draw. Your opponent's characters can only leave play so many times ... however with Ego Gem and Mr. Fantastic [5-drop] you can draw a nigh infinite ammount of cards [especially if you include Cosmic Radiations and possibly other effects].
she doesn't have any recruitment restrictions, and as long as you have spider-man in your deck, she is virtually free.
she is one card short of frankie ray.
Probally wont get banned. She essentially does nothing unless you got Spidey in the deck like you said, but she has not ATK. You recruit her and she gets mauled...that's it. She's nowhere near Frankie Raye broken.
Ego Gem is more likely because, unlike Bounty Hunt, you don't have to rely on your opponent's characters to get the card draw. Your opponent's characters can only leave play so many times ... however with Ego Gem and Mr. Fantastic [5-drop] you can draw a nigh infinite ammount of cards [especially if you include Cosmic Radiations and possibly other effects].
Yeah, ego gem is probably the power-splash card, especially in conjunction with New Baxter Building. But even that I don't think is broken... I think they are correctly moving the game away from hyper-searching and replacing it with card drawing. That's how I feel they should have done in the first place. Too much searching causes degeneracy too fast, and also makes games take FOREVER. But a few extra card draws for all the teams? That just makes the game keep the high skill-base we're used to. I love all the engines.. Empire Building, Ego Gem, Sanctum. But I don't see any of them being banned.
Truthfully, I do agree a little with Sean on the potential lategame "shutdown" that occurs with Spiderman 7 + Sentry... running that combo in your deck more or less limits your opponent to 6 turns to kill you, especially if a gift wrap is thrown in the mix. But, adding those cards in HAS made playing 8-drops viable again, so maybe it's a "good thing"?
Originally Posted by aceswolf
I'VE done it I've been working on the same combo. Tania Belinskya <> Red Guardian + Samantha Parrington <> Valkyrie going into turn 5.
Tap RED to Valkyrie Tap Valkyrie to herself. OK
Drop Dr.Strange 5 DROP ,untap Valkyrie so she is a 9/9,Range,flight for the turn can attack Twice. Now that Dr.Strange has served his purpose time to Sub him out for Devil Slayer sub him 3 more times(since my deck has 8 MTU Character search it's really easy to pull it off.) yes thats a total of 20 cards off the top of your deck you could get about 6-12 plot twist able to be used during that attack. Tap Valkyrie to Devil slayer tap Devil slayer to Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. Than at the start of combat The Rock kicks in and you have a 1/4,range - 9/9 flight,range,Attack twice -9/9 flight,range,Attack Twice Never mind all those great plot twists that they have and you can use to ready them again and again and againyou thought quick silver was bad . God its brokin turn 5 win almost 80% of the time.Remember Spread the VS LOVE.
Ace... Devil Slayer's ability triggers when he goes to combat, not when he comes into play. So subbing him over himself doesn't do anything. Not only is it not broken, it's not even good.
Moon Knight + Samantha + the 2 drop = 15/9 first attack, 12/9 other two attacks which can cause breakthrough. But even this has proved less powerful in general than the Spiderfriends decks of the format.
I think Samntha gets my vote as the most overrated card in the set :).
I actually think the 1 drop Wild Pack guy that discards to look for any ongoing plot twist is pretty powerful. Obviously it was meant to find Bounty Hunt, but, in the vein of Doom 3, this could be potentially good.