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Really? Looking at the penalty guidelines, it looks like this would be P-20 "Deck Error-Illegal Decklist) with a default penalty of a Warning.
Assuming your deck was legal (and, from your description, it sounds like it was), and assuming you did not get any prior warnings in the tournament about your deck not matching your decklist, I believe the judge erred in their determination of the appropriate penalty. Were I in that position, I would have appealed the Game Loss penalty and asked for the more appropriate Warning penalty.
Then again, I've heard of inappropriately harsh "deck error" penalties being given out at 10k events before. . . new sleeves for the tournament, round 5 deck check points out mild scuffing on about 8 of the 30 cards, since two or three of the cards were "good" cards, the deck is considered "marked". Normally, I'm all about supporting judges and their ability to do what is necessary to make the game fair for all, but this is a case of bad judge calls FTL.
Yeah I was quick to point this out too like right as soon as he said he was going to game loss me. I literally said, "UDE says its a warning. Its in the official tournament policy." He gave this excuse that well we feel that we can't let this slide and game lossed me.
I was pissed of course. Considering I'm probably never gonna have another chance to make such a good deck call for a tourney again without a team.
so this one time i was two wins away from top eighting a PC with six rounds and two drafts to go. before the first draft, a coverage reporter comes up and is preparing to cover my draft. i casualy point out that i have 3-0'd nine out of 24 drafts i have played at the PC. his reply, " how many have you 0-3'd?" i kinda laugh and say that i haven't o-3'd any. i procede to draft an unspectacular curve deck and promptly 0-3(while my three opponents finish an impressive 8-1 combined). in the 2nd draft i failed to move into the underdrafted off curve deck and found myself finishing with my worst day two record to date.
instead of riding a bunch of favorable match-ups to the 50k check, i spent my sunday at the chinese swapmeat buying a bunch of communist posters and wasabi covered peas.
i guess it's a bad beat that im so stupid :(
Yeah I was quick to point this out too like right as soon as he said he was going to game loss me. I literally said, "UDE says its a warning. Its in the official tournament policy." He gave this excuse that well we feel that we can't let this slide and game lossed me.
As I said, this is not the first time I've heard of 10k deck checks being overly harsh. While the head judge does have the power to make that call, it is definitely something I would discuss with them at length if necessary/possible, with the PTO if available and with UDE afterwards to find out why this specific circumstance would warrant an upgraded penalty.
I'd also point out that, unlike Magic, there's no difference in the level of rules enforcement nor in the harshness of the penalties given out.
And, all the time, I would do so in a calm and clear but determined fashion until a) the decision was adjusted or b) there was some specific and convincing argument provided why the head judge felt there should be a deviation from standard policy.
I actually was really calm about it. I tried everything I could except the, "Why are you crushing my dreams!" line. I was pretty helpless in general.
I tried to be positive and tell myself that all I needed to do was win the next round. I told myself that if I got paired against Faces I've at least got Mikado and some game if I win odds. Can't do anything when I lose on 4 to a god draw.
I've got a good one. Okay I'm playing Mutant Nation/Mental(my own weird concoction) against a Kang City deck. I've only recruited one character by turn 4(Destiny, Freedom Force) and I'm ready to scoop. My opponent almost begs me to keep playing. So I draw into my 5, Brick wall his attack. Turn 6 I bamf and clear his board, Brick wall on 7 and win on 8 dropping Rachael. I only had about 15 endurance going into turn 5.