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Well it looks the The Vanguard is taking the name, and personnally I like it. As such your first mission is posted in the play by post forum and your strategy thread is posted as well. PLEASE ONLY POST YOUR MOVES IN THE PBP THREAD!
Well Mastermind is less-than useful here, since we can coordinate our moves pretty well, although it could be useful in some instances.
My plan right now is to eventually add Running Shot on clicks 2-3 or 3-4 depending on how it works out, along with late dial Support. Energy Explosion or Psychic Blast is also possible on the first click or two, depending on how the rest of the team works out. Here, Psychic Blast would basically represent head shots.
So yeah, I've already got a plan
Endure Fort
"endure with strength"
-Clan Lindsay motto
"Oh man, what a week! First I die, only to be resurrected to find out that my father was a villain who is now dead annnnnd I get whisked away to another dimension. I better sit down." *ponders*"Well I bet Johnny Marvel can whip together some gadget to get us back home."My father actually told me of some of his trans-dimensional exploits and more often than not they are a parallel of own existance."*ponder some more*Vangaurd is kinda catchy......But I grew up wanting to grow into my father boots when he was the the Seven, and hey, there's seven of us so why not Seven? I'm still the most junior person of the group as far as powers go. Do I even have powers? I know that I don't feel pain or get tired. I just,.......just hope I don't let you guys down.
As revenant learns to focus his powers I think support won't be to out of character. He will simply just absorb the negative energy "damage" into his body. As an undead being (more of that negative energy) I think poison and exploit weakness will be my offensive power.
I'm currently working on a couple of less minmaxed charachters with some of this powers, in case you'll need substitutes in the future... don't worry, I'm keeping you in LOS
So don't forget you have an audience, try to be the more superheroish you can!
I figure Conglomerate will eventually pick up Impervious, and probably Defend. Force Blast is also looking pretty likely. Incapacitate probably, as well. If we get to be Giants, I might make Conglomerate one with some Grounded to represent him not in full giant rock suit. Just some thoughts...
Imagine it with flames...
Vengeance of the Midnight Sons Clan
Manager of Two-Face's Dark Victory in the Ultimate Fantasy Heroclix League
Well ... I'm probably not going to have time to type anything detailed at work today since I've been so busy lately, so I'm going to throw it out there now.
* * * *
Magnus "Sleeper" Vestensson took out his lockpicking kit, and set to work opening up the door to the building. He looked around inside. A few guards inside. he noted. They look weak. Nothing I can't handle. . As he began to enter, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Daybreak behind him, looking stern as ever. "Remember," he said, "That we're a team. And I don't want any innocents harmed." Sleeper gave him a wry look and replied Perhaps we have a different definition of the word 'innocent.' Men that knowlingly work for evil men are never innocent. Daybreak gave him a scornful look. Sleeper continued But I'll tell ya' what Papa ... just for you, I'll play nice. See that guard over there? She's obviously got a bum knee. See how she's walking? Just take her out, and I won't have to shoot her. He paused, and the wry look returned. Unless, or course, I do have to shoot her. But that's up to you. With that, Sleeper snuck into the room. He moved past the sentry by the door, and crouched behind a crate. As he hid there, he though to himself Hmm. Wasn't there something in the old plan about some sort of object we needed to retreive from a crate? What's in these anyway? Guns? Drugs? Stolen technology? Sleeper took out his combat knife, and quietly pried open a crate.
* * * *
Beginning position: O6
Ending position: P9
Perplexed up Daybreak's damage before entering the building.
Opened a crate at P9.
Now I'm assuming that once I open this thing, it becomes hindering? Or do I need to actually destroy it and make noise for that to happen? In other words ... am I stealthed in front of a pile of shipping materials right now, or does that happen at the beginning of next turn, once Daybreak's already made plenty of ruckus?
Endure Fort
"endure with strength"
-Clan Lindsay motto