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All right then, Kyle will attack Major Force, since everyone else is safe behind the barrier. Perplexing his damage to 4 and AV11 on DV16. Gets 7. Impervious roll is - at last - a 4. 2 to Force after Impervious and thankfully he's down to merely invulnerable now.
For more Indy fun, I'll bring in Lobster Johnson. Won't do anthing with him just yet though.
Jubilee will RS to R8 and from there, attack Killer Frost. AV9 on DV15. Gets 9, so she'll take 2.
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +2) L23
U Orion I6 (8!)
Arisia (GLC) M13 (6!)
Kyle Rayner (CR) @ L14
V Jubilee @ R8
Shatterstar (Pounce) M7 (1!)
V Lobster Johnson L24
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
"You know, I've had just about enough of your mouth," Kyle told Major Force.
"What the...?" Major Force asked, puzzled. The thing he threw at Major Force looked like a giant swiss-army bomb, with several lethal looking power tools where the regular blades would be. After these softened Force up a bit, it exploded. "Ha! Nice one," the Major conceded. "But I'm still around."
"Yup, and so am I," Kyle grinned, cracking his knuckles.
Meanwhile Jubilee, having seen what Major Force was capable of taking, knew she'd stand little chance of hurting him, so she decided to infiltrate and see what she could do. Slipping quietly between the cages, she saw a woman, apparently made of ice.
"Well you don't need to be a genius to figure out she's gotta be the one responsible for those annoying ice walls that keep popping up," she figured, and sent some of her fireworks her way. So concentrated was Killer Frost on keeping the wall up, she had no expectation of an attack from the flank until BANG! she was battered by the small explosions.
"Who dares?" Frost turned to stare at Jubilee.
"Hi. That'd be me," Jubilee said. "There's more where that came from too!" she added.
Well I've got an opening here. It'd be a shame not to use it. Cosmic Boy TKs Lobster to K13.
Lobster Outwits Zod's Impervious, then moves to H15
Cosmic Boy uses his Contingency Plan to up Kyle's damage to 5. Kyle Perplexes it up firther to 6 and attacks Zod. AV11 on DV17. Gets 10. Good for 6 to Zod.
Shatterstar Pounces to L6, attacks Zod. AV9 +1 on DV15. Gets 6. Zod takes 2 +1 for Pounce, -1 for Toughness, or well, 2. Shattersatr takes another click.
Jubilee pushes on Killer Frost, hoping to make her useless as both an attack or Barrier piece. AV9 on DV15. Gets 7. 2 more to Frost. 1 to her.
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) @ L23
U Orion I6 (8!)
Arisia (GLC) M13 (6!)
Kyle Rayner (CR) @@ L14
V Jubilee @@ R8 (1!)
Shatterstar (Pounce) @ L6 (2!)
V Lobster Johnson @ H15 (Stealth)
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
"Major Force is getting away!" Kyle said, ready to go after him.
"Forget him," Lobster Johnson said, sidling up beside him. "It's that armored guy that's the biggest threat right now."
"You're right," Kyle conceded. "But he can take on Superman."
"He's got a weak point in his armor, just on the side there," Lobster said. "Go for it and you can take him."
"Okay," Kyle agreed and shot for the spot Johnson had indicated. It worked. Zod's armor practically blew up.
"An opening!" Shatterstar said and rushed in to take advantage of the opportunity, plunging his sword into the vulnerable spot. It worked, but it felt like trying to push the sword through a brick wall. His arm hurt. But it was worth it.
"And I'm not letting up on you either lady," Jubilee said hitting Killer Frost wih another round of fireworks.
Killer Frost should be at 4 clicks now, and Barrierless. Jubilee hit her for 2 twice. Do you want to give her a different action, or just pass with her?