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Wolverine Origins #1 - Rated 6 - The new Wolvie series. I really dont like the art. Anyways the story starts off with Wolvie "Attacking" the White House. Why? So he can find some woman who knows about his past. To bad her superiors send a robot to kill her 1st. Wolvie deals with the bot and flees. SHIELD is of course not happy. Eh... so far not impressed.
X-Men #185 - Rated 7 - So Gambit isnt fully under Apocs control but still sides with him. The X-Men end up destorying some of Apocs "cure" to his plague which planned to give to 10% of the human pop so they will live when he spreads his killer plague. So with that ndone he goes to the UN and tells them that they must cull 90% of the worlds pop or he will release the plague and kill 100%. We then find out that Polaris is indeed Pestilence. Seems the other woman had the wrong attitude, she wanted it REALLY bad. It was okay. Milligan hasnt impressed me at all ever.
Spider-Woman Origin #5 - Rated 8 - Jess finds out her father is scum and sets out to destory the oil platform that he and Hydra are working on. She gets into a fight with other "spider-women" which was only a trick to keep them occupied until the platform exploded. She is then rescued by SHIELD. Fury again offers her a job but she turns it down as she would rather go run her detective agency. This the tale of her origin is told. I liked it, though i seriously didn't like the art. Far to bland and cartoony for my liking.
Daredevil #84 - Rated 9 - Bullseye arrives at the prison just as Kingpin is put back into Gen Pop. The prison has been in a state of chaos ever since Matt as put into Gen Pop as he's been kicking ### trying to find out who ordered the death of Foggy. Meanwhile Urick is still trying to track down the new DD and gets a good lead. And oh yea, The Punisher sees whats going down at the prison and decides to get himself tossed in to "help out". Should be intersting. This stuff has been really good, though i highly doubt Foggy is really dead.
New Avengers #18 - Rated 9 - Spidy of course adds hilarity to the issue. Turns out that all the mutant powers that were ripped away and set loose and this guy in Alaska absorbed them all and gone mad. Sentry shows up to kick his butt! Finally some kick butt action! Woo! Totally worth reading.
Nextwave #4 - Rated 9 - Hilarious! We get the origin of the Captain. Turns out 2 aliens came to Earth to make a human a champion of his people, unfortuantly they ran into a drunk and just decided to give him the super powers. He then knocks them out and pukes on them. The team fights and beats down the dirty cop after he becomes a giant robot. The cop then comes to his senses before he is hauled off to be tortured by the people he used to abuse... poor guy
Squadron Supreme #2 - The team is sent to another country to stop a warlord from coming to power. Turns out the Warlord has powers of his own. Oen of them being invulnerability, the other... he can mindcontrol people. Hype. Spectrum, and Kingsley fall under his sway. Good action, and we see that Zarda is still... not nice. Still a great replacement for the real JLA.
Wolverine Origins #1 - Rated 6 - The new Wolvie series. I really dont like the art. Anyways the story starts off with Wolvie "Attacking" the White House. Why? So he can find some woman who knows about his past. To bad her superiors send a robot to kill her 1st. Wolvie deals with the bot and flees. SHIELD is of course not happy. Eh... so far not impressed.
New Avengers #18 - Rated 9 - Spidy of course adds hilarity to the issue. Turns out that all the mutant powers that were ripped away and set loose and this guy in Alaska absorbed them all and gone mad. Sentry shows up to kick his butt! Finally some kick butt action! Woo! Totally worth reading.
Squadron Supreme #2 - The team is sent to another country to stop a warlord from coming to power. Turns out the Warlord has powers of his own. Oen of them being invulnerability, the other... he can mindcontrol people. Hype. Spectrum, and Kingsley fall under his sway. Good action, and we see that Zarda is still... not nice. Still a great replacement for the real JLA.
The Wolverine issue set a tone for the arc, so while it didn't blow the roof off the joint, it was a good way to start the series. Also, I'm not so sure that she knew about his past so much, as she was alink to someone tied in to Logan's past-which is why whoever it was sent the Shiva unit to neutralize her.
New Avengers# 18- Another great issue. But I was looking forward to tThe Sentry finally proving his worth......still waiting as Michael the postman brushed him off as is he was nothing. I mean, I wasn't expecting him to show at all, but was disappointed when he did, and did next to nothing. Are we EVER going to find out what this guy is capable of, or has he become the gret Hype?
Gotta say, I'm LOVING Squadron Supreme. Looks like Zarda and Hyperon have begun their plotting.....I thought we were going to have to wait for that to develop,,guess not. Great stuff!
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC
My favortie part of Wolvie was the ending showing Nuke. Nuke!! I want a click of this guy. I remember reading a Daredevil tale where DD and Cap take him on in the middle of Hells Kitchen. Good stuff.
Next Wave just bores me, though. Why not just use SHIELD and Fury(heck even and LMD) instead of making a copy of both in the same universe. Blah.
Annihilation keeps gaining momentum and is better with each series. Can't wait to see Nova go crazy from the Nova force and Quasar and Drax have to beat him down. That would be fun.
Gotta say, I'm LOVING Squadron Supreme. Looks like Zarda and Hyperon have begun their plotting.....I thought we were going to have to wait for that to develop,,guess not. Great stuff!
This may be true for the new ongoing (mini?). But the MAX Supreme Power which I bought every issue accomplished jack. The entire original SS series was 12 (8?) issues, in which the entire rise and fall was told. At the end of the MAX series they hadn't even assembled the team ! That's when I gave up and decided to eat any further Squadron related stuff in graphic novel format.
Re: New Avengers
Hmmmm ... Anybody smell a 198 rollback for the characters that people want to see get their powers back ? Mutant Power Post Man is a pretty convienent vehicle to selectively return powers.
Annihilation keeps gaining momentum and is better with each series. Can't wait to see Nova go crazy from the Nova force and Quasar and Drax have to beat him down. That would be fun.
I agree with that, though once again I found the first issue to be somewhat lacking. I get the feeling it'll be a lot more fun to read when they're all brought together for the main mini series. I still enjoy the first issue of Nova now and it actually looks like I'll be reading Ronan next week as well. I'm so glad these series are only 4 issues each.
And I'll quickly mention Sensational Spider-Man by pointing out that it's reading just like a Spider-Man comic from the 90s post clone saga. That's good and bad. Good in that it's not as obnoxious as Amazing, bad as in it feels like a huge step back from where he's been lately in terms of storytelling. Anyway, unless the arc has an awesome finish, it looks like I'll be back to two regular Spidey books a month.
This may be true for the new ongoing (mini?). But the MAX Supreme Power which I bought every issue accomplished jack. The entire original SS series was 12 (8?) issues, in which the entire rise and fall was told. At the end of the MAX series they hadn't even assembled the team ! That's when I gave up and decided to eat any further Squadron related stuff in graphic novel format.
It's an ongoing. Supreme Power was only supposed to get the reader familiar with the main characters, so that we could dive right into Squadron Supreme. I think it accomplished it well. By the time the original series was done, they were all ready established in the Marvel U. This series is geared to today's readers, and is told in a way that people of today can relate to. The Hyperion mini that followed bridged the gap between Supreme Power and Squadron Supreme, though I'm not sure how the Doctor Spectrum and Nighthawk minis figured into the overal story.
I really think this is great, especially since I'm not a fan of the old stuff. Though judging by some reactions, Marvel might've been better served releasing this as an Ultimate Max title.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC
X-Men #185[/b] - Rated 7 - So Gambit isnt fully under Apocs control but still sides with him. The X-Men end up destorying some of Apocs "cure" to his plague which planned to give to 10% of the human pop so they will live when he spreads his killer plague. So with that ndone he goes to the UN and tells them that they must cull 90% of the worlds pop or he will release the plague and kill 100%. We then find out that Polaris is indeed Pestilence. Seems the other woman had the wrong attitude, she wanted it REALLY bad. It was okay. Milligan hasnt impressed me at all ever.
I don't think that Milligan has done a great job but I think that this is his best arc on X-Men yet.
What a great group of Horseman. Sunfire, Gambit, and Polaris! One thing about Apocalypse's plan-allow 10 %of the Homo Sapien population to live, so that they could fight with the remaining mutants, for world supremecy. Awesome. And I was blown away by the revelation that Polaris was Pestilence. Wasn't expecting that at all.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC
New Avengers #18 - Rated 9 - Spidy of course adds hilarity to the issue. Turns out that all the mutant powers that were ripped away and set loose and this guy in Alaska absorbed them all and gone mad. Sentry shows up to kick his butt! Finally some kick butt action! Woo! Totally worth reading.
Agree 100%. I was glad to see the Sentry finally get the respect he deserves. Although the fight was brief, it was a good indication of just how powerful the Sentry really is.
I enjoyed the book as well, but what has "The Sentry" done to deserve any respect ? He has no history and is a pretty bland generic strong flying guy clone.