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Need this info for a role-play I'm working on...exactly whose secret identities does Oracle know? If you can back up your answers with evidence like an issue number or something, that would be cool, but you dont have to.
The only ones I can remember right off the bat are Nightwing and Batgirl.
I would assume Batman and Robin as well, but I cannot remember any specific issues that mention that.
Any of the core JLA members would be reasonable assumptions, but I don't recall her ever calling Clark Kent at home.
Wally West's I.D. was supposedly made secret again by the Spectre during the Johns run on Flash, but Batman and Zoom have already figured it out, and who knows who those guys told.
She would HAVE to know that Oliver Queen is Green Arrow. That couldn't possibly escape her, as tight as she is with Black Canary.
We don't have a list, but it's safe to assume she knows most of the major ones, especially JLA (which she's technicallly a member of) and any that are known to the whole JLA, as well as either knowning or able to find out most the secret identities of most anyone in her files. Heroes might often be 'can find out' (although for protective purposes it might be otherwise, i.e. if a villain is looking into one Michael Holt, she knows why), but she almost certainly has the identities of almost all villains. It can be assumed almost anyone Batman knows, she knows, plus others. Since she info-brokers for the JSA and Titans too, they're on the list.
About the only one I can be pretty sure she DOESN'T know is Captain Marvel/Billy Batson, and also Mary Batson. CM's is one of the best-kept secret identities in the DCU.
I would assume Batman and Robin as well, but I cannot remember any specific issues that mention that.
Well, the issue that she sent Batgirl to Bruce Wayne's house made it pretty clear. Heck, I think they're on a first-name bases and talk unmasked occasionally.
She would HAVE to know that Oliver Queen is Green Arrow. That couldn't possibly escape her, as tight as she is with Black Canary.
Yep. According to her, she knew within a week that he was back from the dead, and called him 'Ollie' when he used BC's link to ask Oracle for some help.
It's hard to say, because they've changed continuity so much.
E.g when Barabara was shot, she called Batman 'Bruce" in the hospital, but later in Suicide Squad she very obviously didn't know his ID but told him she could find it if she wanted to.
Later in the Bat-books, she obviously knows and we're back to her knowing ####'s ID for quite a while.
It gets even muddier when Waid's JLA showed that most heroes didn't know each other's IDs until the reveal around issue #50, but Smith's and the Metzler's Green Arrow (then Metzler's Identity Crisis) explicitly states that everyone pretty much knows everyone else's IDs.
Confused yet?
Best answer: Depending on who's writing she may or may not know.
I agree with Q99. Only two people, outside of the Marvel family, know CM's secret ID Stargirl and Supes.
Oracle knows all of the JLA's after Batman's banishment and rentry to the Leauge they had a full disclosure session with the members. Also Oracle has contacted Lois in the Superman and JLA books from time to time, can't remember the issues.
if you read this then you lost 10 seconds you'll never get back.
In the Villians United Special just out, Oracle was able to contact just about every hero in the DCU, even people like Manhunter who had never heard of her.
If Batman knows it, so does Oracle. And if you figure that.. then she knows everyone's ID that Brother Eye knew. She may or may not know aou the New Blue Beetle, because he's new, but the cover to issue #3 seems to show that she even knows that.
I have a feeling Batman lets her in on just about everything. What a Blabber-Mouth.
Quote : Originally Posted by Kite-Man
I've totally lost a sense of what I like ironically and what I actually like...