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Blue Beetle #2 - Rated 9 - Some metahumans confront the new BB but it doesnt go well. We then skip to the present and find the new BB still bare arse naked in a desert. He finds a gas station, get some clothes and a ride home. He crawls into this window hoping that he can sneak in and not wake his parents BUT he wakes his sister who screams. His parents rush in and... we discover that he's been gone one whole year! ONE YEAR LATER! Heh. Interesting how they worked that in. It's a funny book, good Griffen writing. Not sure the character will last though. This Beetle is more a crazy Eva when powered up or something. He is NOTHING like Ted Kord. Eh
Catwoman #54 - Rated 7 - Wow, Selina has gained some weight, heh. Holly ends up beating on the Triangle guy but gets caught on camera (luckily not well enough to see her face). The woner of a tv show runs the footage and later calls the Triangle guy and asks him if he'd like a rematch... uh oh! Eh so far the only real intersting thing is "Whos the daddy." Which Im sure DC will drag out forever.
Supergirl & Legion #17 - Rated 10 - I LOVED it. Finally we see Supegirl not being a huge Mary Sue. Shes fun and interesting and the book was enjoyable! I wish the regular Supergirl book was this good. Anyways, SG is conviced shes dreaming all of this back on Krypton. She is allowed to join the Legion but one or 2 members aren't to cool with that. Good read.
Batman #652 - Rated 6 - Eh. Batman confronts Harvey who of course has to be difficult about it. He wont tell Bats if he's guilty of innocent. He then activates a self-destruct... glad a sane man installed that in his apartment.... yea....
Villians United #1 - Rated 7 - Barely has the VU characters in it. It's really all a lead into the final issue of Inf Crisis. The Society sets it up to release EVERY villian in EVERY prison. The 2nd stringer heroes all over the world try to put a lid on it but it's to much. We then see the villians are supposed to all go to Metropolis. Seems Alex thinks that if he cant create his own Earth he will just rule this one.. with the villians help i guess. Decent read but someone bleh due to it being a lead in for something else.
Heh, the special seemed to be a better lead in then the series. I enjoyed it a lot more though, mostly because I'm a huge fan of Gail Simone. Seeign Doomsday appear was a great twist, and I'm looking forward to IC #7 a whole lot more now. Though you're right about the Secret Six not being in enough of it, though since the new mini series is coming out soon it doesn't bug me too much. Alexander's plan seems a bit lame though. Taking over the world with villains? Can't he build another machine that runs on magic? Oh well, looking forward to the big brawl, and Doomsday better kill at least 10 low end heroes to keep his badass level above Superboy Prime. Although he could kill one or two less without whining about it and still do that.
Villians United #1 - Rated 7 - Barely has the VU characters in it. It's really all a lead into the final issue of Inf Crisis. The Society sets it up to release EVERY villian in EVERY prison. The 2nd stringer heroes all over the world try to put a lid on it but it's to much. We then see the villians are supposed to all go to Metropolis. Seems Alex thinks that if he cant create his own Earth he will just rule this one.. with the villians help i guess. Decent read but someone bleh due to it being a lead in for something else.
I actually think this issue takes place after IC #7, given the fact that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are missing; and is a lead in to the Secret Six mini series.
I thought it was a great read.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC
In IC#6/OMAC Special, The crew crashes and Batman heads off to the Antarctic sending Sasha to deal with Brother Eye, while the all the other Heroes *HEAD OFF TO DEFEND METROPOLIS*. As seen in VU Special, Oracle doesn't contact J'onn until after the tower explodes (about the time Batman arrives), so how could he know everyone's going there if the prison break news hasn't reached him (and the Six don't even know the plan yet).
What's more if he explicitly sends Black Lightning and Canary to Metroplois in OMAC, why are they in Gotham during the Arkham break-out (discussing the same events from IC #6)
Further messing things up, whose on the front lines in Metroplois? Fire, who should be in the Middle East saving Sasha's bacon at the exact same time.
For an event that DC claims is highly co-ordinated, these bizarre time discrepancies really throw me for a loop.
I read it. It was alright. Nothing great, and only the art was horrible (see Simon, I can agree with you). Though I will admit, the begining of it came off as a little too..whiney for my tastes. Also, it introduced a new love interest (remember, Kyle is 0-3 for girlfriends at this point) while the "cliffhanger" ending wasn't so much of a cliffhanger as it was a "read the next issue to find out what happens even though we know what will happen because it would be dumb to kill of the main character in the second issue of his series" sort of deal.
Proud to be Straight Edge
In the time it takes you to read this, I'm hitting on your sister. If she doesn't take the bait, I've got your mom on hold.
Bats makes a decision about Robin and let's him go be his own man (trusting him like a father would) to take down Killer Moth......which Robin barely does. Bats figures out , a la security video that KGBeast,Magpie, Ventriloquist/Scarface had a meeting with Harvey Dent and then split. He ascertains that another villian was there but out of camera view.....Orca. (Haven't seen her in a while.) So there's one villian left that might spill the beans on what's been happening. Yes, Dent is difficult and blows up his apartment to prevent Batman from getting any info. Dent takes it personal that Bats has trusted him while he was gone for the year and as soon as something bad happens, Bats suspects TwoFace.
there ya go.
And V/U was an awesome read and a veritable who's who of bad guys. It's really hard to cram all that into one book. A little harsh on the criticism. I found it to be excellent. But I was a setup book.
That could be explained fairly easily. All the occurances of people being in two or more places at once can be attributed to there being multipule earths that, while gone, still have echoes across reality, and these "extra" versions of the heroes and such are just that, echoes of the other Earths.
Supergirl & Legion #17 - Rated 10 - I LOVED it. Finally we see Supegirl not being a huge Mary Sue. Shes fun and interesting and the book was enjoyable! I wish the regular Supergirl book was this good. Anyways, SG is conviced shes dreaming all of this back on Krypton. She is allowed to join the Legion but one or 2 members aren't to cool with that. Good read.
In my opinion, Legion of Superheroes has taken JSA's role as the best team book being made. Period. I know there are ALOT of Legion fans that are leery of getting into it, because of the re-boot issues with Legion, but my honest suggestion to ALL comic fans is this..
If you're not reading Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes, START NOW.
Quote : Originally Posted by Kite-Man
I've totally lost a sense of what I like ironically and what I actually like...