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The mood was somber in the living room adjoining Cosmic Boy’s bedroom that often served as his private meeting place. He had asked Saturn Girl and Live Wire, his Legion co-founders, to join him there to review a holo from the newsfeed he had received that morning. The looks on their faces showed that it had hit them as hard as it had himself.
“Three world capitols in one day,” Cosmic Boy said, thumbing off the holoplayer. “Three. All major UP worlds, all major supporters of the UP Senate. All overcome, and under our fracking noses. But you both know what is really torquing my couplings about this.”
“The sprocks signed their work,” Live Wire said, slamming his fist on the arm of his chair before standing and storming to the window. The last images in the holos had shown whole city-squares leveled, left in rubble with the people that survived the attacks in bedlam. As the holocams panned back, the ruin was revealed to be in the shape of a large ‘L.’
Saturn Girl shook her head and clenched her jaw. She had felt a shockwave of mental trauma - when that many sentients die at once, their collective death-throws can be felt by psychics sensitive enough to perceive such things. She had felt it, but had hoped she was wrong. Knowing how many had perished in the attacks - having felt them pass, and even being able to recall some of their dying thoughts… It was almost more than she could bear.
But she had lived through such things before, and from a young age. She had always been more psycho-sensitive than most, and as such had been trained since childhood to adapt and cope with extrasensory overload. It kept her sane, but it did nothing to lessen the greater blow; not only had this horror occurred, but it had been done in the name of the peaceful resistance movement she had helped found.
*This goes against everything I believe… everything the Legion stands for,* she thought aloud into the silent room. *But the message will be received and believed. We will be blamed for this, and I don’t know how we can convince people otherwise.*
“I’ll tell you how,” Live Wire said, his anger plain in his voice. “We go out there, find who did this, and drag ‘em out to fracking hang. The UP wants a scapegoat for this? We give them the real thing.”
“And how will we do that?” Cosmic Boy said, rubbing his temples. “We don’t know anything about them besides the obvious - they’re underagers with powers who are going way too far. The problem is, they profess to the same ideals we do. Their rhetoric sounds like ours, looks like ours, and smells like ours; the only difference is methodology.”
Saturn Girl put up her hands to stop him. *It doesn’t matter, Live Wire. Throughout history, each time civil liberties are fought over, there inevitably arise several competing groups on each side of the argument. The people who want to bring change divide between those who seek peace and lead through positive example and those who want revenge against their oppressors. And every time - every time, Garth - the people on the other side of the argument can’t tell the difference between the two.*
“We can’t even offer to help,” Cos sighed. “I already tried dispatching medical support and disaster aid, and it was opposed so violently that it was all we could do to get those Legionnaires back safe. Brainy’s working on tracking the energy signatures of those personal teleporters the small group we fought were using, but until he finishes we need to go to full-on defense.”
*We’ll have to lower our profile,* Saturn Girl suggested. *Hold off on any relief efforts we have near the affected systems.*
Live Wire nodded. “And definitely scale back our propaganda campaigns. Take the message back underground for a while until we can get our image under control.”
“Both good ideas,” Cosmic Boy said. He leaned one arm against the transparisteel viewpane and felt the warmth of the sun against the window. Resting his head against his arm, he closed his eyes in thought. “It just doesn’t feel right. I thought when we… when we had to deal with Mekt that it would be over. That his movement had such legs? I never believed-- it just feels wrong, somehow. There’s something going on, here, that’s more than we can--“
He was interrupted by the bleeping of his desk’s alarm. “Cos, heads up,” came the voice over the intercom.
“What’s up,” he said, leaning over his desk to activate the viewscreen.
“Retributive strike,” Shadow Lass said when her image blinked on. “Major Sci-Po attack. The campers are being rounded up - those that hadn’t left already.”
“We’ll be right down,” he said. “Hold the fort and do not let them hurt any of those kids. We defend our own or we’ve got nothing at all.”
“On it,” the blue-skinned Talokian girl said. “But Cos? It’s really bad out there. The campers have been freaking over the newsfeeds, and none of us know what to tell them--“
“Tell them that we are the Legion of Superheroes, Tasmia,” Cos said firmly. “Heroes. The people that did that out there are madmen. There is no comparison, there is no question - they will be stopped if I have to search every system in the UP myself.”
The scene outside was chaos. Sky-tanks moved in on the buffer-zone between Legion World and the rest of the city, and ground artillery was being moved into place while footsoldiers marched on the tower. There were officers roughly accosting the teens in the square and forcing binder-cuffs on them between swings of their batons. Cries and screams echoed out under the hum and thrum of hover-engines and turbines.
“Legion,” Cosmic Boy said to his compatriots, hovering in place as they surveyed the scene. “Take action. They will not hold back, this time. They want us dead, and make no mistake about that. But no matter what they do, no matter how hard they swing, we can not let ourselves cross the line.”
“We’re with you, Cos,” Kid Quantum said. Cosmic Boy looked down the line to the young girl who had so recently joined their ranks. She was fresh-faced and eager; scared by the turmoil all around them, but refusing to back down. He smiled and nodded.
“Move out, Legionnaires.” He bolted for the front lines of fighters, and the rest of the Legion’s ranks followed suit. Colossal Boy knocked aside Sky-tanks and Sun Boy reduced artillery shells to slag before they could burst. Phantom Girl shorted out electronics, Wildfire blasted defensive trenches into the ground, putting a bank between the teen campers and Chameleon Boy, Karate Kid and Star Boy who directly engaged the Science Police.
“We’ve got your back, Cos,” Live Wire said as he and Saturn Girl protected his flanks. “Let’s get it done.”
The Legion of Super-Heroes:
R Cosmic Boy - 45
E Saturn Girl - 59
E Live Wire - 37
E Kid Quantum* - 61
R Shadow Lass - 44
Mary Jane - 5
Mary Jane - 5
Mary Jane - 5
Lana Lang - 3
Lana Lang - 3
Lana Lang - 3
Movie Star - 3
Movie Star - 3
Movie Star - 3
Paper Boy - 3
Paper Boy - 3
Paper Boy - 3
Paper Boy - 3
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Now, quick question: The map I have for this is from cyberboard and has reverse co-oridnates from Wakandaman's in the link. Do you have cyberboard? If so, are you comfortable using it? Otherwise I'll use the Wakandaman map for setup. LMK
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 F-10
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 J-9
Movie Star - 3 K -11
Movie Star - 3 M-12
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18, K10
LO: M19, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.[/quote]
I'm not sure how to do the whole record the move thing, so I'm gonna not do that for now till I can read up on could sooo use Wildfire around here's my first turn:
Turn 1A
(free) Saturn Girl will perplex up her movement to 9
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 F-10
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 J-9
Movie Star - 3 K -11
Movie Star - 3 M-12
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18, K10
LO: M19, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
1. Sky Tank will move to K-9,K-10, L-9, L-10, dropping Vet Science Police in L-11, picking up Movie Star #1 and crushing the objects underneath it.
2. E Science Police #1 will move to K-8, pick up Lana # 3 and double back to L-6
3. Science Marine #4 to P-7
"Captain, wouldn't it be more effective to just shoot these terrorist scum?"
The two Science Police officers rode into the crowd on the apron of the massive Sky Tank, confused and scared underagers fleeing in their wake.
"Normally, D'vork, I'd say 'yes'," grumbled the captain, "But it turns out the Chief's son is in here with these nass-heads somewhere and he wants the little punk back in one piece."
He raised his eyebrow as he watched Saturn Girl swoop down into the crowd to pull a scrweaming girl to safety.
"But, as for the flying ones... well, that's a clear cut case of self-defense, isn't it?"
D'Vork unholstered his blaster pistol, a wicked grin on his face.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 F-10
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (carried by E Science Police #1)
Movie Star - 3 (carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 M-12
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
"Ultraboy and the others are keeping all the airborne Sci Pos off our backs. We have save these kids. They came to us for protection," said Cosmic Boy.
"Let me see if I can sneak closer to them and save some of the kids," said Shadow Lass.
"Good idea and Imra go...", Cos started to say.
"I'll scope out ahead."
"Wow, there sure are a lot of them. Do you think we can do this?," said Kid Quantum hesitantly.
"We have to. And we are," stated Cosmic Boy as he put a comforting hand on Kid Quantum's shoulder.
"Alright, Legion let's roll out!"
Turn 2A
1. Cosmic Boy will TK Live Wire to M18.
(free) Imra will perplex up Garth's damage to 2.
2. Live wire will RCE the Tank. AV 8 vs DV 15. Roll is 6, 5. That's a hit and the Tank takes 4 clicks. 1 to Saturn Girl, and 1 to Cos.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 F-10
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (carried by E Science Police #1)
Movie Star - 3 (carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 M-12
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 F-10
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (carried by E Science Police #1)
Movie Star - 3 K-8
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Vet Science Police)
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.[/quote]
(free) Imra will perplex up the Captain's range to 7.
1. Saturn Girl will attempt to MC the Captain. AV 10 vs DV 17. Roll is a 4, 4. That's a hit. All the Legionnaires will copy the PD TA. The Captain will attempt to RCE the Tank. AV 8 vs DV 16. Roll is 6, 4. That's a hit and the Tank takes 2 clicks after Toughness. 2 to Saturn Girl. Not sure if the Cap drops the Movie Star or not...
2. Shadow Lass will take a shot at the Captain. AV 8 vs DV 17. Roll is...oh didn't expect that. 4, 6. Captain takes 2 clicks and drops the Movie Star in R16. 2 to Shadow Lass.
Imra reached into the Captain's mind, temporarily seizing control of his arm, forcing him to take a shot at the Sci Tank.
"Captain! What are you doing???" screamed the pilot as circuits shorted within the tank.
"It's not me!! It's that mind witch!!" shouted the Captain.
While the Captain was distracted with what was happening, Shadow Lass reached a tendril of shadows and struck his pistol arm. The Captain screamed in pain and dropped the bystander he was carrying.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 F-10
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (carried by E Science Police #1)
Movie Star - 3 K-8
Movie Star - 3 R16
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.[/quote]
Umm, no easy way to say this, but my wife just had a miscarriage, so I'm pretty much going to be off-line for the next few days. If you'd like to grab another partner, I won't mind. Otherwise I'll be back sometime next week.
It's no problem. It's totally understandable. You and your wife need each other right now, so take you time. I definitely know how you feel cuz it happened to me and my wife.