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52 #8 - Rated 7 - Continues to be a good read. RAlph ha Ollie help him check into the Connor Cult. Steel gets infected by Luthers Meta-virus and is iterally turning into steel. His niece applies to undergo Luthors transformation technique... uh oh! A new Superhero shows up in Metro. Lots of stuff happening.
Action #840 - Rated 8 - Supes and Lex get intoa fist fight. Supe sof course wins. He then goes back to his "normal" life. He eventually goes back to the arctic and remakes his Fortress. So everything is back to status-quo. Well aside from he is WAY more powerful now. Can't even use a computer for some reason cause he fries them if he gets to close. I can't wait to see the new movie.
Supergirl and the Legion #19 - Rated 7 - A severe lack of Supergirl but the Chameleon story was entertaining. Cham tries to solve a murder of a prisoner locked in his cell. Turns out it was his psy partner who made the prisoner kill himself. Decent read, needed more Kara though.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
There wasn't much to the Shazam! story in Brave New World. They basically recap the Spectre killing the Wizard Shazam and that it's causing all of the Marvels powers to go wonky.
The more intriguing story are the first two, with the Martian Manhunter and the guy running from the OMACs.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
I didn't like Uncle Sam & The Freedom Fighters. The Freedom Fighters are Ulta-Conservatives while Uncle Sam is an Ultra-Liberal? (There's no "Mr. Yuck" emotican)
I didn't even bother reading the Uncle Sam stuff. I was interested, but once they got into the tripe about how even the superheroes had to be held accountable for the crimes and property damage they've caused, I completely lost interest.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
Heh, the shades of Civil War in Uncle Sam made me chuckle, and when it go to the part where he was reborn in the MIssissippi I just couldn't stop laughing. The sad part was it was suppsed to be serious...I think.
I was a little disappointed by the Creeper as well. An interesting concept, and I've heard a lot of good things about Steve Niles, but it felt like I was reading a super hero comic from the 70s.
The rest does little to nothing for me, but the Shazam story had really nice art.
I wish I had picked up Action Comics though...can't believe I forgot that one.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.