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It was getting cramped in the bunkers deep below Legion World. Built long before the team settled their headquarters above, the tunnels and ducts underground had been intended as shelter for some great war long ago. Brainiac 5 had discovered them while they were scouting locations for their center of operations, and thought they would be a perfect starting ground. Like the Legion itself, Legion World would be built on a foundation of historical importance, layered over with modern ideals and advancement – a perfect meshing of the classic and the new.
Of course, the novelty wore off quickly when you were stuck like lab mice in the labyrinthine tunnels. Worse, still, when you were a group of teenagers growing accustomed to freedom, suddenly thrust into quasi-captivity by a radical collection of terrorists using your name to perform heinous acts. Safe to say, the Legionnaires had seen better days. As patience and manners were running thin, Cosmic Boy had his inner-circle working around-the-clock to find some answers to the plethora of questions still unanswered.
“What do you have for me, Brainy? And please let it be good,” the beleaguered Legion leader said, running a tired hand through his unkempt black hair.
“There is never good news, Cosmic Boy,” Brainiac 5 said. Unlike the others, he appeared completely calm and collected. He could lose his temper, but the green-skinned Coluan never seemed to be shaken.
“Irregardless,” he continued, “There have been some developments that begin to shed some light on the source of our troubles.
“I had initially believed this group to be remnants of the one Mekt Ranzz was attempting to form. While the teleportation trail does coincide with Mekt’s base of operations, it is highly unlikely that a group such as this would have tolerated a mad-man like him.”
“He might have gone rogue,” Cosmic Boy said. “He wanted power more than his ideals, maybe?”
“Possible,” Brainiac conceded. “But improbable. If he had them at his disposal, we would certainly have found more resistance at his lair than we did. While there may have been connections between them, we can assume that Mekt was a renegade – and solo – operative.”
*Well, that’s one option down,* Saturn Girl thought to the small group. In a way, she was relieved for Live Wire’s sake that Mekt wasn’t involved in all this. Bad enough what he had done, but if he had sparked off something of this magnitude… she didn’t want to think of the repercussions. *Brainy, you mentioned you had tracked their teleporter trail. How far have you gotten?*
“Far enough to know they’re on the edges of known space,” Brainiac 5 replied. “And far enough to know where it likely leads – to know we won’t like what we find.”
“Tell me,” Cos said.
“Kharrida.” The mood fell when the super-genius spoke. They all knew enough of their history to recognize the significance of that planet.
“It’s a wasteland,” Live Wire said, finally speaking up. “A hellpit of fire and death.”
“And that isn’t all,” Cosmic Boy said. “The wreckage of Last War still litter the planet – in and out of orbit. Much of it still active, including the Terradroids. If they’ve tamed the wastes of that rock, there’s no telling what they might have at their disposal.”
*It speaks volumes that they survive there at all,* Saturn Girl thought out, her saddened mood tinting the feel of her mind’s-voice. *Not just about their resources or abilities, but their determination, and very likely their mental state.*
“Crazy as a bunch of sprock-hounds,” Live Wire grumbled.
“So we can’t just ‘gate out there and face them,” Cosmic Boy said. “Too many X-Factors.”
“Correct,” Brainiac agreed. “But we must know their capabilities if we are ever going to stop them.”
“Espionage squad?”
“Do it, then,” Cos said, standing from the table. “And make sure Vi knows how important this is, and how deadly it is. None of those guys are under orders to take the mission, but let them know what could happen to us if they don’t.”
“Done,” Brainiac said, standing. “I’m certain Violet will take the challenge, regardless, though I cannot speak for all the others. I will report to you the details of the meeting.”
As Brainiac 5 walked away, Cosmic Boy turned to his two co-founders. Sighing heavily, he shook his head and fell back into his seat.
“Well, that leaves us with our backs to the wall. Can’t make too big a push, but we can’t just sit here much longer.”
Live Wire nodded. “And if we don’t do something, our gaeling is cooked. But we’ve gotta make a strike. Some kind of open, big action.”
*You thinking diversion?* Saturn Girl thought, none of them noting the irony.
“Yeah,” Cos said, energy coming back to him. “Yeah, that’s perfect. We hit back hard some place they’ll expect to see us, and make a big scene to cover the Espionage Squad’s trail.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” Shadow Lass said, coming over to their table from one of the adjoining halls. “But you guys were talking about hitting the fakers someplace big? Well, I think I know the place.”
“What’ve you got?” Cosmic Boy asked.
“I was looking at the map of the places they hit on the Holonews, and it occurred to me that they’ve got something in common - they’re the planets whose UP members sit on the Senate Interdiction and Opposition Committee.”
“That seems a little too obvious,” Live Wire said.
“--Except,” she continued. “That they missed one. Rimbor.”
“Ultra Boy’s home,” Cosmic Boy nodded. “He won’t like that. But it also means we can’t use him - he’s hot-headed enough as it is, this would be too much.”
*What are they looking to gain from this?* asked Saturn Girl.
“Could be a few things,” Cos said. “Maybe they’re looking to destabilize the UP’s ability to marshal their armies. Might be that they want to force their hands into open warfare, so the fakers get the holo-footage of UP military forces using lethal force on kids. Makes for a good propaganda piece, anyway.”
“The reason isn’t important, right now,” Live Wire said. “What’s important is us protecting Rimbor. And since it’s the obvious target, they’ll be hoping to see us.”
“It’s perfect,” Cosmic Boy said. “Prime the Bouncing Boy, ready a task-force, and let’s roll.”
The Legion of Super-Heroes:
R Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5)
E Saturn Girl - 59 (5/5)
E Live Wire - 37 (5/5)
R Brainiac 5 - 40 (4/4) *
E Wildfire - 123 (8/8)
R Shadow Lass - 44 (5/5)
* w/ Brilliant Tactician - 25
Total: 368
The Neo-Legion:
E Sin Electro - 49
E Ult Dr. Octopus* - 52
R Mysterio - 44
E Sin Rhino - 79
E Speed Demon - 45
E FF Vulture - 41
R Beetle - 35
I trust you'll allow the re-placement of my objects under the circumstances.
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro B14
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* B7
R Mysterio B12
E (Sin) Rhino B16
E Speed Demon B5
E (FF) Vulture B6
R Beetle B15
* w/Pounce
Legion of Super-Heroes
R Cosmic Boy (5/5) W16
E Saturn Girl (5/5) X17
E Live Wire (5/5) W17
R Brainiac 5* (4/4) W13
E Wildfire (8/8) W15
R Shadow Lass (5/5) X16
* w/ Brilliant Tactician
"That guy freaks me out," said the hulking youth, his age in direct contrast to his muscular strength. He gestured over to the young man a few meters over with a cloak over his head so that none of his features were visible.
"Yeah, well don't worry about him," said another young man wearing a sort of body armor. "You and I can stick together and show these do-goodie 'Legionnaires' how to fight."
As if in silent and haughty response, the cloaked youth moved silently forward and took cover amidst some Rimborian personal transportation units. Meanwhile a winged youth carried a mutated six-armed young male forward and into the cover of a structure.
- Beetle grabs the HO in C15 and Rhino and flies to J19, placing Rhino in K19.
- Mysterio moves to H9 (Stealthed).
- Vulture grabs Dr Octopus and flies to K5, placing Dr Octopus in K6.
- Speed Demon moves to K13.
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro B14
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* K6
R Mysterio H9 (Stealthed)
E (Sin) Rhino K19
E Speed Demon K13 @
E (FF) Vulture K5 @
R Beetle w/HO J19 @
* w/Pounce
Legion of Super-Heroes
R Cosmic Boy (5/5) W16
E Saturn Girl (5/5) X17
E Live Wire (5/5) W17
R Brainiac 5* (4/4) W13
E Wildfire (8/8) W15
R Shadow Lass (5/5) X16
* w/ Brilliant Tactician
Dang, I totally missed that...and that's the usual way how to denote it too...sorry, I think it's lack of sleep that's making me blind. Oh and I added a token to Mysterio
"Alright, Legionnaires, we have to take these out fast. We can't let them do anymore harm. They've done enough," said Cosmic Boy. "You all know what you need to let's do this Legionnaires!," shouted Cos.
Turn 1B
1. Cosmic Boy flies to S17
2. Live Wire flies to S18.
3. Shadow Lass flies to T17.
4. Saturn Girl flies to S16
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro B14
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* K6
R Mysterio H9 (Stealthed) @
E (Sin) Rhino K19
E Speed Demon K13 @
E (FF) Vulture K5 @
R Beetle w/HO J19 @
* w/Pounce
Legion of Super-Heroes
R Cosmic Boy (5/5) S17 @
E Saturn Girl (5/5) S16 @
E Live Wire (5/5) S18 @
R Brainiac 5* (4/4) W13
E Wildfire (8/8) W15
R Shadow Lass (5/5) T17 @
* w/ Brilliant Tactician
The youth exuding sparks of lightning-like energy ran up onto the roof a nearby structure. The mountainous young man ran around the corner like a rabid dog that had caught the scent of meat. "Let me at 'em!" he cried.
- Electro moves to G15.
- Rhino moves to M22.
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro B14 G15 @
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* K6
R Mysterio H9 (Stealthed)
E (Sin) Rhino M22 @
E Speed Demon K13
E (FF) Vulture K5
R Beetle w/HO J19
* w/Pounce
Legion of Super-Heroes
R Cosmic Boy (5/5) S17 @
E Saturn Girl (5/5) S16 @
E Live Wire (5/5) S18 @
R Brainiac 5* (4/4) W13
E Wildfire (8/8) W15
R Shadow Lass (5/5) T17 @
* w/ Brilliant Tactician
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro B14 G15 @
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* K6
R Mysterio H9 (Stealthed)
E (Sin) Rhino M22 @
E Speed Demon K13
E (FF) Vulture K5
R Beetle w/HO J19
* w/Pounce
Legion of Super-Heroes
R Cosmic Boy (5/5) S17
E Saturn Girl (5/5) S16
E Live Wire (5/5) S18
R Brainiac 5* (4/4) T16 @
E Wildfire (8/8) T18 @
R Shadow Lass (5/5) T17
* w/ Brilliant Tactician
The winged opponent again took flight and carried the six-armed youth to a better vantage point. "Ha, you are young, and we are young, but the difference between us is that we know how to get what we want! Do you even know what you want, Legionnaires?" asked the six-armed youth with sarcasm dripping off his tongue. He triggered some sort of electromagnetic scrambler that sent Brainiac's various devices spinning for a moment.
Simultaneously, the silent youth smoothly ascended to the top of another Rimborian structure and turned his head toward the Legionnaires without a sound. Cosmic Boy was suddenly overcome with a fit of dizziness and nausea. "Unngh..." he groaned, and Saturn Girl had to support him.
- Mysterio moves to L12 (Stealthed). Mysterio Outwits Cosmic Boy's Telekinesis.
- Beetle moves to L22.
- Vulture grabs Dr Octopus and moves to L6, placing Dr Octopus in L7. Dr octopus Outwits Brainiac's Outwit.
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro G15
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* L7
R Mysterio L12 (Stealthed) @
E (Sin) Rhino M22
E Speed Demon K13
E (FF) Vulture L6 @
R Beetle w/HO L22 @
* w/Pounce
Legion of Super-Heroes
R Cosmic Boy (5/5) S17 (TK Outwitted)
E Saturn Girl (5/5) S16
E Live Wire (5/5) S18
R Brainiac 5* (4/4) T16 @ (Outwit Outwitted)
E Wildfire (8/8) T18 @
R Shadow Lass (5/5) T17
* w/ Brilliant Tactician
1. Saturn Girl will attempt to MC Doc Ock. AV 9 vs DV 16. Roll is 4, 5. That's a hit. I'll turn off Doc Ock's outwit since it's optional. That also isn't an action, so he'll attempt to attack Vulture. AV 8 vs DV 16. Roll is 6, 6! Uh oh...super sense roll is...4! That was close. Vulture takes 3 clicks and is knocked back to L3 off the building. Luckily he's a flyer so no damage from the fall.
2. Cosmic Boy will move to T19.
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro G15
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* (6/6) L7
R Mysterio L12 (Stealthed) @
E (Sin) Rhino M22
E Speed Demon K13
E (FF) Vulture (2/5) L6 @
R Beetle w/HO L22 @
* w/Pounce
"Argh!" said the six-armed youth after he returned to his senses. "You mind witch!" recognizing what had happened. "You cannot face me like a man?!" Only too late did he realize the humorous quality in his taunt. He reactivated his device that interfered with Brainiac's plans. The other youngsters paused to catch their breath and gather their energies.
- Speed Demon moves to K21.
- Mysterio Outwits Saturn Girl's Perplex.
- Dr Octopus Outwits Brainiac's Outwit.
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro G15
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* (6/6) L7
R Mysterio L12 (Stealthed)
E (Sin) Rhino M22
E Speed Demon K21 @
E (FF) Vulture (2/5) L6
R Beetle w/HO L22
* w/Pounce
3. Wildfire will punch Mysterio. AV 10 vs DV 15. Roll is 2, 4. That's a hit and the Super Sense roll is a 2. Mysterio takes 4 clicks and is KO'ed. 3 to Cosmic boy.
4. Shadow Las will move to T21
The Neo-Legion:
E (Sin) Electro G15
E (Ult) Dr. Octopus* (6/6) L7
R Mysterio L12 (Stealthed)
E (Sin) Rhino M22
E Speed Demon K21 @
E (FF) Vulture (2/5) L6
R Beetle w/HO L22
* w/Pounce