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LE Blue Beetle 51 pts
V Booster Gold* 47 pts
* w/ Protected 8 pts
R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner) 81 pts
R Elongated Man 47 pts
R Fire 17 pts
R Ice 33 pts
R Vixen 33 pts
In RPSC land, no, you don't have to. It's an honor system. I actually use real dice, because I can do that from work without having to open up another window for my dice roller, and then pull up the email of opponent and write out the dice roll and all that.
I know you're trust worthy, so no need to re-do rolls.
Plus in RPSC, there are no big consequences like in the Fantasy League. There are no "finals", my story just gets modified.
LE Blue Beetle (6/6) I-24
V Booster Gold* (8/8) F-23
* w/ Protected
R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) I-23
R Elongated Man (5/5) H-24
R Fire (5/5) G-23
R Ice (5/5) H-23
R Vixen (5/5) E-23
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (7/7) G2
V Manhunter (6/6) F1
V Manhunter (6/6) H1
E Manhunter (6/6) F2
E Manhunter (6/6) H2
R Manhunter (5/5) I2
R Manhunter (5/5) Q2
HO: I8, F-22, I-18
LO: Q8, J20, H-18
JLI Turn 1
Ralph takes a zeo move action.
And I'll hold back a tad for now.
LE Blue Beetle (6/6) I-24
V Booster Gold* (8/8) F-23
* w/ Protected
R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) I-23
R Elongated Man (5/5) H-24@
R Fire (5/5) G-23
R Ice (5/5) H-23
R Vixen (5/5) E-23
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (7/7) G2
V Manhunter (6/6) F1
V Manhunter (6/6) H1
E Manhunter (6/6) F2
E Manhunter (6/6) H2
R Manhunter (5/5) I2
R Manhunter (5/5) Q2
LE Blue Beetle (6/6) I-24
V Booster Gold* (8/8) F-23
* w/ Protected
R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) I-23
R Elongated Man (5/5) H-24@
R Fire (5/5) G-23
R Ice (5/5) H-23
R Vixen (5/5) E-23
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (7/7) G2 @
V Manhunter (6/6) I8
V Manhunter (6/6) H1
E Manhunter (6/6) F2
E Manhunter (6/6) H2
R Manhunter (5/5) M10 @
R Manhunter (5/5) Q8 @
Ok, TA Move: Elongated Man takes another zero move action and pushes for doing so
Guy Flies over to M-18 and puts Elongated Man in M-17, Ted in N-18 and Ice in L-18
TA Move: Vixen will fly over to L-19
Booster flies to P-18 and picks up the Heavy Object in F-22 on the way.
TA Move: Fires flies to K-18
Booster will use protected on any attack over one damage to him.
Elongated Man will PC anything he might be able to see (which won't be much if anything)
LE Blue Beetle (6/6) N-18
V Booster Gold* (8/8) P-18@ w/HO
* w/ Protected
R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) M-18@
R Elongated Man (4/5) M-17@@
R Fire (5/5) K-18@
R Ice (5/5) L-18
R Vixen (5/5) L-19@
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (7/7) G2 @
V Manhunter 1 (6/6) I8
V Manhunter 2 (6/6) H1
E Manhunter 3 (6/6) F2
E Manhunter 4 (6/6) H2
R Manhunter 5 (5/5) M10 @
R Manhunter 6 (5/5) Q8 @
LE Blue Beetle (6/6) N-18
V Booster Gold* (8/8) P-18@ w/HO
* w/ Protected
R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) M-18@
R Elongated Man (4/5) M-17@@
R Fire (5/5) K-18@
R Ice (5/5) L-18
R Vixen (5/5) L-19@
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (7/7) G2
V Manhunter 1 (6/6) H16 @
V Manhunter 2 (6/6) L9 @
E Manhunter 3 (6/6) F2
E Manhunter 4 (6/6) I8 @
R Manhunter 5 (5/5) M10
R Manhunter 6 (5/5) Q8
Ok, Blue Beetle will try to hit Hunter #5. Av10 vs dv14 (+2 for Energy Sheild), need a 6. Roll is 5+2 for 7. That's 2 clix to the Manhunter.
Ice will put up a barrier in K-17, J-18, L-17 and M-17
Booster will use Protected on any attack that will do damage after toughness.
And PC'ing anything I might have the chance to see.
[2] JLI
[2] LE Blue Beetle (6/6) N-18@
[0] V Booster Gold* (8/8) P-18 w/HO
* w/ Protected
[0] R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) M-18
[0] R Elongated Man (4/5) M-17
[0] R Fire (5/5) K-18
[0] R Ice (5/5) L-18@
[0] R Vixen (5/5) L-19
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (7/7) G2
V Manhunter 1 (6/6) H16 @
V Manhunter 2 (6/6) L9 @
E Manhunter 3 (6/6) F2
E Manhunter 4 (6/6) I8 @
R Manhunter 5 (3/5) M10
R Manhunter 6 (5/5) Q8
Hey Turt, can you look in my game and make sure I'm right about Firelord not having LOS to Thor. Thanks.
[2] JLI
[2] LE Blue Beetle (6/6) N-18@
[0] V Booster Gold* (8/8) P-18 w/HO
* w/ Protected
[0] R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) M-18
[0] R Elongated Man (4/5) M-17
[0] R Fire (5/5) K-18
[0] R Ice (5/5) L-18@
[0] R Vixen (5/5) L-19
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (7/7) K9 @
V Manhunter 1 (6/6) H16
V Manhunter 2 (6/6) L9
E Manhunter 3 (6/6) J10 @
E Manhunter 4 (6/6) I8
R Manhunter 5 (3/5) n17@
R Manhunter 6 (5/5) Q8
Ralph will try to hit Fatality. Av8 vs dv16, need an 8, roll is 3+3 for 6, PC it, roll is 6+6 for 12. Super Senses roll is a 4. That's 3 clix to Fatality and she gets knocked back to K-6 (That was much better than I thought he'd do)
Fire will try to hit Manhunter #1. Av8 vs dv15 (+1 for hindering) need an 8, roll is 6+6 for 12 (I'm sooo sorry, I'm really not trying to roll this high, on your first RPSC, it must seem like I'm cheating or something). That's 2 clix after toughness, and Hunter is knocked back to F-14
ugg.. Was gonna charge him with Vixen too. Oh well, change of plans I guess.
Vixen charges to N-16 and she'll carry Ice to M-15 and attack Hunter #5. Av9 vs dv13, need a 4, roll is 4+1 for 5. That's 2 more clix to the hunter.
And those be all my actions.
Elongated Man will use PC on attacks that might hit him first.
And Booster will use Protected on any attack that might do more than 1 clix after toughness.
[2] JLI
[2] LE Blue Beetle (6/6) N-18
[0] V Booster Gold* (8/8) P-18 w/HO
* w/ Protected
[0] R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) M-18@
[3] R Elongated Man (4/5) K-10@
[2] R Fire (5/5) K-18@
[0] R Ice (5/5) M-15
[2] R Vixen (5/5) N-16@
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (4/7) K-6 @
V Manhunter 1 (4/6) F-14
V Manhunter 2 (6/6) L9
E Manhunter 3 (6/6) J10 @
E Manhunter 4 (6/6) I8
R Manhunter 5 (1/5) n17@
R Manhunter 6 (5/5) Q8
I don;t need to do the stats cause its a villain team right?
2] JLI
[2] LE Blue Beetle (6/6) N-18
[0] V Booster Gold* (8/8) P-18 w/HO
* w/ Protected
[0] R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) M-18@
[3] R Elongated Man (3/5) K-10@
[2] R Fire (5/5) K-18@
[0] R Ice (5/5) M-15
[2] R Vixen (5/5) N-16@
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (4/7) K-6
V Manhunter 1 (4/6) F-14
V Manhunter 2 (6/6) L9 @
E Manhunter 3 (6/6) J10
E Manhunter 4 (6/6) I8 @
R Manhunter 5 (1/5) n17
R Manhunter 6 (5/5) Q8 @
I don;t need to do the stats cause its a villain team right?
Booster will try to hit Manhunter #2 Av9 vs dv15, need a 6, roll is 3+2 for 5. Miss
Ice will try to use Incap on Hunter #2. Av7 vs dv15, need an 8, roll is 6+3 for 9. That's a clix and token for Huner 2.
Vixen will push to hit Hunter #5. Av9 vs dv12, anything but a crit miss, roll is 2+3 for 5. 2 more clix and the KO. 1 to vixen for the push.
PC on Ralph attacks first, and Booster will use Protected on any attack that does more than 1 damage after toughness.
[2] JLI
[2] LE Blue Beetle (6/6) N-18
[0] V Booster Gold* (8/8) P-18@ w/HO
* w/ Protected
[0] R CJ Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; 6/6) M-18
[3] R Elongated Man (3/5) K-10
[2] R Fire (5/5) K-18
[2] R Ice (5/5) M-15@
[6] R Vixen (4/5) N-16@@
Woh-Oh here she comes.. she's a Manhunter
V Fatality (4/7) K-6
V Manhunter 1 (4/6) F-14
V Manhunter 2 (5/6) L9 @@
E Manhunter 3 (6/6) J10
E Manhunter 4 (6/6) I8 @
R Manhunter 5 KOed!
R Manhunter 6 (5/5) Q8 @