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Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Brainiac 5 had been studying the technical readouts and data streams collected by the Espionage Squad from Kharrida. They had been going over and over strategies to infiltrate the planet, but had yet to find a weakness.
“We aren’t going to be able to bring our full strength to bear,” Cosmic Boy said. “At least, not at first. If we’re lucky, we can split up their defenses-- divide and conquer, then reunite our groups on the surface.”
*The problem is the debris field,* Saturn Girl thought to them. *The planet is surrounded by the hulks of starcruisers; fighters, transports, dreadnaughts and capital ships - some of which are still dangerous. It’s like a mine-field, and one that we have to assume they’ve got mapped out.*
“--And have planned out tactics for using it against invaders,” Cos agreed. “But regardless, we’ll have to meet them in orbit first.”
The group was interrupted by Triplicate Girl coming in and whispering something to Brainiac. He nodded and waved his hand to dismiss her. Cosmic Boy looked to the Coluan expectantly.
“Something you’d like to share, Brainy?”
“Indeed. Triplicate Girl informs me that our ace in the hole has been found. I reasoned that we would need to win an orbital battle before we could assail the planet surface. They assume - and rightly so - that no planetary scans could be done through the stellar graveyard around Kharida, so the precise location of their headquarters could remain a secret.”
*They were wrong?*
“Just so. Apparently, they weren’t anticipating Invisible Kid or Shrinking Violet. I had anticipated just such an oversight - most among our number still consider Salu and Lyle to be myths. Since these terrorists seem to be avid fans of our work, it seemed as likely that they would have the same misconception.”
“What did they find?”
“The precise location of the headquarters of the Legion of Super-Villains.”
*We’re calling them that, now?* Saturn Girl asked, rolling her eyes with a groan.
“It’s what most of the campers have taken to calling them,” Brainiac shrugged. “It serves the purpose of separating our teams, though the moniker is still too similar to our own for my tastes. It’s made the rounds on the holonet and is out of our hands, for the moment.”
“Alright,” Cosmic Boy said, shaking his head. “So we know where they’re camping out - that still doesn’t get us past that mess in orbit.”
“No, but Ti'julk Mr'asz will.”
“It’s an approximation of his true name - non-Vyrgans can’t really pronounce his true name properly. I’ve codenamed him ‘Gates’, but what is important is what he can do. Gates is a teleporter.”
“You’re kidding-- is he one of the campers?”
“Yes, as luck would have it. Statistically, it would have been an impossibility, but I tasked Triplicate Girl to the search anyway. Gates can’t do mass-transportation, but he can do small-scale portals.”
“So we work in squads,” Cosmic Boy said, his mind already calculating the necessary tactics. “We’ll send one team in to give them what they want - a fight in orbit. A second team - two, if we can manage - will hit their command center head-on.”
*Do you have people in mind?* Saturn Girl asked, afraid she knew the answer.
“We’ll need the heavy-blasters, but more than that, we’ll need the illusion that this is our primary force. If I lead the orbital attack, they’ll see the Legion leader and throw everything they have at me and leave themselves more open.”
“One important requirement,” Brainiac added as Cosmic Boy drew up the rosters. “While you’re out there - destroy as much of the detritus as you can. And I mean all of it. It may be of absolutely critical importance later.”
“You going to explain yourself?” Cosmic Boy asked.
“Not unless I have to. Take my word on it, and lay as much destruction down as possible.”
*Well,* Saturn Girl thought, getting up to gather the team together. *If they’re as prepared as we’re expecting, mass destruction might not be a problem.*
The Legion of Super-Heroes:
R Cosmic Boy 45 (5/5)
E Live Wire 37 (5/5)
LE Drake Burroughs 127 (8/8)
E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5)
Total: 270
The Legion of Super-Villains:
R IC Cyclops - 55
R Jean Grey - 31
R XP Beast - 42
R Archangel - 37
R Iceman - 26
R Havok - 31
R Polaris - 50
Total: 272
Map: Marvel 3
Battlefield Conditions: Low Gravity; Debris
Scenario Notes:
All Hindering Terrain on this map is considered Blocking Terrain for this game. These are the husks of broken, destroyed ships floating in the vacuum of space.
Any space of Blocking Terrain may be targeted by an attack. If the attack deals 2+ damage, the terrain is destroyed - it explodes with the effect of an Energy Explosion attack, dealing 1 point of damage to any adjacent characters. When the attack is resolved, replace the Blocking Terrain with a Rubble tile.
Thrown or TK’ed objects deal their normal damage to the target, but will also explode, dealing 1 point of splash damage to all adjacent units.
Ok I know what Marvel Map 3 is now. Found it on Creation Matrix. With Debris do we make only one object roll? It's fine with me as I don't have a lot of Super Strength to use with it (although it will come in handy for TKing).
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
The Legion of Super Villains are a group of fanatical Legion fans, but take things to the extreme, like terrorist acts against the government for how they act or treat the youngsters. I hope that helps with the story posts. If not, just let me know...I'll try to do my best on story posts as well...I haven't had the time to post as much lately...but yeah...for debris, it's an extra 6 objects right? I think you get 4 HOs, and 2 LOs if you win and 2 HOs and 4 LOs if you lose... got two TK'ers? Didn't realize you had two...Geez...this is gonna be totally outnumber me..
here's my reroll for init:
6, 6..dang, wasted that...
okay guess I get first setup...
The Legion of Super-Heroes:
R Cosmic Boy 45 (5/5) B16
E Live Wire 37 (5/5) B15
LE Drake Burroughs 127 (8/8) B17
E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) A16
ALC, you can really make those characters into whoever you want. The LSV is a huge organization - as big as the Legion, easily. Only a handful have been actually 'named', so it's wide-open for you to create names, personalities, and attitudes for them. Have fun!
Sorry for the delay. 2 (3) questions:
1) Is the lake in the center blocking terrain or clear? Or a big blob of water in space
2) Are the object tokens treated as explosive debris (and are they blocking?) or as plain objects?
R Cosmic Boy 45 (5/5) B16
E Live Wire 37 (5/5) B15
LE Drake Burroughs 127 (8/8) B17
E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) A16
Total: 270
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) W13
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) W12
R XP Beast (Lowfur) W18
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) W20
R Iceman (Icicle [I know it is already a villian but they have copy cats right?]) W14
R Havok (Power boy) X19
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM ]) W19
Sorry for the delay. 2 (3) questions:
1) Is the lake in the center blocking terrain or clear? Or a big blob of water in space
2) Are the object tokens treated as explosive debris (and are they blocking?) or as plain objects?
R Cosmic Boy 45 (5/5) B16
E Live Wire 37 (5/5) B15
LE Drake Burroughs 127 (8/8) B17
E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) A16
Total: 270
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) W13
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) W12
R XP Beast (Lowfur) W18
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) W20
R Iceman (Icicle [I know it is already a villian but they have copy cats right?]) W14
R Havok (Power boy) X19
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM ]) W19
I believe the water is a big blob of water that hinders people walking through space, but not flying. It's not blocking...
And the objects are still hindering, I believe but still didn't state in the rules that objects are blocking...just the already existing hindering terrain...
So I go is tough...I'll post my first turn in a bit... Must strategize the strategero...
The water is NOT water in space (ya crazies!) but rather a particularly dense field of particulate debris. A ship that was very nearly disintegrated, and only the chaff-field remains.
So, yeah, flyers are fine, but grounded characters have to wade through it more carefully.
I just want to get some turns in. Worse comes to worse, you take a pass for the first turn.
Turn 1A:
1) Bird-Boy (Archangel) moves to N19 and Soaring mode.
2) Lowfur (Beast) moves to O18.
3) Icicle (Iceman) moves to V12.
R Cosmic Boy 45 (5/5) B16
E Live Wire 37 (5/5) B15
LE Drake Burroughs 127 (8/8) B17
E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) A16
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) W13
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) W12
R XP Beast (Lowfur) W18
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) W20
R Iceman (Icicle [I know it is already a villian but they have copy cats right?]) W14
R Havok (Power boy) X19
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM ]) W19
"What are we waiting for? There are 7 of us and 4 of them. Let's go kick their fannies!" Bird-Boy's high pitched voice was starting to grate on Madaline's (The Mistress of Magnatism da ta dada!) nerves. On the opposite end of the spectrum Lowfur added his own 2 cents. "Yea lets show them who is the top of the food chain here!"
She sighed and replied, "Because the guy in front is Wildstorm and he can take any one of your fool heads off. Now lets wait and then spring our trap."
"Enough waiting mom! Lets go Lowfur."
"That's MISTRESS OF MAGNATISM not mom bird-brain!" Bird-Boy and Lowfur ignored her and took off. Bird-Boy gracefully flew upwards (assuming I am defending the plannet so I am 'down') and to one side trying to flank the LEGIONaires. Lowfur used his suit jets to push him towards a large chunk of spaceship which he would use for cover to spring on his prey.
Madaline pinched her nose with her left hand and shook her head. There would be hell to pay later she knew. Power boy looked up from his tridio game and looked around quizicly. "Where did everybody go?"
Icicle put Master Blaster between himself and the Mind Mistress. Frankly she scared him. He had made the mistake of thinking of a cute girl around her one time and she went ballistic. And she wasn't even his girlfriend! "Icicle, get over here. Those rejects from a zoo have leapt before they should have. I am going to need you here to help out. And no I am not going to wipe your brain," muttering under her breath tempting as that is you disgusting scumbag, "so GET OVER HERE!" Icicle meekly shuffled over while Master Blaster put the finishing touches on a really huge arm cannon and shoved his arm into the socket in the back. "Redy Freddy! Let's toast some white bread!"
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
Hey ALC, sorry for the lack response. This weekend was pretty busy. It was my son's first birthday party on saturday and then we went 3.5 hours away for a wedding on sunday and haven't had much time to strategize and fully make a move...I didn't want to rush and make moves like last time cuz that totally screwed me this time around, I'm gonna take my time. Sorry about that ALC. I'll post a move tonight...I should be able to post regularly now that everything's all settled down....