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V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) 150 pts W11
R Black Lighting 48 pts W13
- Stunning Blow 10 pts
E Batman (IC) 47 pts W10
- Protected 8 pts
R Katana 37 pts W12
300 pts
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat 54 pts
R Hawkman (OR) 59 pts
U Batman 44 pts
R Green Arrow 29 pts
R Speedy 28 pts
R Damage 35 pts
R Phantom Girl 40 pts
It greatly helped, and I hope you got everything ok.
Let me know who you'd like to go first
Iceman425's Outsiders (home)
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) W11
R Black Lighting W13
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) W10
- Protected
R Katana W12
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (7/7) A-16
R Hawkman (OR) (7/7) B-17
U Batman (7/7) A-17
R Green Arrow (5/5) B-18
R Speedy (5/5) B-19 B-16
R Damage (Atom; 6/6) A-18
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5)
Hawkman flies to F-11 and sets Green Arrow in G-10
Batman to I-14
Damage walks over to I-12 picks up the heavy object from D-17
Iceman425's Outsiders (home)
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) W11
R Black Lighting W13
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) W10
- Protected
R Katana W12
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (7/7) A-16
R Hawkman (OR) (7/7) F-11@
U Batman (7/7) I-14@
R Green Arrow (5/5) G-10
R Speedy (5/5) B-19 B-16
R Damage (Atom; 6/6) I-12@ w/ HO
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) B-16
1 Cap Marvel Jr. grabs Black Lightning and flies up to R14, dropping Jefferson at R15.
2 Katana runs up to Q13 onto the HO.
3 Bats leaps over to Q9.
Iceman425's Outsiders (home)
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) W11
R Black Lighting W13
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) W10
- Protected
R Katana W12
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (7/7) A-16
R Hawkman (OR) (7/7) F-11@
U Batman (7/7) I-14@
R Green Arrow (5/5) G-10
R Speedy (5/5) B-19 B-16
R Damage (Atom; 6/6) I-12@ w/ HO
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) B-16
Arrghh, I reversed their placement (Katana and Black Lightning) on the post. Just have Black Lightning run adjacent to Cap Marvel Jr. and then fly to the roof, Erase Bats move. He'll stay at W10.
Spectre flies Wildcat to E-15, and goes to E-16 himself.
Speedy walk to G-18
Spectre copies JSA TA
Iceman425's Outsiders (home)
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) R-14@
R Black Lighting R-15@
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) W10
- Protected
R Katana Q-13@
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (7/7) E-15
R Hawkman (OR) (7/7) F-11
U Batman (7/7) I-14
R Green Arrow (5/5) G-10
R Speedy (5/5) G-18@
R Damage (Atom; 6/6) I-12@w/ HO
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) E-16@
"Hold the roof, I need to get a better vantage point." Bats says as he leaps to the top of the big rig at Q9. "I think that may be the Atom from the JSA files...this seems out of place to me."
Cautiously Bats throws out a blinder to stall the team on the opposite side of the field...the Atom covers his eyes and drops the Large Log he has picked up on the other side of the construction yard. (Outwit Superstrength)
Iceman425's Outsiders (home)
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) R-14
R Black Lighting R-15
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) Q9 @
- Protected
R Katana Q-13
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (7/7) E-15
R Hawkman (OR) (7/7) F-11
U Batman (7/7) I-14
R Green Arrow (5/5) G-10
R Speedy (5/5) G-18@
R Damage (Atom; 6/6) I-12 (Outwit SS)
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) E-16@
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) R-14
R Black Lighting R-15
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) Q9 @
- Protected
R Katana Q-13
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (7/7) E-15
R Hawkman (OR) (7/7) D-10@
U Batman (7/7) E-18@
R Green Arrow (5/5) D-11
R Speedy (5/5) G-18
R Damage (Atom; 6/6) F-16@
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) E-16
"I know it seems like they are leaving Speedy out for bait, but I think we have to take it Bats." Says Freddy over the com-link.
"I don't want you out there alone, take Katana with you for back-up...Jefferson get in position to help out some after the first wave of attacks."
"Got it." Says Black Lightning as he heads to the ground, at L12.
Captain Marvel Jr. swoops off of the roof, Air Conditioner in hand (HO from Q13 and Katana in the other. He moves to G19 with his full movement. Place Katana in F19. 11 on 15, needing 4, Roll is: (6,4) for a 10 and the KO.
Katana whispers back while staring down this new opponent..."They have a Batman too..."
Iceman425's Outsiders (home)
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) G19 @
R Black Lighting
- Stunning Blow L12 @
E Batman (IC) Q9
- Protected
R Katana F19
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [1] KO [1]
R Green Arrow (5/5) D-11
R Speedy (5/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 6/6) F-16@
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) E-16