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Is it their goal to destroy the entire Spider-Man character?! It all started with Norman Osborn fathering Gwen Stacy's kids, now I just read One more day part 3 and I'm getting ill at the prospects of what they are doing. I heard Mephisto rumors when this story arc started but I just chalked them up to message baord nonsense. But now, I'm not so sure.
*Spoilers Below*
Mephisto wanting take away Peter and MJ's marriage in order to save aunt May is just dumb! I know JMS and Joey Q must think they're really being edgy and making Mephisto look like a reall bad @$$... But it doesn't come off that way. It comes off as being lame. Oooooh... I'm going to end your marriage. Scary!!! I can't wait til' next issue when Spider-Man calls on the help of Dr. Phil. Just kill Aunt May, and then have Spider-Man deal with the pain and loss. It opens up the Kinpin storyline again and is much better than the whole wiping away your memories of marriage storyline that this appears to be heading for.... Ok That's my rant.
Yeah, JMS has already publicly disavowed One More Day, and has said that he wanted his name stricken from it. And he's also said that the Gwen/Norman thing came from Joe Q. His intent was to have the kids actually be Peter's. Which would still be a bad idea, but would at least make some slight sense!
making Mephisto look like a reall bad @$$... But it doesn't come off that way. It comes off as being lame. Oooooh... I'm going to end your marriage. Scary!!!
I'm having flashes to Dash & Violet's argument in the cave in The Incredibles!
Ya man. Change sucks. Spider-Man should be 16 and in highschool. Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Beast and Angel should be the only X-men. Ironman, Thor, Giant-Man, Wasp and Hulk are the REAL Avengers.
I never understood this resistance to change that some people have. If it wasn't for some unpopular decisions years ago Peter wouldn't even be with Mary Jane, he'd be with Gwen. If it wasn't for another unpopular move (Wizard did a nice artical on it a month or two ago) Peter would never have been married in the first place.
Peter is making a deal with the devil (Mephisto), and in these kinds of stories the devil always ask's a steep price. What else should he demand from Peter? He'd give his own soul in a heart beat. So he demanded something very important to Peter, that would be impossible for him to give up.
How about we wait and see how the change turns out before it gets completely bashed?
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
Ya man. Change sucks. Spider-Man should be 16 and in highschool. Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Beast and Angel should be the only X-men. Ironman, Thor, Giant-Man, Wasp and Hulk are the REAL Avengers.
Considering the fact that this is a move to force Spidey BACK to his 16-year old angsty single guy roots with the subtlety of a crowbar to the face, I find this argument rather ridiculous.
Progressive change is good. I like Spidey growing up and getting married, dealing with the issues that married people have. I do NOT like Spidey's marriage being destroyed for no particularly good reason (besides, you'd think Mephisto would have better things to do than deal with a single hero), and this appears to be a reason for the character to regress considerably.
How about we wait and see how the change turns out before it gets completely bashed?
How about we look at the royal Charlie Fox that it's been so far, and realize the odds of it getting better are about equal to a snowball's lifespan in Hell. And since Mephisto is in this arc, maybe Peter will ask him about how long that is next ish.
Quote : Originally Posted by hail_eris
Little known fact - the "M" in M. Bison actually stands for "malakim2099."
Ya man. Change sucks. Spider-Man should be 16 and in highschool. Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Beast and Angel should be the only X-men. Ironman, Thor, Giant-Man, Wasp and Hulk are the REAL Avengers.
It's not so much a big change that matters, though I admit that screwing with the marriage irritates me, but it's made more than 20 (30?) years of comic continuity meaningless. So much now has to be altered or erased outright in Spider-Man's history if Peter and Mary Jane officially never happened. If I am forced to choose what's to come over what's already been, I'll stick with the classic stories, thanks.
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
Killing MJ would be change.
Letting them have a kid (and letting them keep it this time) would be change.
Letting them have a divorce would be change.
Killing Aunt May (and letting it stick) would be change.
Magicking the marriage away is just regression.
Yoda of Borg, we are: Futile, resistance is. Assimilate you, we will.
When do the Dan Slott issues come out? I may pick those up. But yeah, I agree, this sounds pretty unnecessary. Has Mary Jane saved Peter's life before (I'm sure she has, but I just don't remember a specific time when)? Then if the marriage never happened would that event still occur, but instead result in Peter's death? hnnn, I feel a headache coming on.
Quesada has been on record for YEARS, in fact, about his intentions to get rid of Mary Jane. He's really wanted it to happen for a looooooong time. I remember railing against this, like, 2 years ago. I hate this idea so much, especially the "magicking it away" thing, but what I'm saying is that it's no big surprise. Much respect to JMS for balking at this idea & *almost* taking his name off, though. If this kind of #### needs to happen, as least it's from the pen of an amazing writer.
The official "Make Capt. Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew" rep. All other Zoo Crew fans, get in line behind me. There’s plenty of room for all of us.
Ok, I started this thread and have had some more time to reflect. My reaction is still the same. Making Peter single again is not going to make this book more enjoyable. I like the Spider Man books because they show Peter as a human being dealing with the complications of being Spider-Man and how they affect his life, marriage included. If you want a 16 year old Spider Man, read Ultimate Spider Man it's a good book for what it does. But making this older version of Spider Man is lame. Tony Stark can pull off the Billionaire playboy story because he has the money and looks. I just don't understand where this is gonna go. Are we going to have Peter Parker mid-income science teacher/club hopping playboy? That's not cool... It's just sad.