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Ok, no big guns here, Batman, Captain Atom and Guy took the day off, anyone want to go?
U Blue Beetle (OR) (6/6) 83 pts
LE Booster Gold* (OR) (7/7) 70 pts
* w/ Protected 8 pts
R Kid Flash (CR) (5/5) 45 pts
E Elongated Man (6/6) 58 pts
E Fire (6/6) 50 pts
E Ice (5/5) 50 pts
R Vixen (5/5) 33 pts
E Rocket Red** (7/7) 48 pts
** w/ Armor Piercing 10 pts
R Mr. Miracle (6/6) 64 pts
R Big Barda (7/7) 55 pts
Easy enough, make a 575 pt team (just make it themey) you can have about 10 pts grace pts to go over or under.
Then we roll for initiative and objects.
Easy enough.
Everything else is pretty much the same as a fantasy league match then? Do I have to story post? I'll get a team super quick. DC villains, I'm assuming.
Everything else is pretty much the same as a fantasy league match then? Do I have to story post? I'll get a team super quick. DC villains, I'm assuming.
U Blue Beetle (OR) (6/6) 83 pts
LE Booster Gold* (OR) (7/7) 70 pts
* w/ Protected 8 pts
R Kid Flash (CR) (5/5) 45 pts
E Elongated Man (6/6) 58 pts
E Fire (6/6) 50 pts
E Ice (5/5) 50 pts
R Vixen (5/5) 33 pts
E Rocket Red** (7/7) 48 pts
** w/ Armor Piercing 10 pts
R Mr. Miracle (6/6) 64 pts
R Big Barda (7/7) 55 pts
V Darkseid 181 pts. (11/11) - W14
U Desaad 47 pts (6/6) - W13
U Granny Goodness 158 pts (9/9) - W12
R Knockout 70 pts (6/6) - W11
R Maxima 128 pts (8/8) - W10
One thing, you get two heavy objects as you won the roll..
I'll let you pick which you'd like as a heavy object
U Blue Beetle (OR) (6/6) B-14
LE Booster Gold* (OR) (7/7) B-15
* w/ Protected
R Kid Flash (CR) (5/5) A-14
E Elongated Man (6/6) A-15
E Fire (6/6) A-16
E Ice (5/5) B-16
R Vixen (5/5) B-13
E Rocket Red** (7/7) B-12
** w/ Armor Piercing
R Mr. Miracle (6/6) B-11
R Big Barda (7/7) B-10
V Darkseid 181 pts. (11/11) - W14
U Desaad 47 pts (6/6) - W13
U Granny Goodness 158 pts (9/9) - W12
R Knockout 70 pts (6/6) - W11
R Maxima 128 pts (8/8) - W10
1. Desaad moves to P15.
2. Granny moves to O16, grabbing a HO on the way.
3. Maxima moves to P16.
4. Knockout moves to Q14.
U Blue Beetle (OR) (6/6) B-14
LE Booster Gold* (OR) (7/7) B-15
* w/ Protected
R Kid Flash (CR) (5/5) A-14
E Elongated Man (6/6) A-15
E Fire (6/6) A-16
E Ice (5/5) B-16
R Vixen (5/5) B-13
E Rocket Red** (7/7) B-12
** w/ Armor Piercing
R Mr. Miracle (6/6) B-11
R Big Barda (7/7) B-10
V Darkseid 181 pts. (11/11) - W14
U Desaad 47 pts (6/6) - P15 @
U Granny Goodness 158 pts (9/9) - O16 @ w/ HO
R Knockout 70 pts (6/6) - Q14 @
R Maxima 128 pts (8/8) - P16 @