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I tried the verification button, and it wouldn't work. Would you mind terribly if I asked for a re-roll? The problem in the PBE roller is that you had my email as '[email protected], with the apostrophe. There's no apostrophe
2010, 2013 HCFL Champ, 2016 Colorado State Champion, 2nd Place Team Worlds
HCFL 2018 - United Atlantis
Equipped with personal life support and zero-g maneuvering jets, your assembled force leaps into the void!
Squares inside the boundary of an orange line on this map are space terrain. Space terrain is clear terrain modified by the following rules:
Characters given move actions when they occupy space terrain modify their speed values by +2 for the action. Halve the range values of all characters occupying space terrain and all characters drawing a line of fire to a character occupying space terrain.
A successful attack that does not otherwise knock back a character occupying space terrain knocks back that character a number of squares equal to the damage dealt -2, to a minimum of 0. When targeting a character occupying space terrain with Force Blast, roll two six-sided dice instead of one. All knock back ends immediately when a character enters the first square that is not space terrain. Characters occupying space terrain are not dealt knock back damage if their knock back paths are ended by the edge of the map.