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Round 1D Post Season Game Demons of Limbo Vs Rogues
Round 1D Post Season Game; Demons of Limbo Vs Rogues. The hometown heroes Melkhor’s Demons of Limbo (home) vs the visiting majinmagog’s Rogues (visitor) (Games End Wednesday, September 9th @ 11:59 PM, Pacific Time)
Demons of Limbo (home)
1) U Despero (CJ) 144 pts (10/10)
2) U N'astirh*, ** 125 pts (9/9)
* Protected 8 pts
** Nanobots 10 pts
3) LE Goblin Princess 86 pts (6/6)
4) R Marrow 26 pts (5/5)
Total - 399 points
Rogues (visitor)
1) V Warskrull* 110 pts (8/8)
* w/Swingline 10 pts
2) LE Professor Zoom 99 pts (7/7)
3) R Weather Wizard 31 pts (5/5)
4) E Dr. Alchemy 62 pts (6/6)
5) V Mirror Master 88 pts (6/6)
Each player contributes three additional objects to the object pile before objects are placed on the battlefield. Players must place all objects in the object pool on the battlefield.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes