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Ok I have a strange sort of idea for a quick little game. Bits and pieces of it have been done before, but I don't think the combination of rules has been done quite like this before. Here's how it will work.
Everyone is town so there is no mafia. All players will be allowed to talk to any other player at any time via any means. There will be 16 players and 16 powers at night. Each power will be randomly assigned each night. Each day phase, you will vote for one power and one player to remove from the game. Whichever player/power has the most votes at the end of each phase, will be removed from the game. If no player/power is voted for, then one will be randomly killed. If a player dies at night, the power they possessed during that phase will be removed. Once we're down to the final 9 players, everyone eliminated will be placed on the jury. Once we're down to the final 2 players, the jury of 7 will vote for the person they think deserves to win the most.
The first 16 players to sign up by posting "I'm in" and their real first name are in. I will start this as soon as we're full. All I ask is that you guys try not to make this a popularity contest.
Survivors: (17)
darius_dax1 - Dave
DarqFeonix - John
DocDoom187 - Leead
get_1 - Joe-Bob
HavokAndChaos - Brian
KitsuShel - Michele
Magnito - Paul
mbauers - Matt
MSU - Charlie
Ouchmaker - Toni
PaxZRake - Jeff
SkyKushryd - Liam
Space Jawa - Michael
Thawmus - Adam
The BoyBlunder - Lipkin
Truffle Shuffle - Andrea
Wade Wilson - Walter
Last edited by sstralkowski; 11/20/2009 at 06:46..
Does it matter that barely anyone calls me by my first name?
I'm in. My name is John.
But you can call me master...
I just figured that since I had (and still do sometimes) such a hard time keeping straight which realmsers were which people on Facebook, that this might be a way to bring us all a little closer.
That first season was awesome. Multiple other seasons, too... Wish I was watching this season, looks great
Yeah, some crazy stuff this season -- though the BIG stuff really is coming about because they've been doing basically the same thing season after season with an aspect of the game. Hopefully this'll give 'em a wakeup call to change it, or future seasons could end up a tad silly.
Yeah, some crazy stuff this season -- though the BIG stuff really is coming about because they've been doing basically the same thing season after season with an aspect of the game. Hopefully this'll give 'em a wakeup call to change it, or future seasons could end up a tad silly.
I haven't seen tonight's episode yet, but I DVR'd it so I'll watch it this weekend. Is that what you're referring to here?