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Any Olympian (like Pluto)
Any Champion (FF Ghost Rider, CT Black Widow, Iceman, etc.)
He worked with the Avengers at several points (Cap, Hawkeye, QS+ SW)(vision, starfox, namor) (U wasp from IC, Black Knight)(mighty avengers)
'The game used to be built around many fundamental rules. But there are a number of figures that fly in the face of those rules. Their powers are too all encompassing, and too cheap.' -MegaLotusMan
It was right after WWH, when they were Renegades turning themselves in, Ares was in charge of the SHIELD detachment handling the apprehensions or something like that.
Unless you count the brief throw-down he had with the Dark Avengers recently. Can't quite recall if Ares was there or not.
The "God Squad" from Herc's comic during Secret Invasion had Snowbird on the team. Sadly there's no Ajak, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, and Demogorge in Clix form yet...
Pluto, Ares (use the Marvel one to be thematic) and I use Venus as well. Technically, the Agents of Atlas Venus is a Siren (of greek mythos) and not the real Goddess Venus. But going on that logic, any DC Amazon (Wonder Woman, Queen Hippo, Fury, Circe and Nu'bia) would be feesable. Heck even Hecate would be from the same "familiy".
Yeah except marvel Hercules Didn't Rape The Queen...he Seduced her...whereas DC hercules did.
Though the meeting between Diana and Herc in JLAvengers was rather amusing for that reason.
"YOU Despoiled Hippolyta?!?"
"I wouldn't say it was quite like tha-" *WHAM!*
Also, Herc was big in the anti-reg side of Civil War. Also, the current Battle of New Olympus storyline has Herc teamed up with Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Wolverine...
Quote : Originally Posted by hail_eris
Little known fact - the "M" in M. Bison actually stands for "malakim2099."