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Marvel Comics Releases For The Week Of 05/02/2010 - 05/08/2010
ASTONISHING SPIDER-MAN/ WOLVERINE #1 - Spider-man and Wolverine try to not turn on each other in the process.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #630 - Curt Connors falls on hard times.
AVENGERS ORIGIN #2 (OF 5) - New updated presentation/retcon of the events that formed the Avengers.
CAPTAIN AMERICA / BLACK PANTHER - Flags Of Fathers #2 (OF 4) - The original Panther, the original Cap, and Nick Fury versus Strucker and the Red Skull in this untold tale from WWII.
MANY LOVES OF AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1 - Three all new stories featuring the Black Cat, Mary Jane, and a surprise meeting between current lady of interest Carlie Cooper and the late Gwen Stacy.
SPECTACULAR SPIDER-GIRL #1 - May Parker is back in her own title. Guest starring The Punisher.
UNCANNY X-MEN #524 - Nightcrawler is dead, kicked the bucket, bought the farm, stiff as a board, gone on to another place of existence, existing in Mephisto's realm as Bastion closes in, the X-Men begin to wonder if Hope is worth it.
X-MEN - Hellbound #1 OF (3) - While the X-men battle to save Hope, a team travels to Limbo to rescue a critically injured Magik.
VENGEANCE OF MOON KNIGHT #8 - Someone wants an already dying man dead so badly that he's set Deadpool on him. Can Moon Knight hold off the Merc with a a Mouth until he can find out what's going on?
Just Deadpool Corps and Warrior Four for me. Light week.
Deadpool Corps had them talk Champion into joining the team, only for it to be a trick (Again), and they left Dogpool behind on accident. So OK issue, nothing standout, and I'm starting to wonder if I should be looking for a jumping off point or just how long they expect this series to run.
Thor and the Warriors Four, however, was nothing short of a hoot. Take, for example, how it opens with Thor and Beta Ray Bill, who thanks to Energizer shall forever more be known as "Thorse":
Thor: Back! From outer space. Beta Ray Bill: Thor, when you pummeled those Skrulls, you should have seen the look upon their faces. Thor: Aye, friend Beta Ray Bill. It was quite the adventure! BRB: Yet...I should not have made them open the airlock. Thor: No, no. I should have made them leave that key. BRB: If I had thought for one moment they would be back to vex us anew...
It took me a second read-through to get the joke, but it was one of those laugh out loud moments once I got it. The rest of the issue was just as good - it's just a really fun, really cute comic that managed to fill the gap currently left by Guardians of the Galaxy as my favorite book, even if it's just a miniseries.