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Just read this... Not impressed. I do not like the art and Lapham doesn't seem to understand Deadpool's attitude. I was super excited for a M rated Deadpool book, but this isn't what I was looking for
I looked at it but did NOT like the artwork. Just me and my preferance. Didn't even get into the story, just didn;t like the art. Again, just my prefereance, not bashing the artist or anything. With all the Deadpool out there I don't feel like I need to get every book with him any more, just the ones I want. This wasn't one of them.
Sigh... I wish I had something clever or witty to put here...
Can't be worse than all the other god aweful Deadpool books out there.
Being a MAXX book I was considering picking it up, but not worth it, huh?
I'm a big Deadpool fan and I'm not liking it. But since you don't seem to like the other DP books, you may enjoy it. He's actually not featured a whole lot in this issue and when he is, he's not his typical humorous self. I'd still rather read Deadpool or Deadpool Corps. (Or please bring back Merc With a Mouth).
The Art - Eh, you'll either love it or hate it. I thought it was a bit like Tim Sale on acid. I loved it.
The Writing - I loved it, as it showed that Deadpool is...y' accomplished assassin and not just a poster child for ADD. It didn't come across as "HEYITSMEDEADPOOLYOULIKEMERIGHT?CMONLIKEMELIKEMELIKEMELIKEME!" which has prevented me from enjoying Deadpool books in the past.
I'll definitely pick up issue #2.
Longest-Reigning Drunken HeroClix Champion - anyone got a liver?
Even with the MAX line, I was still a bit shocked they went there with poor ole Bob.
I'm not a fan of the art style, I just can't get behind it. I could understand that people enjoy this version of DP, but he's just not DP. I mean, when they fell through the ceiling into the women's shower, THAT was classic DP, but other than that, I just didn't get that vibe that I was reading a DP comic. Don't get me wrong, it's still going in my subscription box every month because I AM interested in seeing where Lapham is going with this. I'll give it a few Arc's worth and if I still can't feel it, I'll drop it than.
Haven't had the chance to read it, but the art I saw in it is awful. I saw Lapham on the cover and was so excited! Unfortunately, he's the writer and not the artist. Ugh!
Forgetting to perplex and outwit one turn at a time.
Even with the MAX line, I was still a bit shocked they went there with poor ole Bob.
I'm not a fan of the art style, I just can't get behind it. I could understand that people enjoy this version of DP, but he's just not DP. I mean, when they fell through the ceiling into the women's shower, THAT was classic DP, but other than that, I just didn't get that vibe that I was reading a DP comic. Don't get me wrong, it's still going in my subscription box every month because I AM interested in seeing where Lapham is going with this. I'll give it a few Arc's worth and if I still can't feel it, I'll drop it than.
I always lol at "DP" as well. It also turns up a lot in City of Heroes, ever since Dual Pistols were added to the game. "Oh wow, I love DP so much!" etc.
ANYWAY... A new Kyle Baker comic? Count me in. There are only a few creators I'd read a Deadpool comic for, and he's on that list for sure.
Oh man, we got a Negative Man and a Jimmy Olsen? Now I need to think of a new signature after all these years!