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Cool, but I wish the White lantern instead said special powers on characters with the White Lantern keyword that allow them to be healed cannot be countered.
Cool, but I wish the White lantern instead said special powers on characters with the White Lantern keyword that allow them to be healed cannot be countered.
[sarcasum]Then it would make this object useful to EVERYONE ELSE who isn't a White Lantern, which if my math is correct about 99.999999999999999% of all other heroclix. Why even have the object if it only works on a fraction of figs? Oh wait like the Web tokens...Nevermind[/sarcasum]
Which makes me wonder: If a character's Regeneration or Support is canceled while they are outside the range of the White Lantern's effect, but they are then brought into it (via TK, or someone carrying the WL closer to them, or what have you), are they able to use the power again, or does it stay canceled until the start of the canceling player's next turn?
Which makes me wonder: If a character's Regeneration or Support is canceled while they are outside the range of the White Lantern's effect, but they are then brought into it (via TK, or someone carrying the WL closer to them, or what have you), are they able to use the power again, or does it stay canceled until the start of the canceling player's next turn?
I'd say the latter, since the countering has already occurred and taken effect.
Quote : Originally Posted by wintremute
I really, really, really wish there was a real-life situation where I could tell a large group of people, "YOU ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO SPEAK THE WORDS TO LIONEL RICHIE'S SONG, HELLO, AS YOU ARE INTIMIDATING PEOPLE."