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i have heard about the infinity gauntlet a LOT on this board, and, though i have searched every comic shop i know of, i cannot find any information. i know it regareds thanos, a glove of some kind, moondragon, quasar, adam warlock, spider-man (somehow, he's not exactly a powerhouse in the marvel world), and death (what would a thanos-based story be without death?). so, i was wondering, what happened? what was the basic plot? any major aftermath that affected the entire marvel universe as we know it?
any and all information is thanked!!!!!
"I'm Mercury, dammit!"- Jay Garrick, regarding his hat.
If you want the real story read Thanos Quest 1 & 2. Which is available @ your local comic shop via the star catalog from Diamond. Although the collect edition has both books in one printing. I think its like 4.99 or 5.99 which is a good deal, cause when the both came out they were like the same price per issue. The Infinity Gauntlet is also available to retailers via the star catalog or Reordered from diamond. These are my favorite stories in the Marvel universe, bar none.
Thanos gathers all the infinity gems (see Thanos quest. great read!). Makes good on his promice to death and wipes out 1/2 of earth's population. Poof!
Silver Surfer (#50) comes to earth to warn everyone about thanos, but is too late. Dr. Strange and Adam Warlock gather a team to try to defeat Thanos.
Thanos makes tribute to death (private throne room in space). To demonstrate power, thanos recreates his grand-daughter (name escapes me). She's a 1/2 dead corpse. Mephisto pops in to hang out.
Team go to attack thanos (Adam warlock, strange, & surfer stand off to the side). Thanos captures them as soon as they appear at his . Mephisto points out that death is not impressed with how easy thanos defeated them, and points out that she would be better impressed if he turns off his "god" ability. Thanos agrees, and the fight ensues. Thanos whups everyone, and cap america is left. Thanos goes to take a swing. Surfer bolts from warlock's side, and tries to grab the glove holding the gems from Thanos' grasp. missed.
Turns back on god power. The cosmic beings (the second wave) try to take out Thanos. Great fight scenes!! Thanos wins! He gloats, and looses focus. Grand-daughter takes glove off of Thanos. She becoems god.
Captures surfer and dr. strange (warlock outside of realm). Contains thanos. She wishes everything was back as it was 24 hrs ago. The 1/2 that were "poofed" return to life. She returns to the 1/2 dead corpse that she was. Fixes this. Cosmic beings come in to attack her. captures them all.
Adam warlock reaches out and fuses himself with the soul gem. Moment of fighting between everyone. Glove is freed. Struggling for control of glove between everyone. Warlock gains control of glove.
Everything set back to normal. Adam splits glove up to Infinity Watch (see series). As "god," Warlock removes all emotion from him creating a "good" and "bad" side of him free onto the universe (see Infinity War and Infinity Crusade).
unfortunately spidey got whupped on by thanos' perfect girl terraxia (whom he created after death spurned him) . Every other hero that attempted to attack thanos also got jacked.
the best shot that the good guys had was stealing the gauntlet from thanos as he went after cap but the surfer was a hair off and he didnt make a connection to the infinity gems. contact with the gems is required to access their power. that led adam warlock to manipulate the situation to create the victory by sacrificing the entire cosmic pantheon. in his many confrontations with the mad titan thanos Adam warlock figured out something very important about this adversary. He subconsciously doesnt think he deserves this power. which is why thanos shoots himself in the foot despite gaining ultimate victory ( by allowing his abused granddaughter nebula to gain the gauntlet.)
hope this answers your question
They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far." Robert Downey/Tony Stark
It's still a sweet story. you ought to check it out
They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far." Robert Downey/Tony Stark
Yeah, Gauntlet was sweet. Then, in classic Mavel fashion, they got a good story and said, "I know! Lets make a sequel that can be a ton of comics!" and made Infinity Wars, which sucked. They did the same thing with Secret Wars... made Secret Wars awesome, made Secret Wars 2 suck. <sigh>
Thanos Quest and The Infinity Gauntlet are probably my favorite Thanos books. Infinity War and Crusade were very poor. Infinity Abyss was okay. And now The End is coming out. I don't know where it will go. But it is definitely worth your time to get the Thanos Quest and Gauntlet books.