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I was just wondering were this green goblin is from. I checked whoclix and it said the ultimate series. What is the ultimate series? Is it 2099? I haven't read comic's in some time and I was just wondering.
about two years ago Marvel began a new series called Ultimate. It answers the question of "What if the heroes wewre created today rather than 1961+"
The origins are tweaked and the stories made to make more sense. The stories have a more real world feel as well. There is Ultimate versions of Spider-man, X-men and Avengers (Ultimates). There was the Ultimates origin of Daredevil and Elektra given also.
I can't recommend the books enough. The only storyline thus far I was unhappy with was the origin of the new Venom.
TPB are published and easily gotten any Waldens and I assume other bookstore chains.
ummm actually the Ultimates is more along the lines of "I have a bad attitude and i'll kill you". oh and everyone suddenly turns black, not that i'm complaining about racial diversity in comics. but really, c'mon Peter Parker as a WEB desgiener is too too lame.
i'll accept them as what they are, What If's. i perfer the classic origins better.
What's wrong with Peter being a web designer?? He's smart, obviously creative, and in this day and age knowing about the computer is a must. I kinda find it a nice little change. We have photographer Peter in the regular books, and we have web page Pete in the Ultimate universe.
Alot of the stories are great, and I'd recommend them to people. They do answer alot of questions, in a "What If..??" kinda way, but it's a different universe, so take it as that. I'd assume that people that don't like Ultimate, didn't like the "Stan Lee Creates The DC Universe" issues either. Which were excellent as well.
Yup, thats the Green Goblin from the Ult series. And that Spider-Man is from the Ult series also.
Eagletsi, if you haven't read comics in a while thats ok. But I seriously recommend the Ultimate series. That is the best type of comic marvel has ever came out with. I seriously recommmend the Ultimate Spider-Man series if your a teenager because in 1960s Stan Lee made Amazing which was good but that was the "feel" of being a teen in the 60s. But now with the Ultimate series and Spider-Man you get the "feel" of being a teen in todays world.
Yeah, so "web" designer is a lame joke, but eh, who really thinks of that?? To be honest, untill you mentioned it, I hadn't. I just though "It's updated, and he's doing what alot of kids do."
A little of the topic but the Ultimate Spiderman storyline is great. I personally thought that Kraven was well done just for the bit where he attacked Spidey and got taken out with one punch....that made me laugh.
Plus Green Goblin is good mainly because they changed it in a great way by making him a monster permanently instead of just a crazy guy wearing a mask.
I think they are great (namely X Men) because you don't have 30+ years of back continuity to muddle through. People now get turned off because every issue has a reference to a book 10-15 years ago, and it costs $50+ to get it
Let's just say they are a great starting off point for new readers, without having a whole lotta back story to attempt to find. I like X Men alot. I actually think Cyclops is cool in it, and I HATE Cyclops like people hate the Clone Saga!
But that's me
Contrary to popular belief, I do know what I'm doing
"I think they are great (namely X Men) because you don't have 30+ years of back continuity to muddle through. People now get turned off because every issue has a reference to a book 10-15 years ago, and it costs $50+ to get it"
The opposite couldn't be more true. Now-a-days, many of Marvels comics have not emphasized continuity at all. At this point, the Ultimate line is extremely redundant.
Originally posted by flinkyflink "I think they are great (namely X Men) because you don't have 30+ years of back continuity to muddle through. People now get turned off because every issue has a reference to a book 10-15 years ago, and it costs $50+ to get it"
The opposite couldn't be more true. Now-a-days, many of Marvels comics have not emphasized continuity at all. At this point, the Ultimate line is extremely redundant.
That's easy to say if you're already familiar with the past 30 years of X-Men continuity. For the uninitiated, the strange birdlike aura around Jean freaking people out doesn't make much sense. Xavier's pleasant conversations with Cain being refered to as remarkable don't register without knowing he was a villain for most of his comic book career. The mistrust towards Emma Frost comes out of nowhere if you don't know she was a villain until about 15 years ago (last thursday in comic book time!). Newbies don't know where Havok has been for the last three or four years. They don't understand what the deal is with Nightcrawler being a former Catholic Preist. I could keep the list going, but I think I've made my point quite clear. All one has to do to get caught up with Ultimate X-Men is buy the two hardcover collected editions. That's a heck of a lot easier than trying to understand what's going on with the X-Men of the Marvel Universe. I've been a loyal reader for ages, and I have to muddle through sometimes!
Agreed. The Ulitimate series has gotten me back into comic reading. I would recommend all of them to anyone. They take they classic characters we love, and toss in a new age twist. "Ulitmates" number 4 I think, is one of my favorite comics of all time. The one where Captain America kicks Hulk in the mommy-daddy butten.
"The only storyline thus far I was unhappy with was the origin of the new Venom" - I liked that story myself. I'm 99% sure that that series is a preview of Spider-Man 3. The only one I havn't liked was the Ultimate X-Men - Fire and Brimstone. The Ultimate War was kind of a let down too.
"c'mon Peter Parker as a WEB desgiener is too too lame" - Its the updated story. In the 60's is cool to be a photographer and work at a newspaper. Today its cool to be a web designer, so hes a web designer. Hes a nerd highschool kid, he'd be good at that kinds stuff.
"And that Spider-Man is from the Ult series also" - I don't think so, the Ultimate SPider-Man has never made a webshield.
THe other good thing about the Ultimate storylines is that they aren't.....out of control. You don't see Spider-man going off to find an interglatic war for example.
As for great moments, I loved the climix to one Ulimate Spider-Man story, the one where someone had made a Spider-Man suit and was robbing banks and stuff so the city was turning on him. At the end he pulls the mask off sees that its "just some guy" (he even said "But you just some guy, your not a super villian"). It was a great ending to that storyline.
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
The reason that DoomX was making reference to Peter being a "WEB" designer, was due to the obvious pun. He's Spider-Man...he shoots webs...he also designs WEB pages. I never really hit on that untill he mentioned it. The more I think of it though, the funnier I find it that that is what he does. Who better to design something for the web, than a man who has spider blood?? It's natural for him to "spin a web".