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I just thought I'd light a fire and say that the the X-Men suck. The avengers and JLA would whoop their hide any day of the calendar. I welcome any intellectual conversation why the X-Men could never hope to reach the power level of the JLA or Avengers. Sure they have two movies, and don't getme wrong I liked the first one and await the second one but they still suck!
Henery Gyrich Rules!!! (the ultimate HC mini!....I wish)
Professor X was betrothed and is soul mate of Lilandra, leader of the Shi'ar. With Lilandra backing the world's most prominent leader in all things psychic... as well as the cosmic pheonix force... the X-men have a good chance of fending off most foes.
In a clix game,the JLA or Avengers would use the same points to build a team as the X-men.In my oppinion,larger forces of low cost clix tend to take out people like Superman and Thor.All they need is a little help from Outwit.
JLA - Complete lack of Blades Claws Fangs: A treasure for whittling down even Impervious characters.
JLA - Cursed with DC genetics: a disease that dooms it to have a lackluster movie more corny than the Batman TV series, while the X-Men have an excellent track record.
I could go on about how the X-men are worthy of facing foes like the JLA and Avengers, but he asked for intelligent conversation and I have yet to see a rebuttal from him :-D
Besides, who's going to F* with Emma Frost... well, in the violent sense.. ;-)
I don't know if he's speaking Comic terms or 'Clix terms. Cause if he wants to talk clix terms... HSS, X-Men Team Ability (hard to kill the little bastards), Lots of mind control, BCF....
Someone mentioned that the JLA has no BCF, true but eventually they will have a few more people besides Arthur Curry and Superman with Close Combat Expert. a much more reliable (and therefore better in my opinion) power.
Someone mentioned that X-Men have better movies than any DC people. Did you somehow miss the first two Batman movies? The third was even pretty good, while the 4th was yes trash. X-Men the movies wasn't all that great, in fact it was almost bad. But it was fun.
Let me add on the movie subtopic that has really only been in the last few years that Marvel has been a part of good movies. Does anyone remember the Fantastic Four or Captain America?