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Sienna Blaze- she could upset the magnetic field or something, potentially destroying the Earth.
Jubilee couldn't kill time. She couldn't hit the ground if she fell. She is so pitiful, Jerry's kids send her money. She is so lame, Stephen Hawkins helps her around.
For God so loved the world, that he gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
yah mabe not jubilee my friend told me she could but gambit could just put so much energy into the planet it would explode and magnito would easily destroy the world earths core has a lot of metal in it or he could just set off all the nukes on the planet like holy isnt that pretty obvious almost everything is made of metal , duh
also KRoc you r rite everyone kinda does but not to prof Xs extent he could make every country in the world detonate its nukes not everyone can do that
If Iceman could do that then why does he hold back in fights for his life. He can kill anyone in an instant by that same reasoning. Is he that much of a Sally?
magoogles, as I said the president could do that, or at least cause enough to be detonated to end the world. As soon as he gets cancer hes a mutant so he's on my list.
I don't think Gambits energy is limitless so I don't see him charging the earth. If it is limitless then why doesn't he just charge the people he fights until they explode? What's the largest object Gambit's charged?
Magneto would be able to destroy the world very easily. The earths core is made out of iron, a very magnetic metal. He could disrupt the core and that would make all volcanos, even extinct ones explode. It would also create massive earthquakes all over the entire planet. Within enough time everyone and everything would probably be dead.
Iceman is powerful, but to be able to frezze the whole world would be incredible. The earth is gigantic compared to Icemans size.