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Where are the Current Married Couples in comics today?
There is a big push highlighting LGTB characters and their relationships in comics today. But I am sadly disturbed by the lack of straight married couples represented in comics of late. As a straight married man, I wish there were more straight married couples that young people could look up to. I can currently name close to 50 LGTB characters in storylines today, however when trying to come up with current Straight Married couples? I come up with Reed and Sue Richards. I am not talking previous marriages, (Lois+Clark, T'challa+ Storm, Hank pym+ Wasp, Spidey and MJ). I mean currently in comics. Why is there such a lack of representation of straight married couples in comics? In todays society a proper representation in comics would have many more married characters. So is it just not hip to be married in comics? Is there a lack of issues to write about for married couples. I just don't get it?
So can anyone come up with the name of more Current married couples in comics? Just curious.
Yeah, that's always annoyed me.
As a married man myself with a wife who also loved comics it's a shame we don't have many married heroes to read about.
Marvel keeps divorcing them or making deals with the devil to break their marriages, while DC changes their time line so that it never happened.
They claim its because married characters have no story to them.
Again, I say BS. Obviously the writers are just permanently single or have no experience with women because everyday married to a woman contains enoug drama to write a book!!!
I think Reed and Sue are the ony ones that really spring to mind...... And that's sad.
I'm going to hit him really, really hard with a big green boxing glove............ I'm kidding. - Hal Jordan
They claim its because married characters have no story to them.
*looks at the Academy Award won by The Incredibles*
Yep. The big two are obviously right. No stories to tell there.
And are we strictly talking capes and tights comics? Because Love and Rockets has featured relationships of all kinds for the past 30 years, and it's fantastic.
Yup we're only talking capes here.
Matt I like your comment about the drama in Marriage. There are plenty of storylines in any marriage to plot many a storyline. I totally agree.
Perhaps most writers are recluses, who don't get married and lack the experience to write on the subject? Who knows.
But yes, quite sad that wracking my brain and I only come up with Reed and Sue.
You got One I know, forgot Cage and Jessica did eventually marry.
However, I beleive T-Challa claimed he and Storm were no longer married at the end of AVX.
It is one of the travesties of nu52 DC. The only married couple that springs to mind still is Aquaman and Mera, and I really enjoyed that "Brave and the Bold" episode showing the Curry family on vacation.
Look at the 31st century:
Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl are still married (with children)
Bouncing Boy and Duplicate Damsel
Both couples still married.
Quote : Originally Posted by Early Cuyler in Squidbillies, "Fatal Distraction"
Hell, I don't want to hear the labor, I just want to see the damn baby
Luke Cage and Jessica Jones
Aquaman and Mera
They are some of my favorite characters BECAUSE they are married and their interactions are believable.
Quote : Originally Posted by thugit
Diversity doesn't include straight married couples. We aren't part of the hip, "new normal."
I whole-heartedly agree with this, although I find that phrase stupid. "New Normal" feels like someone's trying to force their own idea of 'normal' on me.
There is a big push highlighting LGTB characters and there relationships in comics today. But I am sadly disturbed by the lack of straight married couples represented in comics of late. As a straight married man, I wish there were more straight married couples that young people could look up to. I can currently name close to 50 LGTB characters in storylines today, however when trying to come up with current Straight Married couples? I come up with Reed and Sue Richards. I am not talking previous marriages, (Lois+Clark, T'challa+ Storm, Hank pym+ Wasp, Spidey and MJ). I mean currently in comics. Why is there such a lack of representation of straight married couples in comics? In todays society a proper representation in comics would have many more married characters. So is it just not hip to be married in comics? Is there a lack of issues to write about for married couples. I just don't get it?
So can anyone come up with the name of more Current married couples in comics? Just curious.
Quote : Originally Posted by Joe Quesada
Spider-Man just isn't interesting or funny anymore because of his marriage. We are going to change that to bring lightheartedness and humor to his life again.
Sadly, I was at the Cup O' Joe Panel at WWE Philly a few years ago where he actually said this and more.
Quote : Originally Posted by What he really meant...
Apparently we don't have writers who know how to write interesting stories with married couples so we want to destroy Peter's life. The sanctity of marriage? Teaching monogamy to our young? Pfft! Sleeping around is okay.
Here's what's even more pathetic. Some of the really good writers out there? Married. Happily.
As for DC Comics? And their DCN52? I'm okay with it. DC did what they felt they needed to do to stir the pot and try and bring in a new younger generation of readers to sell books. It's called smart and risk taking. So far it is working for them.
Kal-El and Lois will eventually get married again. Since it's all rebooted, I'm sure we'll see Ralph and Sue Dibney again. And, maybe Ray Palmer's marriage will not end in divorce this time.
Back to Marvel...
Ororo and T'Challa?
That was a contrived marriage because Marvel was under the delusion that black people have to marry other black people. Claremont always meant for Storm to be single because she was committed to the X-Men and had no time for another. The closest she would come to a relationship would be with Logan. And, that would be mostly platonic with some assumed booty between panels.
Hank Pym and the Wasp?
Marvel went this route with the spousal abuse to bring it to light in the public eye because during this timeframe in the real world it was a dark secret that wasn't openly discussed.
Here is a theory of mine why there are so few married couples in comics:
If they are written realistically then their marriages will end up in divorce or separation anyway. I'm sorry but I never bought the delusion that a spouse will tolerate their other half running off into battle and probably getting killed or maimed. Not alone that how could a spouse put up with being basically abandoned while their other goes off fighting crime and leaving them alone at nights?
So, why marry them or let it last if the marriage really isn't written realistically anyway? Right?
If they are written realistically then their marriages will end up in divorce or separation anyway. I'm sorry but I never bought the delusion that a spouse will tolerate their other half running off into battle and probably getting killed or maimed. Not alone that how could a spouse put up with being basically abandoned while their other goes off fighting crime and leaving them alone at nights?
Yeah, because marriages to soldiers and police officers - who are regularly leaving their loved ones to potentially go out into harms way and sometimes are away for extended periods of time - NEVER work out.
Sadly, I was at the Cup O' Joe Panel at WWE Philly a few years ago where he actually said this and more.
Here's what's even more pathetic. Some of the really good writers out there? Married. Happily.
As for DC Comics? And their DCN52? I'm okay with it. DC did what they felt they needed to do to stir the pot and try and bring in a new younger generation of readers to sell books. It's called smart and risk taking. So far it is working for them.
Kal-El and Lois will eventually get married again. Since it's all rebooted, I'm sure we'll see Ralph and Sue Dibney again. And, maybe Ray Palmer's marriage will not end in divorce this time.
Back to Marvel...
Ororo and T'Challa?
That was a contrived marriage because Marvel was under the delusion that black people have to marry other black people. Claremont always meant for Storm to be single because she was committed to the X-Men and had no time for another. The closest she would come to a relationship would be with Logan. And, that would be mostly platonic with some assumed booty between panels.
Hank Pym and the Wasp?
Marvel went this route with the spousal abuse to bring it to light in the public eye because during this timeframe in the real world it was a dark secret that wasn't openly discussed.
Here is a theory of mine why there are so few married couples in comics:
If they are written realistically then their marriages will end up in divorce or separation anyway. I'm sorry but I never bought the delusion that a spouse will tolerate their other half running off into battle and probably getting killed or maimed. Not alone that how could a spouse put up with being basically abandoned while their other goes off fighting crime and leaving them alone at nights?
So, why marry them or let it last if the marriage really isn't written realistically anyway? Right?
Not to be combative but I think there are thousands of soldiers, fire fighters, and police officers that beg to differ. I personally loved Perer and MJ together, not to mention Scott and Jean, Clark and Lois.