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I'm hoping that the Thunderbolts manage to stick around somehow. This is the last issue of the true Thunderbolts... I'll still read Red Hulk's team when it comes out, but it's really in name only...
I assume Hatut is a busy bee, so how about we get this thread started, hmm?
Thanks for picking up my slack!
I think I will be getting...
Batwoman #14
Blue Beetle #14
DCU Presents #14
Hellblazer #297
Justice League #14
Sword of Sorcery #2
Wonder Woman #14
Amazing Spider-Man #698
Captain America #1
Daredevil #20
Deadpool #2
Hawkeye #4
Indestructible Hulk #1
Wolverine and the X-Men #21
Other Fine Publishers
Baltimore: The Play (one-shot)
BPRD: 1948 #2
Dark Horse Presents #18
Bravest Warriors #2
The Spider #6 (I think this is the issue I am in - not sure yet)
X-O Manowar #7, if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.
Captain America #1
Daredevil #20
Iron Man #2
Hawkeye #4
Deadpool #2
Hulk #1
Journey Into Mystery #646
Uncanny X-Force #34
As usual, I'm most excited for The Goon and Daredevil. Deadpool had me laughing out loud in issue 1, so I'm sticking around and X-Force is definitely going out with a bang. Solid week.
I can't wait to pick up and read Spidey. I have been very good at not clicking on any headline that involves that issue. Thus far, I have avoided all spoilers., if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.
I can't wait to pick up and read Spidey. I have been very good at not clicking on any headline that involves that issue. Thus far, I have avoided all spoilers.
Likewise. Really want the morning (I'm West Coast) to pass so I can see what happens!
"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Wilde
Captain America has potential I think. It sounds like Remender wants to run a Flash Gordon sort of thing with Steve trapped in an alien place with an evil tyrant that needs over throw.
"Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad,
He's so bad, he mak'a me mad
Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad
He's a real cad, Un-fun Dad"